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{{Sobre|el mob que habita el Nether y es el resultado de la zombificación de los piglins|ver a la versión viva|Piglin|ver a la versión viva encontrada en los bastiones|Piglin bruto|ver a la criatura de la superficie|Cerdo}}
Los piglins zombificados son entidades que habitan en [[El Nether|el Nether]].
|image1=Puercolín zombificado.png
|title = Piglin zombificado
|image=Piglin zombificado.png; Zombified Piglin Targeting.png
|image2=Puercolín zombificado bebe.png
|image2=Piglin zombificado bebé.png; Baby Zombified Piglin Targeting.png
|Daño=Fácil: {{hp|5}}<br>Normal: {{hp|8}}<br>Díficil: {{hp|12}}
|Tamaño=Alto: 1.95 Bloques<br>Largo: 0.6 Bloques
|damage=Fácil: {{hp|5}}<br>Normal: {{hp|8}}<br>Difícil: {{hp|12}}
|size='''Adult:'''<br>Height: 1.95 Blocks<br>Width: 0.6 Blocks<br>
'''Baby:'''<br>Height: 0.975 Blocks<br>Width: 0.1,000 Blocks
* Desiertos del nether
En cualquier espacio de 2 bloques en el infierno a cualquier luz<br>
* Bosque carmesí
Cuando un rayo cae encima o a 3-4 bloques de un cerdo en la superficie<br>
Cerca de un portal o dentro de un portal en la superficie
* Cuando cae un rayo cerca de 4 bloques de un cerdo
* Cerca a un portal del Nether en la Superficie
|multiplevers= Ver [[#History|Historia]]
* Cuando un [[piglin]] está en la Superficie o en el End por 15 segundos
|id='''[[JE]]''': 57<br>'''[[BE]]''': 36
|id='''[[JE]]''': 57<br>'''[[BE]]''': 36
|entityid= Zombified_piglin
|entityid= zombified_piglin
|drops= Ver[[#Drops|Recompensas]]
{{drop|Item|Espada de oro}} (Mano principal)
{{drop|Item|Espada de oro}} (Probabilidad del 8.5% de que esté encantada)
{{drop|Block|Calabaza iluminada}} (Cabeza)
{{drop|Block|Calabaza tallada}} (Probabilidad del 22.5%; solo en Halloween){{solo|Edición Java|short=1}}
{{drop|Block|Calabaza}} (cabeza)
{{drop|Block|Calabaza iluminada}} (Probabilidad del 2.5%; solo en Halloween){{solo|Edición Java|short=1}}
|exp=Adulto: 5<br>
Bebe: 12
== Apariencia ==
El '''Puercolín zombificado''' o '''Piglin zombificado ('''Zombified piglin en ingles) Agregado en la actual versión 1.16, Fue conocido anteriormente como '''Hombre-cerdo zombi''' en la versión [[1.15]] de Java y Bedrock o anteriores, es una [[Criaturas|criatura]] neutral que fue añadida en la versión [[Alpha]], concretamente en la [[Actualización de Halloween]] de la Alpha (concretamente, en octubre de 2010).
Un piglin zombificado tiene la misma apariencia que un piglin común, con la diferencia de que partes de su cuerpo son de color verde, simulando carne putrefacta. Además llevan un taparrabos marrón como vestimenta y portan una [[espada]] de oro. También existe probabilidad de que lleven piezas de [[armadura]] de cualquier material.
== Generación ==
== Generación ==
Los piglins zombificados aparecen en el Nether, cerca a los portales del Nether, o cuando a un cerdo le cae un rayo. Los piglins zombificados tienen una probabilidad del 5% de aparecer como piglins zombificados bebés. Los bebés tienen además una probablilidad el 5% de aparecer como [[Jinete avícola|jinetes avícolas]]<sup>[solo Edición Java]</sup>.
El Piglin zombificado aparece naturalmente en el Nether, comúnmente en el bioma de desiertos del nether o y un poco menos seguido el bosque carmesí.
