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Plantilla:Version nav

La versión 1.13, también conocida como Actualización Acuática[1], es una actualización de la Edición Java que fue liberada el 18 de julio de 2018. Se enfoca principalmente en el contenido oceánico y las características técnicas.[2][3] Esta actualización fue originalmente pensada para ser lanzada como dos actualizaciones separadas con 1.13, originalmente llamada Actualización Técnica, teniendo los cambios técnicos y la 1.14, originalmente llamada Actualización Acuática, tendría todas las características del océano.[1] La actualización se reveló originalmente durante la transmisión en vivo de MineCon Earth el 18 de noviembre de 2017.[4]

Inicialmente, la 1.13 estaba programada para ser lanzada el 30 de mayo de 2018. Sin embargo, el lanzamiento fue luego retrasado al 18 de julio de 2018 para corregir errores críticos.[5]

Elementos añadidos


Variantes de aire
  • cave_air y void_air.
    • Ambos tienen exactamente las mismas propiedades que air.
    • cave_air se genera en cuevas.
    • void_air se usa internamente para los bloques superiores (>255) e inferiores (<0) en el mundo, y en los chunks no cargados.
Hielo azul
Columna de burbujas
  • Creada por bloques de magma y arena de almas en el agua al menos a 2 bloques de profundidad.
    • Las columnas de bloque de magma tiran de las entidades hacia abajo: evitarán que los artículos floten en el agua y hundirán barcos.
    • Las columnas de arena del alma empujan a las entidades hacia arriba.
Botónes, placas de presión y trampillas
  • Ahora tienen texturas separadas para los 6 tipos de madera.
Calabaza tallada
  • Un nuevo bloque que tiene la vieja textura de la calabaza.
    • Los bloques normales de calabaza ya no tienen cara.
    • Al hacer clic con el botón derecho en un bloque de calabaza con cizallas se convertirá en una calabaza tallada y se soltarán 4 semillas de calabaza.
  • Se elabora con 1 unidad Corazón del mar y 8 caparazones de nautilos.
  • Se puede activar colocando prismarina, prismarina oscura, ladrillos de prismarina y/o linternas de mar en cuadrados abiertos de 5x5 a su alrededor.
    • Cuando esta activo,aplicará el efecto Efectos de estado a los jugadores cercanos que estén en agua.
      • Poder del Canalizador frenará la barra de respiración hasta que se acabe,da mejor visión bajo el agua y incrementa la velocidad de minería.
  • Una estructura completa dará el máximo poder al Canalizador.
    • Cuando esta activo con el poder máximo, el rango incrementará, además dañará a las criaturas hostiles en un rango de 8 si están en contacto con agua o lluvia.
      • El ojo del canalizador se mostrará solo mientras caza una criatura hostil o la observa cuando está fuera de rango,sino caza una criatura o no la ve no mostrará su ojo.
  • Emite un fuerte brillo,posee un nivel de luz de 15.
  • Tiene 5 distintas variantes, cada uno con un color distinto: tubo (azúl), Cerebral (rosa), burbuja (púpura), fuego (rojo), cuerno (amarillo).
  • Solo puede ser colocado debajo del agua
  • Se generan naturalmente en arrecifes de coral.
Bloque de Coral
  • Tiene 5 distintas variantes,como el coral: tubo (azúl), cerebral (rosa), burbuja (púrpura), fuego (rojo), cuerno (amarillo).
  • Se debe de minar con una herramienta con toque de seda para poder obtenerlo,sino en su lugar dará un bloque de coral muerto.
    • Cada variante tiene una forma distinta de coral muerto.
    • Se vuelve coral muerto si uno de sus seis lados no esta tocando agua,pero no al instante.
      • Los bloques de coral muerto no se pueden revivir.
  • Como el coral, se generan en arrecifes de coral.
Bloque de coral muerto
  • Tiene las mismas 5 variantes que el coral: Tubo (Azul),Cerebral (rosa),Burbuja (púrpura),Fuego (rojo),Cuerno (amarillo).
  • Se puede obtener rompiendo un bloque de coral sin el encantamiento toque de seda en una herramienta o que uno de los lados del bloque no esté tocando agua .
  • No se puede devolver a su estado anterior una vez muere.
Gorgonia muerta
  • Tiene las mismas 5 variantes que los otros tipos de corales..
  • Se generan en arrecifes de coral.
  • Solo se pueden conseguir mediante el encantamiento toque de seda en una herramienta.
Bloque de alga seca
  • Funde 20 objetos, cuando es usado como combustible.
  • Se fabrica con alga secas, se puede también deshacer para obtener alga seca.
  • Solo se puede colocar bajo el agua , debe tener un bloque de agua encima.
    • Se puede colocar en terreno seco con el comando/setblock.
  • Se genera en el bioma océano, excepto en océanos cálidos.
  • Puede crecer varios bloques hacia arriba.
  • Tiene texturas animadas.
  • Puede fundirse en algas marinas secas.
Escaleras y losas de prismarina
  • Ambos vienen en las 3 variantes: prismarina, prismarina oscura y ladrillos de prismarina.
  • Las escaleras se pueden confeccionar con 6 de sus respectivos materiales.
  • Las losas se pueden diseñar con 3 de sus respectivos materiales.
Hierba marina
  • Al igual que las algas, las hierba marina también vienen en una variante alta.
  • Tiene texturas animadas.
  • Se genera en los océanos (incluidas cuevas submarinas), ríos y pantanos.
  • También se puede generar cuando using polvo de hueso en cualquier bloque debajo del agua.
  • Las tortugas sueltan algas marinas cuando mueren.
Pepino de mar
  • Se generan en océanos cálidos, especialmente alrededor de arrecifes de coral.
  • Hasta 4 de ellos se pueden colocar en un bloque.
  • Cada uno agrega 3 al nivel de luz, pero solo cuando se coloca debajo del agua.
  • Puede cocinarse en tinte verde lima.
Caja de shulker
  • Se agregó una caja de shulker sin teñir.
Troncos sin corteza
  • Son variantes de todos los troncos pero sin corteza en todas las caras.
  • Se crea mediante click derecho con una hacha en un bloque con corteza.
  • Como los troncos normales,pueden ser utilizados para hacer madera.
Bloque de corteza
  • Son variantes de todos los troncos pero con corteza en todas las caras.
  • Se fabrica mediante 4 troncos del mismo tipo.
  • Como los troncos normales,pueden ser utilizados para hacer madera.
Huevo de tortuga
  • Se crean al procrear tortugas.
  • Pisar los huevos hará que se rompan.
    • Todas las variantes de zombi y hombrecerdo zombi romperán aposta los huevos de tortuga.
  • Después de un tiempo, se agrietarán un poco y luego se agrietarán mucho más.
    • Cuando estén muy agrietados , las crías de tortuga romperán el cascarón y nacerán después de un tiempo.