Todos los piglins zombificados aparecen con una [[Espada|espada de oro]], las cuales tienen probabilidad de estar encantadas en las dificultades Normal y Difícil, con una probabilidad máxima del 25%. Esto varía dependiendo de la [[Dificultad|dificultad regional]] dado al valor de encantabilidad de la espada que sube de 5 a 23 niveles.
=== Cerdo ===
También se puede aparecer uno cuando a un [[cerdo]] le cae un rayo, ya sea naturalmente, o con un [[Tridente]] con el [[encantamiento]] de [[Canalización]].
Cada Halloween (31 de Octubre), los piglins zombificados tienen una probabilidad del 22.5% de aparecer con una [[Calabaza|calabaza tallada]] y una probabilidad del 2.5% de aparecer con una [[Calabaza iluminada|calabaza iluminada]] como equipo de cabeza<sup>[solo Edición Java]</sup>.
=== '''Piglin''' ===
Al ser expuesto al [[Mundo real|mundo normal]] durante demasiado tiempo, el se zombifica.
=== Nether ===
Aparecen en grupos de 4 a cualquier nivel de luz. Aparecen normalmente en las [[Ruinas del Nether|ruinas del Nether]] y raramente en los [[Bosque Carmesí|bosques carmesís]]. Además, en los [[Océanos de lava|océanos de lava]] pueden aparecer montando un [[lavagante]].
=== Portales del Nether ===
Cuando un bloque de portal del Nether recibe un tick de bloque, hay una probabilidad del <sup>1</sup>⁄<sub>2000</sub> (0.05%) en Fácil, <sup>2</sup>⁄<sub>2000</sub> (0.1%) en Normal y <sup>3</sup>⁄<sub>2000</sub> (0.15%) en Difícil de que haga aparecer un piglin zombificado.
En la Edición Java, aparecen dentro de uno de los bloques del portal en la parte inferior.
En la Edición Bedrock, se generan un bloque al este o al sur del portal (dependiendo de la dirección que esté mirando el portal) y ni las losas ni la iluminación lo impiden.
Si aparece de esta forma, pero no sale del portal, hay una probabilidad de que se teletransporte al Nether.
=== Cerdos ===
También se puede aparecer uno cuando a un [[cerdo]] le cae un rayo y no lo mata, o si cae un rayo 4 bloques cerca de uno. Si el cerdo es bebé, entonces el piglin zombificado aparecerá como un piglin zombificado bebé.
Un [[piglin]] o [[piglin bruto]]<sup>[futuras ediciones Java 1.16.x y Bedrock 1.16.x.x]</sup> que entra a la [[Mundo real|Superficie]] o al [[El End|End]] se transforma en un piglin zombificado después de 15 segundos. Cuando los piglins bebés se transforman en [[Zombi|zombis]], no tienen armas, a diferencia de los piglins zombificados bebés que aparecen naturalmente.
Un piglin zombificado mantiene cualquier armadura, herramienta o arma recolectada antes de ser zombificado, incluso si era bebé<sup>[Solo Edición Java]</sup>.
Los piglins zombificados bebés además tienen un 5% de posibilidades de convertirse en un jinete avícola<sup>[Solo para JE]</sup>.
== Comportamiento ==
== Comportamiento ==
Los piglins zombis se mueven a 2.2843 m/s y son inmunes al fuego y a la lava. Cuando se les provoca, su velocidad aumenta a 3.3845 m/s o más rápido si son bebés.
(Se comportan exactamente como antes de su cambio de Hombre-cerdo zombi a piglin zombificado)
Al igual que los zombis, los piglins zombificados golpean puertas de madera y pueden romperlas en la dificultad Difícil.
Los Piglin zombificado son criaturas neutrales (es decir, no atacan a no ser que sean atacados) que deambulan por el Nether, son mobs que, en su estado pacífico, caminan lentamente.
En las dificultades Normal y Difícil, hasta el 55% de los piglins zombificados recogen piezas de armadura y espadas que sean mejores que las suya, la que luego arrojan con la misma probabilidad que si fueran asesinados con Saqueo I, 9.5%.
Si te paras cerca de un Hombre-cerdo zombi, éste te mira por unos segundos y después continua con su caminata.