Flecha de caída lenta
  • Da a la entidad golpeada el efecto de estado de caída lenta.
Flecha del maestro tortuga
  • Da a la entidad golpeada los efectos de estado proporcionados por la poción del Maestro tortuga.
Bloque de corteza
  • Ahora ya tienen forma de objeto en el inventario y aparecen en el menú de creativo .
    • Tiene 6 variantes.
    • Se pueden fabricar con cuatro troncos del mismo tipo haciendo un cuadrado.
  • Ahora siguen reglas de colocación idénticas de troncos y otros bloques similares.
Mapa del tesoro
  • Encontrado en ruinas oceánicas y barcos hundidos.
  • Lleva al jugador a un cofre del tesoro.
Palo de depuración
  • Un elemento técnico utilizado para alternar entre diferentes estados de bloque.
    • El clic izquierdo cambia los estados; haciendo clic con el botón derecho cambio los valores. Usando Shift(mayús o agacharse) y click cambiará los estados o valores en orden inverso.
Alga seca
  • Es obtenido cocinando algas en un horno.
  • Puede ser usado como alimento, restaurando Plantilla:Hunger puntos de hambre.
  • Pueden usarse para crear bloque de algas secas.
Cubo con pez
  • Tienen 4 variantes: Cubo con Bacalao, salmón, pez globo y pez tropical.
  • Se obtiene al usar un cubo de agua con un pez .
  • Cuando lo usas,colocará en el lugar una fuente de agua y el respectivo pez.
Corazón del mar
  • Se usa para fabricar un canalizador.
  • Generan en cofres del tesoro enterrados (solamente 1).
  • Se puede usar para colocar una alga bajo el agua.
  • Se puede secar en un horno para crear algas secas.
Bloque de setas
  • Ahora aparecen en forma de objeto y en el inventario del modo de creativo.
Tallos de setas
  • Ahora aparecen en forma de objeto y en el inventario del modo de creativo.
Concha de nautilo
  • Usado para crear canalizador.
  • Los ahogados ahora pueden aparecer con una concha de nautilo.
Losa de roble petrificado
  • Ahora tienen un nuevo modelo.
  • Es la losa de madera petrificada que actúa como una losa de piedra.
Membrana de fantasma
  • Soltado por los fantasmas
  • Usado para reparar élitros.
  • Puede usarse para elaborar pociones de caída lenta.
Poción de caída lenta
  • Se elabora con una membrana de fantasma
  • Da al jugador el efecto de estado caída lenta por 1:30 segundos.
    • Previene cualquier daño por caída.
    • Hace que el jugador caiga más lento.
    • Evita que el jugador rompa los cultivos saltando(incluso al saltar sobre ellos).
  • Prepararlo con polvo de redstone extenderá la duración del efecto a 4 minutos.
  • Como todas las pociones, puede ser transformadas en arrojadizas o persistentes,usando pólvora y aliento de dragón.
Poción del maestro tortuga
  • Dará el efecto de lentitud IV y resistencia III durante un minuto.
  • Añadiéndole polvo de redstone extenderá el efecto de duración hasta 3 minutos.
  • Añadiéndole polvo de piedra luminosa aumentará los efectos a Lentitud VI y Resistencia IV .
  • Como todas las pociones, puede ser transformadas en arrojadizas o persistentes,usando pólvora y aliento de dragón.
Escama de tortuga
  • La sueltan las crías de tortuga al crecer.
  • Puede ser usado para crear un caparazón de tortuga.
Cuarzo liso, arenisca roja lisa, arenisca lisa y piedra lisa
  • Como el bloque de corteza,ahora tienen forma de objeto,el cual aparece también en el inventario del modo creativo.
Huevos generadores
  • Ahogado
    • Azul con lunares de color oliva.
  • Fantasma
    • Negro con lunares verdes.
  • Delfines
  • Azul marino con lunares de color gris claro.
  • Tortuga
    • Blanco con lunares de color cían.
  • Bacalao
    • Marrón con lunares marrones más oscuros.
  • Salmón
    • Rojo con lunares de azul oscuro.
  • Pez globo
    • Naranja con lunares azules.
  • Pez tropical
    • Naranja con lunares plateados.
  • Una nueva arma.
  • Que puede ser lanzada usandola , o puede ser usada como arma de cuerpo a cuerpo , haciendo Plantilla:Health de daño.
  • Obtenible como recompensa al matar ahogados.
Caparazón de tortuga
  • Fabricado con escamas de tortuga.
  • Puede ser usado como casco añadiendo 2 puntos de defensa.
    • Cuando es equipado fuera del agua dará al jugador el efecto de apnea durante 10 segundos,dando esencialmente 10 segundos extras de respiración bajo el agua.
  • Puede ser usado para elaborar una poción del maestro tortuga con una poción rara.


  • Aparece en cualquier océano que no esté congelado.
  • Criatura neutral, al igual que los lobos y hombrecerdos zombie, los delfines atacarán en grupos si uno fue atacado por el jugador.
  • Se puede alimentar con bacalao crudo, pero no se reproducen.
    • Suelta bacalao al morir.
  • Juega con objetos cercanos levantándolos y soltándolos después de un momento muy breve.
  • De vez en cuando salta fuera del agua como los delfines de la vida real.
    • También puede saltar entre superficies de agua desconectadas.
  • Persigue a los barcos y salta sobre las superficies de agua.
  • Se ahogan después de pasar demasiado tiempo en tierra.
  • Si comienzan a ahogarse, nadarán a la superficie.
  • Le otorga al jugador el efecto de estado Dolphin's Grace cuando el jugador nada cerca de ellos.
  • Pueden ayudar a los jugadores a encontrar tesoros enterrados; cuando se les alimenta con bacalao crudo, nadarán al naufragio más cercano o ruinas subacuáticas.
  • Aparecen en todos los océanos y ríos, así como en ruinas submarinas.
  • Los Zombies se transformarán en ahogados después de un tiempo si están en el agua.
  • Un ahogado puede aparecer con un tridente y con conchas de nautilus, lo que te permite sobrevivir.
  • No flota, pero puede nadar (aunque prefiera caminar).
  • Todos los ahogados tienen un ataque cuerpo a cuerpo, y los que tienen tridentes tienen un ataque a distancia.
  • Como los zombis, los ahogados atacarán al bebé tortuga y destruirán los huevos de tortuga.
Peces en criatura
  • Bacalao
    • Aparecen en biomas oceánicos fríos, normales y tibios.
    • Forman grupos de hasta 9 individuos.
  • Salmón
    • Aparecen en el océano congelado, el océano frío y los biomas del río.
    • Forman grupos de hasta 6 individuos.
  • Pez globo
    • Aparecen en biomas oceánicos cálidos y tibios.
    • Cuando un jugador se acerca a uno, éste se inflará.
    • Causará 7 segundos de Veneno a los jugadores cercanos.
  • Peces tropicales
    • Aparecen en biomas oceánicos cálidos y tibios.
    • Van en 14 colores y patrones diferentes.
  • Fuera del agua, se desploman antes de asfixiarse.
    • Se acercarán lentamente hacia una superficie de agua.
  • Pueden ser atrapados con un balde de agua.
Phantoms (Mob B)
  • Was voted in by viewers of MineCon Earth.[4]
  • Spawn in the Overworld at high altitudes, and swoops down in groups of around 3 or 4 to attack players that have not slept in a while.[4]
  • The player must be above sea level.
  • Are considered to be undead mobs.
    • This means that they are harmed by Healing potions, healed by Harming potions, ignored by the Wither, and affected by Smite enchantment.
    • Will burn when exposed to sunlight.
  • Drop 0-1 phantom membrane.
  • Water mobs which will make nests comprised of eggs on shorelines throughout various biomes.
  • Have a baby variant, which hatch from the eggs, and move into the water when born.
  • Can be bred using seagrass.
  • Spawn on warm beaches (in plains, jungles, swamps, deserts, mesas and savannahs), in groups of 1-5. This is temporary.
  • Lay eggs in their home beach.
  • Drop 0-2 sea grass upon death.
    • Drop 0-1 bowl when killed with a trident enchanted with Channeling.
  • You can craft scutes into a bigger turtle shell.