Los piglins zombificados intentan destruir cualquier huevo de tortuga que vean a 23 bloques de distancia horizontalmente y a 3 bloques de distancia verticalmente (10 bloques horizontalmente y 2 bloques verticalmente en la Edición Bedrock), sin contar el bloque en el que se encuentren. Cuando se genera, siempre detecta los huevos de tortuga cercanos después de exactamente 2 segundos. Sin embargo, si el huevo de tortuga se coloca después de la generación del piglin zombificado, el piglin zombificado tarda un tiempo en notar el huevo de tortuga e intentar romperlo.
Los Piglin zombificado aparecen en grupos de 4-10 y tienden a estarse juntos. Sin embargo, si el espacio es limitado (por ejemplo, un túnel), aparecen en grupos menores o hasta a veces solos.
Aunque los piglins zombificados son inmunes a los bloques de magma, evitan caminar sobre ellos. Sin embargo, si son generados o empujados a bloques de magma, entonces encontrarían el camino normalmente en ellos.
A diferencia de los [[Zombi|zombies]], estos no atacan a los [[Aldeano|aldeanos]], más sin embargo, si perciben [[Huevo de tortuga|huevos de tortuga]] 23 bloques o menos de donde están, estos los destruirán.
=== Tipo de mob ===
Al ser una criatura de la familia de los "[[Muerto viviente|no-muertos]]", las [[Poción|pociones]] de [[Curacíon instantanea|curacíon instantanea]] le bajan salud y las de [[Daño instantaneo|daño instantaneo]] le recuperan salud, y recibirán más daño si en el arma se tiene el [[encantamiento]] de [[Castigo]].
No muerto, ellos son:
* Dañados por el efecto de estado [[Salud instantánea]] y curado por el efecto de estado [[Daño instantáneo]].
* No se ve afectado por los efectos de estado [[Regeneración]] ni [[Veneno]].
* Ignorado por el Wither y afectado por el encantamiento Castigo.
=== Hostilidad ===
=== Hostilidad ===
Los piglins zombificados no son inicialmente hostiles, pero todos los piglins zombificados dentro de un área de 67×21×67 a 111×21×111 centrada en el piglin zombificado atacado se vuelven agresivos y atacan al atacante (otro mob o al jugador) si un individuo es atacado, a menos que el piglin zombificado atacado sea asesinado de un solo golpe<sup>[solo Edición Java]</sup>. Además, algunos piglins zombificados tienen la capacidad de generar refuerzos cuando son atacados (similar a los zombis, y que rara vez pueden incluir de hecho zombis). Esto se aplica a cualquier golpe registrado como proveniente del jugador u otros mobs, incluidas bolas de fuego de un ghast desviadas, ataques de barrido, bolas de nieve y huevos, o una flecha de esqueleto. Esto no incluye fuegos artificiales disparados desde ballestas o flechas disparadas por un dispensador.
Si una entidad ataca a un piglin zombificado causará que el grupo más cercano (específicamente, los puercolínes zombificados a 67×21×67 a 111×21×111 del mob atacado) se vuelva hostil, a menudo causando un enjambre a la entidad.
Los piglins zombificados permanecen hostiles de 20 segundos a 27 minutos (limitado por el tipo de etiqueta Anger NBT). Acercarse dentro del rango de seguimiento del jugador (35 bloques +/- 5%) de un piglin zombificado ya hostil hace que alarme y enoje a todos los piglins zombificados cercanos en un radio de 40 bloques. Tener una línea de visión constante con un piglin zombificado hostil hace que alarme a los piglins zombificados neutrales (dentro de un radio de 40 bloques) cada 100 tics de juego, o 5 segundos solo si está fuera del rango de seguimiento de su jugador. Un piglin zombificado permanece hostil indefinidamente si está dentro de las áreas de procesamiento de la entidad y tiene una línea de visión directa con el jugador. Romper la línea de visión directa hace que un piglin zombificado hostil se vuelva neutral si su temporizador de perdón (de 20 segundos a 27 minutos) expira. El temporizador de perdón no avanza para piglins zombificados en chunks descargados. Por lo tanto, si el jugador ingresa a un portal del Nether y regresa, cualquier piglin zombificado provocado en el área permanece agresivo a menos que otro jugador esté cerca para mantener cargados los chunks. Morir hará que los piglins zombificados se vuelvan neutrales hacia el jugador si la regla de juego <code>ForgiveDeadPlayers</code> está activada. Persiguen a los jugadores incluso si tienen el efecto Invisibilidad.