Generación de mundo

  • Added minecraft:sky_island_low (Small End Islands), minecraft:sky_island_medium (End Midlands), minecraft:sky_island_high (End Highlands), and minecraft:sky_island_barren (End Barrens).
    • All 4 generate in different parts of the outer islands of the End, which previously just used the "The End" biome.
  • Added minecraft:warm_ocean (Warm Ocean), minecraft:lukewarm_ocean (Lukewarm Ocean), minecraft:cold_ocean (Cold Ocean), minecraft:warm_deep_ocean (Deep Warm Ocean), minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean (Deep Lukewarm Ocean), minecraft:deep_cold_ocean (Deep Cold Ocean), and minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean (Deep Frozen Ocean), although warm deep oceans don't naturally generate.
  • minecraft:frozen_ocean (Frozen Ocean) now generates again.
  • New world type: can be created by selecting Buffet World as a world type.
  • Creates single-biome worlds.
  • Another way to generate chunks is available.
  • Allows choosing between Overworld (as "Surface"), Nether (as "Caves") and End (as "Floating islands") terrain generation.
Buried treasure
  • A new structure that consists of a buried chest with loot in it.
  • Has its own buried_treasure loot table.
  • Maps found in underwater ruins can lead you to them.
Coral reefs
  • Naturally generate in warm ocean biomes.
  • Are composed of coral, coral blocks and coral fans.
  • Generate on frozen oceans.
  • Can be found in oceans and beaches.
  • Contain 1–3 loot chests containing different types of loot depending on the ship.
  • Can generate upright, sideways or upside down.
Underwater caves
  • Come in many variants, including ravines.
    • Underwater ravines will often contain magma blocks at the bottom, which will create bubble columns.
Underwater ruins
  • Come in many different shapes and sizes.
  • Cold ruins can be found in cold and frozen ocean biomes - regardless of depth.
  • Warm ruins can be found in warm, lukewarm, and deep lukewarm ocean biomes.
  • Can generate alone or as part of a big ruined village.
  • Can also generate out of the water, slightly underground or slightly above sea level.


  • Canalizar
    • Solo tiene un nivel.
    • Usado en el tridente para poder invocar rayos en las tormentas al golpear criaturas.
      • Requiere una criatura que tenga acceso al cielo sin ningún obstáculo y en un bioma que este lloviendo.
  • Empalar
    • Puede llegar hasta el nivel V.
    • Usado en el tridente para hacer más daño a las criaturas del océano.
  • Lealtad
    • Puede llegar hasta el nivel III.
    • Usado en los tridentes para hacer que vuelvan tras lanzarlo.
  • Propulsión Acuática
    • Puede llegar hasta el nivel III.
    • No es compatible con canalizar ni lealtad.
    • Usado en los tridentes para lanzar al jugador mientras este lloviendo o en el agua.Este encantamiento evita lanzar el tridente,pero te lanza a ti hacía donde mires.
    • Si el jugador no esta en agua y lloviendo,el jugador no puede lanzar un tridente con el encantamiento propulsión acuática,pero puede seguir haciendo daño físico.
    • El jugador muestra una animación al usar dicho encantamiento girando mientras embistes.
Marcadores de mapas
  • Añadida la habilidad de poner marcadores en el mapa
    • Haciendo click derecho en un estandarte con el mapa ,lo añadirá en él.
    • Click derecho en el estandarte de nuevo para removerlo.
    • El mapa mostrará el color base de la estandarte en el mismo punto.
    • Las estandarte nombradas mostrarán su respectivo nombre en el mapa.
    • Si un estandarte es destruido,desaparecerá del mapa cuando te acerques a su posición manteniendo el mapa.
    • Usada la nueva etiqueta de los estandartes para los mapas
  • When sprinting while in water, the player will now swim on the surface.
    • Much faster than walking/running in water before.
    • Pressing shift causes the player to rapidly dive down.
    • Sprinting at the surface of water doesn't make you swim, instead you stay at the same altitude constantly.
    • The players hitbox is only as large as 0.6×0.6 blocks (same as while flying with an elytra) while swimming.
    • Vertically and horizontally, the player can fit through a one block gap like this.

Formato de Comandos

  • Added a command UI that shows when commands are typed in the chat.
    • Different components of commands will be displayed in different colors.
    • Errors will be displayed in red without having to run the command.
  • Added command suggestions for entity selectors.
  • An nbt argument in target selectors.
  • A new command parsing library known as brigadier.
  • Added a new local coordinate type in commands using ^.
    • When specifying coordinates in a command, you can now use ^ to specify local coordinates instead of world coordinates.
    • The axes used for local coordinates are relative to the execution rotation, defaulting to 0,0 (south).
    • Like world coordinates, they are by default measured from the base of an entity.
    • The syntax is: ^left ^up ^forwards.
    • left/up/forwards is the amount of blocks in the specified direction.
Specific commands
  • A command that allows the player to get, merge, and remove entity and block nbt data.
  • /data get block <pos> [<path>] [<scale>]
    • Will return the NBT data from the block at pos. A path can be specified to only retrieve that nbt data. Numeric values will be set as the result of the command, strings will set the length of the string as the result, lists will set the number of elements in the list as the result, and compounds will set the number of tags that are directly in that compound as the result. An optional scale can be provided to scale the number retrieved.
  • /data get entity <target> [<path>] [<scale>]
    • Will return the NBT data from one target entity. A path can be specified to only retrieve that nbt data. Numeric values will be set as the result of the command, strings will set the length of the string as the result, lists will set the number of elements in the list as the result, and compounds will set the number of tags that are directly in that compound as the result. An optional scale can be provided to scale the number retrieved.
  • /data merge block <pos> <nbt>
    • Will merge the block nbt data at pos with the specified nbt data.
  • /data merge entity <target> <nbt>
    • Will merge the entity nbt data from target with the specified nbt data. Merging player nbt data is not allowed.
  • /data remove block <pos> <path>
    • Will remove nbt data at path from the block at pos.
  • /data remove entity <target> <path>
    • Will remove nbt data at path from one target entity. Removing player nbt data is not allowed.
  • Data paths look like this: foo.bar[0]."A [crazy name]".baz.
    • foo.bar means foo's child called bar.
    • bar[0] means element 0 of bar.
    • "quoted strings" may be used if a name of a key needs to be escaped.
  • Examples of old commands:
    • /entitydata <target> {} is now /data get entity <target>
    • /blockdata <pos> <nbt> is now /data merge block <pos> <nbt>
  • Examples of new functionalities:
    • /data get entity @e[type=pig,limit=1] Saddle 2
    • /data remove block 17 45 34 Items
  • A command to control loaded data packs.
  • Has the following subcommands:
    • enable <name> - will enable the specific pack.
    • disable <name> - will disable the specific pack.
    • list [available|enabled] - will list all data packs, or only the available/enabled ones.
  • Data packs are enabled by default, but if you disable it you can re-enable it with these commands:
    • enable <name> - will enable the specific pack, putting it in its default position.
    • enable <name> first - will enable the specific pack, putting it before any other pack (lowest priority).
    • enable <name> last - will enable the specific pack, putting it after any other pack (highest priority).
    • enable <name> before <existing> - will enable the specific pack, putting it before (lower priority) <existing> pack.
    • enable <name> after <existing> - will enable the specific pack, putting it after (higher priority) <existing> pack.
  • /bossbar create <id> <name> will create a boss bar.
    • id is used to target the boss bar and is in the form namespace:name, for example: foo:bar. If no namespace is specified it defaults to minecraft.
    • name is the display name of the boss bar and only accepts a JSON text component.
  • /bossbar set <id> name <name> will change the name of the boss bar.
  • /bossbar set <id> color <color> will change the color of the text (if no color was specified as part of a text component) and the boss bar, defaults to white.
  • /bossbar set <id> style <style> will change the style of the boss bar, defaults to progress.
    • Available options are: notched_6, notched_10, notched_12, notched_20, and progress.
    • notched will set the amount of segments.
    • progress will set the amount of segments to 1.
  • /bossbar set <id> value <value> will change the current value of the boss bar, defaults to 0.
  • /bossbar set <id> max <max> will change the maximum value of the boss bar, defaults to 100.
  • /bossbar set <id> visible <visible> will change the visibility of the boss bar, defaults to true.
  • /bossbar set <id> players <players> will change which players can see the boss bar, defaults to none.
  • /bossbar remove <id> will remove the boss bar.
  • /bossbar list will display a list of created boss bars.
  • /bossbar get <id> (max|players|value|visible) will return the requested setting as a result of the command.
  • Added a clickable teleport link to the command output.
  • Added facing.
    • /teleport [<targets>] (<location>|<destination>) facing (<facingEntity>|<facingLocation>)
    • Will rotate an entity to face either an entity or a location.
  • Added noon and midnight to /time set.