Los Hombre-cerdo zombi, cuando son provocados, caminarán mucho más rápido a donde vaya la entidad.
Los piglins zombificados neutrales no previenen que un jugador duerma<sup>[solo Edición Java]</sup>.
Los piglins zombificados hostiles tienen un hallazgo de ruta ligeramente diferente al de cuando son neutrales. Por ejemplo, se caerían de los bordes que les causarían daños por caída en un intento de alcanzar al atacante donde la mayoría de los otros mobs no lo harían.
Cuando un piglin zombificado es atacado, los piglins normales no se enojan y viceversa.<gallery>
Archivo:Hombrecerdo zombi.png|alt=los hombrecerdo zombi siempre se generan con espadas de oro
</gallery><span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span><span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span><span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span><span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span><span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span><span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span><span title="TAG_Int_Array"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span>
Al morir un Piglin zombificado puede soltar los siguientes objetos:
*0-1 de {{ItemLink|id=Rotten flesh|carne podrida}}. La cantidad máxima aumenta en 1 por nivel de [[Saqueo]], hasta un máximo de 0-4 con Saqueo III.
*0-1 {{ItemLink|id=Gold nugget|pepita de oro|pepitas de oro}}. La cantidad máxima aumenta en 1 por nivel de [[Saqueo]], hasta un máximo de 0-4 con Saqueo III.
* Hay un 2,5% de probabilidad de dejar caer un {{ItemLink|Gold Ingot|lingote de oro}} si lo mata un jugador o un [[Lobo|lobo domesticado]]. La probabilidad aumenta en un 1% por nivel de [[Saqueo]], hasta un máximo de 5,5% con Saqueo III.
* Hay un 8.5% de probabilidad de dejar caer su {{ItemLink|id=Golden Sword|espada|
Espada de oro}} si la mata un jugador o un [[lobo|lobo domesticado]]. La probabilidad aumenta en un 1% por nivel de [[Saqueo]], hasta un máximo de 11,5% con Saqueo III.
* Los Piglins zombificados tienen un 8.5% de probabilidad de soltar sus {{ItemLink|id=Warped Fungus on a stick|hongo deformado en un palo}} si se genera en un {{EntityLink|id=Strider|Caminante}} y asesinado por un [[jugador]] o un [[lobo|
lobo domesticado]]. Esta probabilidad aumenta en un 1% por nivel de [[Saqueo]], hasta un máximo de 11,5% con Saqueo III.
* Los Piglins zombificados tienen un 8.5% de probabilidad de soltar su {{ItemLink|id=Golden axe|hacha de oro}} si es zombificado un {{EntityLink|id=Piglin Brute|piglin bruto}} y asesinado por un [[jugador]] o un [[lobo|lobo domesticado]]. Esta probabilidad aumenta en un 1% por nivel de [[Saqueo]], hasta un máximo de 11,5% con Saqueo III.
* Los Piglins zombificados tienen un 8.5% de soltar su {{ItemLink|id=Crossbow|Ballesta}} si se zombificada un {{EntityLink|Piglin}} con ballesta y es asesinado por un [[jugador]] o un [[lobo|lobo domesticado]]. Esta probabilidad aumenta en un 1% por nivel de [[Saqueo]], hasta un máximo de 11,5% con Saqueo III.
* Después de que un Piglin se transforma en un Piglin zombificado, al morir, deja caer cualquier armadura adquirida y armas.
*{{xp|5}} para adultos o {{xp|12}} para bebés si los mata un [[jugador]] o un [[lobo|lobo domesticado]].
Las espadas doradas que se dejan caer tienen entre uno y total durabilidad .
*Si un Piglin zombificado con un {{BlockLink|id=carved pumpkin|Calabaza tallada}} o {{BlockLink|id=Jack o'lantern|Calabaza tallada|Calabaza tallada iluminada}} muere con una herramienta [[encantamiento|encantada]] con [[Saqueo]], existe una probabilidad equivalente al nivel de Saqueo utilizado para dejar caer la calabaza o la calabaza iluminada, hasta un máximo del 3% en Saqueo III.