  • Added 4 new advancements.
    • Fishy Business: Catch a fish.
    • Tactical fishing: Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!
    • A Throwaway Joke: Throw a trident at something.
    • Very Very Frightening: Strike a Villager with lightning.
  • Added three new advancement triggers.
    • Plantilla:Code triggers when a player reels in an item or entity.
    • Plantilla:Code triggers when a player uses the channeling enchantment to strike a mob.
    • Plantilla:Code triggers when a player fills a bucket.
Data packs
  • Like resource packs, but for loot tables, advancements, functions, structures, recipes and tags.
    • Used by placing them into the datapacks folder of a world.
  • Data packs are .zip files or folders, with a pack.mcmeta in the root. See: Tutorials/Creating a resource pack#pack.mcmeta. The packs are located in (world)/datapacks/.
  • Structures will load from (world)/generated/structures/(namespace)/(file).nbt before checking data packs.
    • However, this directory should not be used to distribute structures. Instead, move these files into data packs.
  • Reloadable using /reload.
  • Structure: pack.mcmeta, data folder containing a namespace folder determining the namespace of its contents.
    • A namespace should only contain the following symbols: Plantilla:Code
    • Inside the namespace folder, there can be folders for functions, loot_tables, advancements, structures, recipes and tags.
Death Messages
  • Added a death message for when the player is blown up by a bed in the nether or end.
    • <player> was killed by [Intentional Game Design]
      • Clicking on "[Intentional Game Design]" opens a link to Plantilla:Bug.
  • Added a death message for when a mob/player pushes someone into the void or when someone uses /kill after being attacked by a mob/player.
    • <player> didn't want to live in the same world as <killer>
  • Added a death message for when the player is killed by somebody using a trident.
    • <player> was impaled by <killer>
Debug screen
  • Plantilla:Keys will now copy your current location to clipboard.
    • Now gives a warning before forcing a debug crash.
  • F3 debug overlay now shows the fluid you're looking at, separately from blocks.
    • Player can be up to twenty blocks away for this to work now.
Loot tables
  • Added the set_name function to loot tables.
NBT tags
  • Added the TreasurePosX, TreasurePosY, TreasurePosZ, GotFish, and CanFindTreasure NBT tags for dolphins.
  • Added the AX, AY, AZ, and Size NBT tags for phantoms.
  • Added the HomePosX, HomePosY, HomePosZ, TravelPosX, TravelPosY, TravelPosZ, and HasEgg NBT tags for turtles.
  • FS (Fullscreen) Resolution to change the resolution.
  • An option in chat settings to toggle automatic command suggestions (defaults on, otherwise hit tab to bring them up).
  • Options when editing a world to make a backup and open the backups folder.
  • Added Biome Blend distance video option.
  • New option in options.txt: mouseWheelSensitivity
    • Defaults to 1.0
    • Affects hotbar scroll speed
  • Added the minecraft:bubble_column_up, minecraft:bubble_pop, minecraft:current_down, and minecraft:squid_ink particles.
  • Added a new sound effect of squids shooting ink.
  • Added sound for Husks converting to Zombies
  • Added underwater ambience sounds.
  • New ambience sound: Cave19.ogg.
  • Added "All rumors are true!"
  • Added "Thanks for the fish!"
  • Added the time_since_rest statistic.
    • Used by phantoms.
    • Reset when the player leaves their bed, and when the player dies.
Status effects
  • Added Conduit Power status effect.
    • Gives the player unlimited water breathing.
    • Gives the player underwater night vision effect.
    • Gives the player a haste effect (allowing them to mine faster underwater).
  • Added Dolphin's Grace status effect.
    • Makes the player swim faster.
    • Acquired by swimming near dolphins.
  • Added Slow Falling status effect.
    • Causes the player to descend at a much slower rate, and not take any damage when hitting the ground.
    • This allows the player to jump further than normal.
      • If the player is sprinting while under the Slow Falling status effect, they will be able to jump across a gap of over 512 blocks, compared to 4 with normal sprinting.
    • Crops will not get destroyed if the player lands on them with the Slow Falling status effect.
    • Higher levels do not change the rate of descent.
  • Items, blocks and functions can be "tagged" with an ID.
    • Block tags can be used when testing for blocks in the world.
    • Items tags can be used when testing for items in inventories.
    • Function tags can be used when calling functions using commands or advancements.
      • Functions tagged in minecraft:tick will run every tick at the beginning of the tick.
      • Functions tagged in minecraft:load will run once after a (re)load.
  • Tags are created using data packs in data/(namespace)/tags/blocks, data/(namespace)/tags/items, and data/(namespace)/tags/functions.
    • When overriding a tag from a different data pack, you can choose to replace or append.
      • By default all tags append if another data pack created the tag.
      • Adding "replace": true to your tag definition will make the tag overwrite instead.
    • For example: data/(namespace)/tags/blocks/foo.json
    • This will create a block tag called (namespace):foo.
    • The json file contains a list of all blocks that should be "tagged".
      • This list can also contain other tags of the same type.
        • You can add for example #foo:bar in a tag value list to reference another tag called foo:bar.
        • Self referencing is not possible.
  • There are 24 vanilla tags for both items and blocks: minecraft:acacia_logs, minecraft:banners, minecraft:birch_logs, minecraft:buttons, minecraft:carpets, minecraft:coral, minecraft:coral_plants, minecraft:dark_oak_logs, minecraft:doors, minecraft:jungle_logs, minecraft:logs, minecraft:oak_logs, minecraft:planks, minecraft:rails, minecraft:sand, minecraft:saplings, minecraft:spruce_logs, minecraft:stone_bricks, minecraft:wooden_buttons, minecraft:wooden_doors, minecraft:wooden_pressure_plates, minecraft:wooden_slabs, minecraft:wooden_stairs, and minecraft:wool.
  • There are 5 extra vanilla tags for blocks: minecraft:anvil, minecraft:enderman_holdable, minecraft:flower_pots, minecraft:slabs, and minecraft:stairs.
  • There is 1 extra vanilla tag for items: minecraft:boats.
  • Separated some of the logic for blocks and fluids[6].
    • Current fluids:
      • minecraft:empty
      • minecraft:flowing_water
      • minecraft:water
      • minecraft:flowing_lava
      • minecraft:lava
    • The fluid at a location is currently dependent on the block at the location; currently there still are water and lava blocks.
    • Added two new fluid tags: minecraft:lava and minecraft:water.
    • This system is mostly internal; it cannot be directly interacted with yet.
  • Advancement item predicates now support item tags.
Water physics
  • Water can now be placed in the following blocks: chests, trapped chests, stairs, slabs, fences, walls, iron bars, glass panes, ender chests, trapdoors, ladders, and signs.
    • Water can flow out of these blocks, but can not flow into them.
    • When full of water, they will count as water blocks for all gameplay (such as swimming).
    • Water will flow out of all faces of the block except for solid faces.
  • Removed the blocks flowing_water and flowing_lava.
  • All of the blocks that water can be placed in now have the block state waterlogged.
  • Blocks such as bubble column or kelp will always count as a water source.
  • When water spreads and would later turn into a source block, it now immediately just places a source block.
  • New valid_spawn block tag for blocks that the player can spawn on.
  • There is now a distinction between scheduled "liquid ticks" and "block ticks".