{{sound table
|sound = Zombie pigman idle1.ogg
|sound2 = Zombie pigman idle2.ogg
|sound3 = Zombie pigman idle3.ogg
|sound4 = Zombie pigman idle4.ogg
|subtitle = Gruñidos de Piglin zombificado
|id = entity.zombified_piglin.ambient
|translationkey = subtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.ambient
|distance = 16
{{sound table
|sound = Zombie pigman angry1.ogg
|sound2 = Zombie pigman angry2.ogg
|sound3 = Zombie pigman angry3.ogg
|sound4 = Zombie pigman angry4.ogg
|subtitle = Gruñidos enojados de Piglin zombificado
|id = entity.zombified_piglin.angry
|translationkey = subtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.angry
|distance = 16
{{Sound table
|sound=Zombie hit wood1.ogg
|sound2=Zombie hit wood2.ogg
|sound3=Zombie hit wood3.ogg
|sound4=Zombie hit wood4.ogg
|subtitle=Rompiendo puerta
{{Sound table
|sound=Zombie hit metal1.ogg
|sound2=Zombie hit metal2.ogg
|sound3=Zombie hit metal3.ogg
|subtitle=Intentando romper puerta de hierro
{{Sound table
|sound=Zombie breaks door.ogg
|subtitle=Puerta rota
{{sound table
|sound = Zombie pigman death.ogg
|subtitle = Muerte de Piglin zombificado
|id = entity.zombified_piglin.death
|translationkey = subtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.death
|distance = 16
{{sound table
|sound = Zombie pigman hurt1.ogg
|sound2 =Zombie pigman hurt2.ogg
|subtitle = Piglin zombificado herido
|id = entity.zombified_piglin.hurt
|translationkey = subtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.hurt
|distance = 16
|foot = 1}}
== Valores de datos ==
Los piglins zombificados tienen una entidad de datos asociada con ellos y que contienen varias propiedades del mob.
* <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> Entidad de datos
** Tags comunes para toda entidad [esconder]
** <span title="TAG_String"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''id (Identificación)''': Representación de string de la entidad. No existe para la entidad del jugador.
** <span title="TAG_List"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Pos''': 3 TAG_Doubles (Doble_Tag) describiendo la posición actual X, Y y Z.
** <span title="TAG_List"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Movimiento''': 3 TAG_Doubles (Doble_Tag) describiendo la velocidad en dX, dY y dZ de la entidad en ticks por segundo.
** <span title="TAG_List"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Rotación''': Dos TAG_Floats (Tag_Flotantes) representa rotación en grados.
***<span title="TAG_Float"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> La rotación de la entidad a la dirección de las manecillas del reloj alrededor del eje Y (llamado Yaw). Sur es 0. No excede los 360 grados.
*** <span title="TAG_Float"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> La declinación de la entidad desde el horizonte (llamado Pitch). Horizontal es 0. Valores positivos hacia abajo. No excede los 90 grados positivos y/o negativos.
** <span title="TAG_Float"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''FallDistance (Distancia de caída)''': Distance the entity has fallen. Larger values cause more damage when the entity lands.
** <span title="TAG_Short"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Fire''': Number of ticks until the fire is put out. Negative values reflect how long the entity can stand in fire before burning. Default -20 when not on fire.
** <span title="TAG_Short"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Air''': How much air the entity has, in ticks. Fills to a maximum of 300 in air, giving 15 seconds submerged before the entity starts to drown, and a total of up to 35 seconds before the entity dies (if it has 20 health). Decreases while underwater. If 0 while underwater, the entity loses 1 health per second.
** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''OnGround''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the entity is touching the ground.
** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''NoGravity''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - if true, the entity does not fall down naturally. Set to true by striders in lava.
** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Invulnerable''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the entity should not take damage. This applies to living and nonliving entities alike: mobs should not take damage from any source (including potion effects), and cannot be moved by fishing rods, attacks, explosions, or projectiles, and objects such as vehicles and item frames cannot be destroyed unless their supports are removed. Invulnerable player entities are also ignored by any hostile mobs. Note that these entities can be damaged by players in Creative mode.