  • The upper limit of the block ID has dissappeared.
  • Blocks which used to have no bottom texture (like repeaters, comparators, etc.) now have a bottom texture, not including redstone wire.
  • Blocks with a collision box now have matching bounding boxes.
    • Affected: anvils, cauldrons, hoppers, fences, iron bars, glass panes, filled end portal frames, vines, lily pads, stairs, brewing stands, and pistons.
    • Updated the collision box of anvils and hoppers.
    • Does not affect blocks with a collision box smaller than their model, such as soul sand and snow layers.
  • Added new sounds.
  • Beds now require a block below it as a support. Previously this was only required when placing the bed and the block could be destroyed afterwards without the bed being destroyed.
Chests and trapped chests
  • They can be put directly next to their double variants instead of requiring one block between them.
    • Shift right-clicking a chest or trapped chest will only make it try to connect to the clicked chest or trapped chest if possible, else it’ll become a single chest or trapped chest.
  • Crafting no longer requires a fully repaired bow.[7]
Fence gates
  • Placing them no longer requires a block below them.
  • Naturally-generated leaves now survive at a distance of up to 6 blocks from logs, instead of 4.
    • The block state for leaves changed from a check_decay and decayable Booleans to distance (ranging from 1 to 7) and a persistent Boolean.
  • Flicking a lever on now displays redstone particles.
Magma blocks
  • Now generate at the bottom of ocean ravines, creating downward bubble columns.
Monster eggs
  • They will now break instantly, no matter the tool.
    • When broken with Silk Touch, the non-infested counterpart of the block will drop.
Packed ice
  • Now can be crafted from 9 ice.[8]
  • Placing them no longer requires a block below them.
Shulker Boxes
  • Changed the purple shulker box to the new purple color.
  • Dyed shulker boxes can now be undyed in a cauldron.
    • Use a shulker box on a filled cauldron.
    • The water level in the cauldron will decrease by 1.
  • Removed the TNT explode block state (explode on punch).[9]
  • Multiple vines facing different directions, including on the bottom of blocks, can now be placed in the same block space.
  • Has new colors.
  • Now only blocks 1 light per block, instead of 3.
    • This only affects newly placed water (for now).


Carrot on a stick
  • Can now be crafted with a fishing rod that does not have full durability.[7]
  • Now require phantom membrane to be repaired instead of leather.
  • Item textures changed.
Fishing Rods
  • Now make sounds when reeled back in.
Iron horse armor
  • Changed the texture when equipped.


  • Zombies, skeletons, ocelots and wolves will naturally attack baby turtles, and zombies and zombie pigmen will seek out and trample turtle eggs.
  • Undead mobs will now sink in water.
  • The model has been changed to be more consistent with other mobs.[10]
  • Some animations like opening its mouth when grazing have been removed from the model as well.
  • Husks now become a zombie instead of dying from drowning.
Skeleton horse
  • Are now rideable underwater.
  • Squids now shoot ink in response to being attacked.
Zombie horse
  • Updated model to fix serious Z-fighting.
  • Zombies now become a drowned instead of dying from drowning.
  • Baby zombies now burn in sunlight.[11]


  • Items and experience orbs will now float up in water.
  • Changed the name of several entities:
Old Name New Name
Block of TNT Primed TNT
Bolt of Lightning Lightning Bolt
Ender Crystal End Crystal
Fishing bobbers
  • Bobbers created by fishing rods have been given an entity ID, fishing_bobber.
    • This ID can only be used for testing, summoning is not possible.
Item frames
  • Item frames can now be put on floors and ceilings.
  • Paintings now use a namespaced ID for their motive.

Generación de mundo

  • Rewrote the world generation system.
  • In the Nether, vertical air cavities — stretching from bedrock level to as far as Y=35, and filled with lava from bedrock level to Y=10 – now occur in chains across the bottom of the Nether, often forming extensive ravines.
  • In newly generated chunks, you're less likely to find frozen oceans next to warm oceans, etc.
  • The Plantilla:Keys menu now shows the biome ID, rather than its name.
  • Biome names are now translatable.
  • Updated some biome names:
Customized world type
  • Removed.
Superflat customization
  • Preset strings no longer use a version number.
  • Large spruce trees now transform nearby grass blocks into podzol when they grow.
Witch Huts
  • Now generate with a mushroom in the flower pot.
    • Previously, the flower pot was completely empty.


Oxygen bar
  • The player's oxygen bar no longer regenerates instantly when they get out of water.
  • Players in creative mode can now sleep even if monsters are nearby.
  • Changed natural water visibility.
    • The longer a player stays underwater, the better they will be able to see.
    • Water is darker at lower depths.
    • The Water Breathing potion & Respiration enchantment no longer grant enhanced vision underwater.
    • Every ocean biome has a unique water color, and the swamp water color has been changed.
    • Visibility changes per biome.

Formato de comandos

  • Commands and functions are much faster and more efficient.
  • Most commands are now more case-sensitive. Lowercase is preferable wherever possible.
    • For example, this is no longer allowed: /scoreboard ObJeCtIvEs ...
  • The output signal of a command block used to be its "success count", but now is its "result".
  • Server commands (functions, console, rcon) now run from world spawn in the overworld, instead of at 0,0,0.
  • Errors during a command are now a nicer error message (with a tool tip for more info).
  • Added commands to the profiler (/debug).
  • Whitespaces are now allowed in entity selectors & blockstate arguments.
Command UI
  • A new prototype for the command UI.
  • Functions are now completely parsed and cached on load.
    • This means if a command is incorrect for any reason, the player will know about it on load.
  • The ench NBT tag of items is now called Enchantments, and no longer has number IDs in each compound.
  • Thrower and Owner nbt keys of item entities are no longer strings but are instead compounds with two longs named L and M.
  • owner nbt keys of snowballs, eggs and ender pearls are no longer strings but are instead compounds with two longs named L and M.
  • Changed all custom names (blocks, items, entities, block entities) from raw strings to JSON text components (which can be translated).
    • For example, /summon pig ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"Reuben"} is now /summon pig ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"\"Reuben\""} or /summon pig ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"{\"text\":\"Reuben\"}"}
Specific Commands
  • Removed /advancement test in favor of entity selectors.
  • Removed in favor of /data.
  • The syntax of /clear has changed.
    • /clear [<target>] [<item>] [<data>] [<count>] [<nbt>] is now /clear [<target>] [<item>] [<count>]
    • See the item argument type for more details.
  • The syntax of /clone has been changed.
    • /clone <begin> <end> <destination> filtered [force|move|normal] [<block>] [<data>] is now /clone <begin> <end> <destination> filtered [<block>] [force|move|normal]
    • /clone <begin> <end> <destination> [replace|masked] [force|move|normal] [<block>] [<data>] is now /clone <begin> <end> <destination> [replace|masked] [force|move|normal]
/defaultgamemode and /gamemode
  • Now only accept string IDs, not shorthand or numeric.
    • /gamemode 2 is now /gamemode adventure
    • /defaultgamemode sp is now /defaultgamemode spectator
  • /difficulty [<value>] now only accepts string IDs, not shorthand or numeric.
    • /difficulty 2 is now /difficulty normal
    • /difficulty p is now /difficulty peaceful
  • You can now query for the current difficulty by using /difficulty without any arguments.
  • The syntax of /effect has been split off, to avoid ambiguity.
    • /effect <entity> <effect> is now /effect give <entity> <effect>
    • /effect <entity> clear is now /effect clear <entity> [<effect>]
  • Giving an effect will now fail if it didn't actually do anything.
    • Some mobs are immune (for example the ender dragon).
    • Stronger existing effects prevent new weaker ones.
  • Removed in favor of /data.
  • The syntax of /execute has been split off.
    • Modifier sub-commands can change how the command is run:
      • /execute as <entity> <chained command> executes a command using the entity <entity> (but doesn't change position).
      • /execute at <entity> <chained command> executes a command using the position, rotation, and dimension of the <entity> (but doesn't change entity).
      • /execute positioned <pos> <chained command> executes a command using the position of <pos>.
      • /execute positioned as <entity> <chained command> executes a command using the position (x y z) of the entity but nothing else.
      • /execute align <axes> <chained command> executes a command after aligning the current position to the block grid (rounding down), <axes> is any combination of x y and z (for example: x,xz,zyx and yz).
        • Examples:
          • x=-1.8,y=2.3,z=5.9 using x will become x=-2,y=2.3,z=5.9
          • x=2.4,y=-1.1,z=3.8 using yxz will become x=2,y=-2,z=3
      • /execute facing <x y z> <chained command> executes a command as though the executor is facing x y z.
      • /execute facing entity <entity> (eyes|feet) <chained command> executes a command as though the executor is facing the entity's eyes or feet.
      • /execute rotated as <entity> <chained command> executes a command as though the executor is rotated in the direction of the entity.
      • /execute rotated <y x> <chained command> will run the command as though the executor is rotated in the specified direction.
      • /execute in (overworld|the_end|the_nether) <chained command> executes a command as though the executor is in the specified dimension.
      • /execute anchored (feet|eyes) <chained command> will make the rest of this command use feet or eyes for ^ ^ ^ coordinates or facing commands.
    • Conditional sub-commands can let you prevent the command from running at all:
      • /execute (if|unless) block <pos> <block> <chained command> executes a command if (or unless) <pos> matches <block>.
      • /execute (if|unless) blocks <begin> <end> <destination> (all|masked) <chained command> executes a command if (or unless) the region between <begin> and <end> matches <destination>.
      • /execute (if|unless) entity <entity> <chained command> executes a command if (or unless) <entity> exists (returns 1 or more entities).
      • /execute (if|unless) score <target> <targetObjective> (<|<=|=|>=|>) <source> <sourceObjective> <chained command> executes a command if (or unless) <target>'s score relates to <source>'s score based on the chosen criterium.
      • /execute (if|unless) score <target> <objective> matches <range> <chained command> executes a command if (or unless) <target>'s score is in the range (ie 1, 1..5).
    • As replacement for /stats, a new sub-command store lets you store the result or success of a command somewhere:
      • result is the result of a command, which replaces these old stats: AffectedBlocks, AffectedEntities, AffectedItems, QueryResult.
      • success is how many times the command was successful. This is usually 0 or 1, but if the command split up (for example as @a) then it may be more than 1. This replaces SuccessCount.
      • The value will be stored when the full command has finished executing.
      • If a command isn't successful (success is 0), result will always be set to 0.
      • It will be made clear what the expected result of each command is.
      • /execute store (result|success) score <name> <objective> <chained command>
        • The value is stored into the scoreboard under <name> and <objective>.
        • The objective must exist, but unlike with /stats you don't need to set an initial value for <name>.
      • /execute store (result|success) block <pos> <path> (byte|double|float|int|long|short) <scale> <chained command>
        • The value is stored in the nbt data at path of the block at pos as a byte, double, float, int, long, or short.
      • /execute store (result|success) entity <target> <path> (byte|double|float|int|long|short) <scale> <chained command>
        • The value is stored in the nbt data at path of one target entity as a byte, double, float, int, long, or short.
        • Like /data, /execute store can't modify player nbt. Nbt inside the tag key of items in the player's Inventory or EnderItems is an exception and can be modified by /execute store[12].
      • /execute store (result|success) bossbar <id> (value|max) <chained command>
        • The value is stored in the value or max setting of the boss bar with ID id.
      • Data paths look like this: foo.bar[0]."A [crazy name]".baz.
        • foo.bar means foo's child called bar.
        • bar[0] means element 0 of bar.
        • "quoted strings" may be used if a name of a key needs to be escaped.
      • Examples:
        • /execute store success score @a foo run say hi
        • /execute as @e[type=pig] at @s store success entity @s Saddle byte 1 if entity @p[distance=..5]
    • You can chain all sub-commands together.
      • After every sub-command you need to write another sub-command.
      • When you're done with chaining sub-commands, run lets you write the actual command to be executed.
        • / is no longer allowed before the command.
      • /execute as somebody at somebody run say hi
    • Example of old commands:
      • /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~ ~ stone 0 say Stone! is now /execute as @e at @s if block ~ ~ ~ stone run say Stone!
      • /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~ ~ grass 0 summon pig is now /execute at @e if block ~ ~ ~ grass_block run summon pig
      • /execute @e ~ ~ ~ say Hello! is now /execute as @e run say Hello!
  • /xp is now an alias for /experience.
  • Split up into 3 different subcommands:
    • /experience add <players> <amount> [points|levels]
      • Adds <amount> of either points or levels to the target <players> (defaults to points).
      • Adding points can cause players to level up, as usual.
      • Negative numbers are supported, to subtract points instead.
      • Subtracting points can cause players to level down.
    • /experience set <players> <amount> [points|levels]
      • Sets <amount> of either points or levels on the target <players> (defaults to points).
      • You cannot set more points than their current level allows.
      • When changing levels, the points will stay at the same percentage as the previous level.
    • /experience query <player> (points|levels)
      • Returns either the number of points or levels on the given <player>.
  • The syntax of /fill has been changed.
    • /fill <begin> <end> <block> <data> replace [<replaceBlock>] [<replaceData>] is now /fill <begin> <end> <block> replace [<filter>]
    • /fill <begin> <end> <block> [<data>] [destroy|hollow|keep|outline|replace] [<nbt>] is now /fill <begin> <end> <block> [destroy|hollow|keep|outline|replace]
  • /function no longer accepts [if|unless] <entity> arguments.
    • This has been moved into /execute.
    • /function foo if @e is now /execute if entity @e run function foo
  • /gamerule no longer accepts unknown rules ("custom gamerules").
    • You can use functions or scoreboards as replacements, with no loss of functionality.
    • Existing custom gamerules will just not be accessible. Only built-in rules will be available.
  • Values to /gamerule are now type checked (giving a string if it wants an int is a very obvious error).
  • Removed the gameLoopFunction gamerule in favor of functions tagged in minecraft:tick.
  • The syntax of /give has changed.
    • /give <players> <item> [<count>] [<data>] [<nbt>] is now /give <players> <item> [<count>]
    • See the item argument type for more details.
  • A target is now mandatory.
  • Can now be used in singleplayer.
  • The y-coordinate is now returned as ~ instead of ?.
  • The result of the command, used by /execute store, will be the absolute distance to the structure.
  • Now accepts different structure names for all structures previously grouped under Temple: Desert_Pyramid, Igloo, Jungle_Pyramid, and Swamp_Hut.
  • Now allows target selectors besides names.
  • The <params> argument has been removed, instead the parameters for particles like block can be specified right after the <name> argument using the new block argument.
    • /particle block polished_granite ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 1
    • /particle dust 1 1 1 1 ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 1
      • 1 1 1 1 are, in order, the three RGB color values (0-1) and the size of the particle.
  • /particle <name> <pos> is now a valid shortcut. delta, speed, and count will default to 0.
  • Will
Esta página ha sido etiquetada como pendiente de borrado por petición de un usuario [borrar] [discutir, enlaces]
Esto puede ser debido a una violación de las normas o bien por petición del autor.

auto-complete custom sound events.