** <span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''PortalCooldown''': The number of ticks before which the entity may be teleported back through a nether portal. Initially starts at 300 ticks (15 seconds) after teleportation and counts down to 0.
** <span title="TAG_Int_Array"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''UUID''': This entity's Universally Unique IDentifier. The 128-bit UUID is stored as four 32-bit integers, ordered from most to least significant.
** <span title="TAG_String"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''CustomName''': The custom name JSON text component of this entity. Appears in player death messages and villager trading interfaces, as well as above the entity when the player's cursor is over it. May not exist, or may exist and be empty.
** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''CustomNameVisible''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - if true, and this entity has a custom name, the name always appears above the entity, regardless of where the cursor points. If the entity hasn't a custom name, a default name is shown. May not exist.
** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Silent''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - if true, this entity is silenced. May not exist.
** <span title="TAG_List"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Passengers''': The data of the entity that is riding this entity. Note that both entities control movement and the topmost entity controls spawning conditions when created by a mob spawner.
*** See this format (recursive).
** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Glowing''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the entity has a glowing outline.
** <span title="TAG_List"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Tags''': List of scoreboard tags of this entity.
** Tags common to all mobs [hide]
** <span title="TAG_Float"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Health''': Amount of health the entity has.
** <span title="TAG_Float"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''AbsorptionAmount''': Amount of extra health added by Absorption effect.
** <span title="TAG_Short"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''HurtTime''': Number of ticks the mob turns red for after being hit. 0 when not recently hit.
** <span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''HurtByTimestamp''': The last time the mob was damaged, measured in the number of ticks since the mob's creation. Updates to a new value whenever the mob is damaged, then updates again 101 ticks later for reasons unknown. Can be changed with commands, but the specified value does not affect natural updates in any way, and is overwritten if the mob receives damage.
** <span title="TAG_Short"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''DeathTime''': Number of ticks the mob has been dead for. Controls death animations. 0 when alive.
** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''FallFlying''': Setting to 1 for non-player entities causes the entity to glide as long as they are wearing elytra in the chest slot. Can be used to detect when the player is gliding without using scoreboard statistics.
** <span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''SleepingX''': The X coordinate of where the entity is sleeping, absent if not sleeping.
** <span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''SleepingY''': The Y coordinate of where the entity is sleeping, absent if not sleeping.
** <span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''SleepingZ''': The Z coordinate of where the entity is sleeping, absent if not sleeping.
** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Brain''': Everything this entity has to keep in mind.
*** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''memories''': Empty for all but villagers.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''minecraft:meeting_point''': Where this villager's meeting point is.
***** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''value''': El valor de esta memoria.
****** <span title="TAG_Int_Array"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''pos''': The X Y and Z values of the meeting point.
****** <span title="TAG_String"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''dimension''': The dimension ID of the meeting point.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''minecraft:home''': Where this villager's bed is.
***** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''value''': El valor de esta memoria.
****** <span title="TAG_Int_Array"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''pos''': The X Y and Z values of the bed.
****** <span title="TAG_String"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''dimension''': The dimension ID of the bed.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''minecraft:job_site''': Where this villager's job site block is.
***** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''value''': El valor de esta memoria.
****** <span title="TAG_Int_Array"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''pos''': The X Y and Z values of the job site block.
****** <span title="TAG_String"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''dimension''': The dimension ID of the job site block.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''minecraft:last_slept''': The tick that the villager last slept in a bed.
***** <span title="TAG_Long"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''value''': El valor de esta memoria.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''minecraft:last_woken''': The tick that the villager last woke up from a bed.
***** <span title="TAG_Long"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''value''': El valor de esta memoria.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''minecraft:last_worked_at_poi''': The tick that the villager last worked at their job site.
***** <span title="TAG_Long"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''value''': El valor de esta memoria.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''minecraft:angry_at''': El objetivo de este piglin.
***** <span title="TAG_Int_Array"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''value''': Universally Unique IDentifier of the entity that the piglin targets, stored as four ints.