  • The syntax of /replaceitem has changed.
    • /replaceitem block <pos> <slot> <item> [<count>] [<data>] [<nbt>] is now /replaceitem block <pos> <slot> <item> [<count>]
    • /replaceitem entity <target> <slot> <item> [<count>] [<data>] [<nbt>] is now /replaceitem entity <target> <slot> <item> [<count>]
    • See the item argument type for more details.
  • The slot argument no longer requires slot.
    • For example, slot.hotbar.1 now is hotbar.1
  • /scoreboard had [<dataTag>] removed from its commands in favor of the nbt argument in entity selectors.
  • /scoreboard players tag and /scoreboard teams removed. Replaced by /tag and /team respectively.
  • /scoreboard players test removed in favor of /execute (if|unless) score, entity selectors and /scoreboard players get <target> <objective>
  • The output can now be copied.
  • The syntax of /setblock has changed.
    • /setblock <pos> <block> [<data>] [<mode>] [<nbt>] is now /setblock <pos> <block> [<mode>]
    • See the block argument type for more details.
  • Removed. Now part of /execute.
  • The new /execute one isn't a direct replacement, the behavior has changed:
    • It's now per-command, instead of per-entity or per-block.
    • There's only result and success, which covers all the old stat types.
  • * can now be used instead of source to stop all sounds with a certain name, across all sources.
  • Replaces /scoreboard players tag.
  • Keeps the same syntax.
    • /tag <players> add <tag> to add <tag> to <players>.
    • /tag <players> remove <tag> to remove <tag> from <players>.
    • /tag <players> list to list all tags on players.
  • Replaces /scoreboard teams.
  • Keeps the same syntax.
    • /team add <team> [<displayname>]
    • /team empty <team>
    • /team join <team> [<members>]
    • /team leave [<members>]
    • /team list [<team>]
    • /team option <team> <option> <value>
  • Teams can now have a prefix and a suffix.
    • Plantilla:Command
    • Plantilla:Command
/testfor, /testforblock and /testforblocks
  • Removed. It was always used to stop the rain, but rain usually quickly returned.
  • Use /weather.
/tp and /teleport
  • /tp is now an alias of /teleport (much like /w, /msg and /tell).
  • /teleport has been simplified a bit, to avoid ambiguity.
    • /teleport <entity> doesn't allow rotation or facing, will teleport you to the entity.
    • /teleport <x y z> doesn't allow rotation or facing, will teleport you to the position.
    • /teleport <victim> <entity> doesn't allow rotation or facing, will teleport victim to entity.
    • /teleport <victim> <x y z> [yRot xRot] will teleport victim to that position with optional rotation.
    • /teleport <victim> <x y z> facing [xFacing yFacing zFacing] will teleport victim to that position facing another position.
    • /teleport <victim> <x y z> facing entity <entityFacing> [feet|eyes] will teleport victim to that position facing an entity's feet or eyes (default feet).
    • Teleporting to an entity in another dimension is now allowed.
  • /trigger <objective> is a new syntax as a shortcut for /trigger <objective> add 1.
  • If you don't specify a time, it now defaults to 5 minutes (previously random).
Argument Types
Target selectors
  • More error handling has been introduced.
    • Things like limit=0, level=-10, gamemode=purple are not allowed.
  • Arguments may now be quoted.
  • There are no longer separate "min" and "max" values; instead ranges are supported.
    • level=10 is level 10.
    • level=10..12 is level 10, 11 or 12.
    • level=5.. is anything level 5 or above.
    • level=..15 is anything level 15 or below.
  • The arcane shorthand names have been renamed.
    • m -> gamemode
    • l or lm -> level
    • r or rm -> distance
    • rx or rxm -> x_rotation
    • ry or rym -> y_rotation
    • c -> limit
  • x, y, z, distance, x_rotation and y_rotation are now doubles and allow values like 12.34
    • x and z are no longer center-corrected.
      • This means x=0 no longer equates to x=0.5.
  • gamemode (previously m) no longer allows numerical or shorthand IDs.
  • limit (previously c) no longer allows negative values.
    • Use sort=furthest instead.
  • The name argument now supports spaces (as long as it's quoted).
  • Multiple of the same argument in target selectors is now possible.
    • tag=foo,tag=bar,tag=!baz matches someone with foo, bar and not baz.
    • type=!cow,type=!chicken matches something that isn't a cow and isn't a chicken.
    • type=cow,type=chicken isn't allowed, because something cannot both be a cow and chicken.
  • You can specify the sorting.
    • sort=nearest is the old default, sorting by distance (default for @p)
    • sort=furthest is the reverse of that (previously you'd use c=-5 for this)
    • sort=random for random sorting (default for @r)
    • sort=arbitrary is a new option to not sort the result (default for @e, @a)
  • Specifying scores now looks like scores={foo=1,bar=1..5}
  • You can test for advancements with advancements={foo=true,bar=false,custom:something={criterion=true}}
    • true for "they completed the advancement", false for "they have not completed the advancement"
    • Alternatively, pass a block of specific criteria to test for (again, true or false)
  • Wherever a <block>, optionally [<data>] and optionally [<nbt>] was required, it's now a single <block> argument that looks like this:
    • stone
    • minecraft:redstone_wire[power=15,north=up,south=side]
    • minecraft:jukebox{RecordItem:{...}}
    • minecraft:furnace[facing=north]{BurnTime:200}
  • ID is required (though just as before, if namespace isn't set it defaults to minecraft:).
  • States are inside [], comma-separated and must be properties/values supported by the blocks. They are optional.
    • minecraft:stone[doesntexist=purpleberry] is a syntax error, because stone doesn't have doesntexist.
    • minecraft:redstone_wire[power=tuesday] is a syntax error, because redstone_wire's power is a number between 0 and 15.
  • NBT tag is inside {}, and works just like you'd expect. It's optional.
  • In the context of "conditions"/testing for blocks, only the states you provided will be tested.
    • If you test redstone_wire[power=15], it only checks power but ignores other states such as north.
  • In the context of setting blocks, any states you provided will be set but anything missed out will default depending on the block.
    • If you set redstone_wire[power=15], it will set power to 15 but north will be a default value (in this case, set to none).
  • There is no such thing as block data value in 1.13. It's either a different block, or a state.
  • Wherever an <item>, optionally [<data>] and optionally [<nbt>] was required, it's now a single <item> argument that looks like this:
    • stone
    • minecraft:stick{display:{Name:"\"Stick of Untruths\""}}
  • ID is required (though just as before, if namespace isn't set it defaults to minecraft:).
  • NBT tag is inside {}, and works just like you'd expect. It's optional.
  • There is no such thing as item data value or item damage value in 1.13.
    • Damage, where applicable, is a property in nbt.
    • Any other information is either a separate item or a property in nbt.


The "flattening"
  • Numeric block metadata completely phased out in favor of block states.
  • Split, merged, created, deleted, and renamed a lot of blocks, blockstates and items.
    • Blocks and items previously differing because of damage value have gotten their own id, for example white_wool instead of wool:0
    • Damage has been moved to the tag tag and is only used by tools and armor; maps use a map tag.
    • Files and commands no longer use data or set_data.
  • Structures do not run an upgrade path for this.
    • To update your structures, load them all in 1.12, then update to 1.13 and save all structures again.
In-game menu screen
  • New title screen background, featuring many of the structures, blocks, and mobs that were added in the Update Aquatic.
  • Updated the credits list to include all of the Mojang staff.
  • The name of keybindings now describes the actual key (e.g. 'LBUTTON' -> 'Left Button', 'BACKSLASH' -> '\')
Creative Inventory
  • Because of The "flattening", certain blocks and items have been moved around in their respective groups, for example the Purpur block is now after Obsidian.
  • Mushroom Blocks, farmland and grass path are added to the inventory under the Decoration Blocks group. Additionally, blank firework rockets are added to the Miscellaneous group.
  • Three brand new pieces of underwater music by C418 have been added:
    • Shuniji, Dragon Fish and Axolotl.
    • Their ID for commands is music.under_water.
  • Removed 3D Anaglyph completely.
  • Optimized particle rendering slightly.
  • Custom recipes can now be loaded from data packs in data/(namespace)/recipes/(name).json
  • Added a recipe book for the furnace.
  • Furnace recipes have been moved to JSON files.
    • They use "type": "smelting".
    • cookingtime is used to determine the time it should take to smelt an item in the furnace.
    • experience is used to determine the amount of experience a player should get when picking the resulting item out of the furnace manually.
    • Fuel is not included and is still hardcoded.
  • "Unlocked recipe" toasts now show an icon in the top left to specify whether the unlocked recipe is a crafting or smelting recipe.
Resource packs
  • Updated format number to 4.
  • The default resource pack can now be moved up and down on the resource pack selection screen.
  • Statistics are being updated.
    • stat.(stat) is now minecraft.custom:minecraft.(stat).
    • stat.(stat).minecraft.(block/item/entity ID) is now minecraft.(stat):minecraft.(block/item/entity ID).
  • Added (and fixed) colored tooltips for certains items:
Item New Tooltip Color
Beacon Light Blue
Chained Command Block Pink
Command Block Pink
Creeper Head Yellow
Dragon Egg Pink
Dragon Head Yellow
Dragon's Breath Yellow
Elytra Yellow
Enchanted Apple Pink
Enchanted Books Yellow
Enchanted Items (excluding books) Light Blue
End Crystal Light Blue
Bottle O' Enchanting Yellow
Golden Apple Light Blue
Heart of the Sea Yellow
Music Discs Light Blue
Nether Star Yellow
Player Head Yellow
Repeating Command Block Pink
Skeleton Skull Yellow
Structure Block Pink
Totem of Undying Yellow
Wither Skeleton Skull Yellow
Zombie Head Yellow
Attack Speed (tools' info) Dark Green
Attack Damage (tools' info) Dark Green
  • Game library updated to LWJGL 3.
  • Loading or creating a world shows the percentages of the loading stages.
    • Preparing spawn area now shows as a loading stage.
  • Crash reports now list what data packs are enabled.
  • Data generators are now exposed, you can get a dump of all blocks/items/commands/etc from the game without opening it up.
  • Changed translation files from .lang (key=value) to .json ("key": "value").
    • Now supports newlines.
  • Optimized cloud rendering.
  • Optimized fog rendering.
  • Optimized world spawn position–finding code.

Planned changes

  • World generation will become data-driven, using json files, allowing for custom structures.[13]

Unconfirmed features

These features are not confirmed for 1.13, but they were mentioned or showcased by developers during development. Main article: Java Edition mentioned features
  • The ability to change biome dependent colors (such as foliage, water, and the sky) without needing mods.[14]
  • Recipe book design might be changed.[15][16]
  • /save-all, /save-on and /save-off might be replaced by /save, /save enable and /save disable.[17]
  • /ban, /ban-ip, /pardon and /pardon-ip might be replaced by other commands.[18]






  1. 1,0 1,1 Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; no se ha definido el contenido de las referencias llamadas merge
  2. “Probablemente estará en 1.13 en este punto, Me temo :( Será una corrección de errores y una actualización técnica más, entonces obtendrá más amor.” – @Dinnerbone, April 24, 2017
  3. “Recuerda que la 1.13 es una actualización técnica para hacer que las cosas se cuelguen menos, que el juego corra mas rápido, & más fácil para nosotros agregar/cambiar cosas más tarde. ¡Como nuevos bloques!” – @Dinnerbone, October 16, 2017
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 The Update Aquatic Is Coming To Minecraft Spring 2018!, 18 de noviembre de 2017
  5. “Se suponía que la Actualización Acuática saldría hoy. Se retrasa para asegurarse de que se reparen todos los errores cruciales. ¡Increíble!” – @docm77, May 30, 2018
  6. “Trying to extract parts of BlockState into StateHolder<T> and turn BlockStateDefinition into StateDefinition<T> so I can use the same system for liquids” – @Dinnerbone, April 20, 2018
  7. 7,0 7,1 Plantilla:Bug (resolved as "Works as Intended")
  8. “Yes we also want to keep it hard to get, so you need 9 ice in order to create 1 packed ice. ^^” – @_ladyagnes, June 7, 2018
  9. Plantilla:Bug (resolved as "Works as Intended")
  10. "Meet The Horse" – Minecraft.net, octubre 10, 2017
  11. Plantilla:Bug (resolved as "Works As Intended")
  12. Plantilla:Bug
  13. "jebkaile - Mixer" . "We are changing the world generator. The actual world will more or less look the same, but the way it's generated, it's all data-driven, so you can make your own generator settings in json files."
  14. https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/66gcg9/mojang_really_need_to_make_it_easier_to_edit_the/dgiy1xb?context=1
  15. 15,0 15,1 “Trying out a new design for the recipe book button. What do you think?” – @mialem_n, August 7, 2017
  16. “Another idea for recipe button, animated. Comments?” – @mialem_n, August 7, 2017
  17. “Whilst I'm changing all the commands, I kinda want to change save-all, save-on, save-off into: '/save', '/save enable', '/save disable'” – @Dinnerbone, October 5, 2017
  18. “(The same goes for ban/pardon/banip/unbanip)” – @Dinnerbone, October 5, 2017
  19. “Hey mapmakers. It's ab́out time I show you thís thingý. Ónly just finished it. Śeriously though. Ǵreat stuff. Ŕight? <3” – @Dinnerbone, July 6, 2017
  20. "Dinnerbone drops a new feature hint on Twitter that leads to this image" – Imgur, July 7, 2017.
  21. “Currently working on:” – @mialem_n, August 3, 2017
  22. “Oh hey I forgot to mention this is a thing in things like /entitydata” – @Dinnerbone, October 6, 2017
  23. "Everything Announced at MINECON Earth!" – Minecraft.net, noviembre 18, 2017
  24. “Found something... odd?... on the beach today!” – @ladyagnes, January 16, 2018
  25. “There is also a sliver of a turtle shell piece” – @ladyagnes, February 1, 2018
  26. “Made the icebergs for Update Aquatic a bit more crazy ^^.. here is a screenshot of how they look at the moment” – @ladyagnes, December 4, 2017