***** <span title="TAG_Long"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''ttl''': The amount of ticks before this memory is removed.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''minecraft:admiring_item''': If the piglin is admiring an item.
***** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''value''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if admiring an item.
***** <span title="TAG_Long"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''ttl''': The amount of ticks before this memory is removed, the piglin throws back another item when this reaches 0, if it held a gold ingot.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''minecraft:admiring_disabled''': If the piglin can admire an item at this moment, set when being converting, when hurt or after just admiring an item.
***** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''value''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if admiring is disabled.
***** <span title="TAG_Long"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''ttl''': The amount of ticks before this memory is removed.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''minecraft:hunted_recently''': If the piglin just hunted, and as such, won't for a while. Set after hunting or spawning in a bastion remnant.
***** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''value''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the piglin just hunted and cannot hunt.
***** <span title="TAG_Long"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''ttl''': The amount of ticks before this memory is removed.
** <span title="TAG_List"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Attributes''':<span id="Attributes"></span> A list of Attributes for this mob. These are used for many purposes in internal calculations, and can be considered a mob's "statistics". Valid Attributes for a given mob are listed in the main article.
*** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> An individual Attribute.
**** <span title="TAG_String"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Name''': The name of this Attribute.
**** <span title="TAG_Double"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Base''': The base value of this Attribute.
**** <span title="TAG_List"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Modifiers''':<span id="Modifiers"></span> A list of Modifiers acting on this Attribute. Modifiers alter the Base value in internal calculations, without changing the original copy. Note that a Modifier never modifies Base to be higher than its maximum or lower than its minimum for a given Attribute.
***** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> An individual Modifier.
****** <span title="TAG_String"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Name''': The Modifier's name.
****** <span title="TAG_Double"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Amount''': The amount by which this Modifier modifies the Base value in calculations.
****** <span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Operation''': 0, 1, or 2. Defines the operation this Modifier executes on the Attribute's Base value. 0: Increment X by Amount, 1: Increment Y by X * Amount, 2: Y = Y * (1 + Amount) (equivalent to Increment Y by Y * Amount). The game first sets X = Base, then executes all Operation 0 modifiers, then sets Y = X, then executes all Operation 1 modifiers, and finally executes all Operation 2 modifiers.
****** <span title="TAG_Int_Array"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''UUID''': This modifier's Universally Unique IDentifier, stored as four ints. Used to identify the modifier so that the correct modifier can be added or removed.
** <span title="TAG_List"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''ActiveEffects''': The list of potion effects on this mob. May not exist.
*** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> Un efecto de poción
**** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Id''': The numerical effect ID.
**** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Amplifier''': The potion effect level. 0 is level 1.
**** <span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Duration''': The number of ticks before the effect wears off.
**** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Ambient''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if this effect is provided by a Beacon and therefore should be less intrusive on screen.
**** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''ShowParticles''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if particles are shown (affected by "Ambient"). false if no particles are shown.
**** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''ShowIcon''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if effect icon is shown. false if no icon is shown.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''HiddenEffect''': Lower amplifier effect of the same type, this replaces the above effect when it expires. (The duration of the effect still decreases in here too)
***** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''HiddenEffect''': The same as the above compound, recursively.
***** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Amplifier''': The potion effect level. 0 is level 1.
***** <span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Duration''': The number of ticks before the effect wears off.
***** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Ambient''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if this effect is provided by a Beacon and therefore should be less intrusive on screen.
***** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''ShowParticles''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if particles are shown (affected by "Ambient"). false if no particles are shown.
***** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''ShowIcon''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if effect icon is shown. false if no icon is shown.
** <span title="TAG_List"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''HandItems''': The list of items the mob is holding, in the following order: Main hand, Off hand.
*** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span>: The item being held in the mob's main hand.
**** Tags common to all items [hide]
**** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Count''': Number of items stacked in this inventory slot. Any item can be stacked, including tools, armor, and vehicles. Range is -128 to 127. Values of 1 are not displayed in-game. Values below 1 are displayed in red.
**** <span title="TAG_String"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''id''': Item/Block ID. If not specified, Minecraft changes the item to stone when loading the chunk or summoning the item.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''tag''': Additional information about the item, discussed more in the subsections of the item structure section. This tag is optional for most items.
*** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span>: The item being held in the mob's off hand.
**** Tags common to all items [hide]
**** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Count''': Number of items stacked in this inventory slot. Any item can be stacked, including tools, armor, and vehicles. Range is -128 to 127. Values of 1 are not displayed in-game. Values below 1 are displayed in red.
**** <span title="TAG_String"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''id''': Item/Block ID. If not specified, Minecraft changes the item to stone when loading the chunk or summoning the item.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''tag''': Additional information about the item, discussed more in the subsections of the item structure section. This tag is optional for most items.
** <span title="TAG_List"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''ArmorItems''': The list of items the mob is wearing as armor, in the following order: feet, legs, chest, head.
*** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span>: The item in the feet armor slot.
**** Tags common to all items [hide]
**** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Count''': Number of items stacked in this inventory slot. Any item can be stacked, including tools, armor, and vehicles. Range is -128 to 127. Values of 1 are not displayed in-game. Values below 1 are displayed in red.
**** <span title="TAG_String"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''id''': Item/Block ID. If not specified, Minecraft changes the item to stone when loading the chunk or summoning the item.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''tag''': Additional information about the item, discussed more in the subsections of the item structure section. This tag is optional for most items.
*** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span>: El objeto en la ranura de armadura para piernas.
**** Tags common to all items [hide]
**** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Count''': Number of items stacked in this inventory slot. Any item can be stacked, including tools, armor, and vehicles. Range is -128 to 127. Values of 1 are not displayed in-game. Values below 1 are displayed in red.
**** <span title="TAG_String"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''id''': Item/Block ID. If not specified, Minecraft changes the item to stone when loading the chunk or summoning the item.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''tag''': Additional information about the item, discussed more in the subsections of the item structure section. This tag is optional for most items.
*** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span>: The item in the chest armor slot.
**** Tags common to all items [hide]
**** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Count''': Number of items stacked in this inventory slot. Any item can be stacked, including tools, armor, and vehicles. Range is -128 to 127. Values of 1 are not displayed in-game. Values below 1 are displayed in red.
**** <span title="TAG_String"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''id''': Item/Block ID. If not specified, Minecraft changes the item to stone when loading the chunk or summoning the item.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''tag''': Additional information about the item, discussed more in the subsections of the item structure section. This tag is optional for most items.
*** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span>: The item in the head armor slot.
**** Tags common to all items [hide]
**** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Count''': Number of items stacked in this inventory slot. Any item can be stacked, including tools, armor, and vehicles. Range is -128 to 127. Values of 1 are not displayed in-game. Values below 1 are displayed in red.
**** <span title="TAG_String"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''id''': Item/Block ID. If not specified, Minecraft changes the item to stone when loading the chunk or summoning the item.
**** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''tag''': Additional information about the item, discussed more in the subsections of the item structure section. This tag is optional for most items.
** <span title="TAG_List"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''HandDropChances''': List of float values representing the chance for a handheld item to drop.
*** <span title="TAG_Float"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span>: Chance to drop the item being carried in the main hand.
*** <span title="TAG_Float"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span>: Chance to drop the item being carried in the off hand.
** <span title="TAG_List"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''ArmorDropChances''': List of float values representing the chance for a worn armor item to drop.
*** <span title="TAG_Float"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span>: Chance to drop the item being worn in the feet slot.
*** <span title="TAG_Float"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span>: Chance to drop the item being worn in the legs slot.
*** <span title="TAG_Float"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span>: Chance to drop the item being worn in the chest slot.
*** <span title="TAG_Float"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span>: Chance to drop the item being worn in the head slot.
** <span title="TAG_String"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''DeathLootTable''': Optional. Loot table to be used for the items that drop when the entity is killed.
** <span title="TAG_Long"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''DeathLootTableSeed''': Opcional. Plántala para generar una mesa de botín. Si tiene valor 0 o no se escribe, se usará una semilla aleatoria.
** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''CanPickUpLoot''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the mob can pick up loot (wear armor it picks up, use weapons it picks up).
** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''NoAI''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - Setting to true disables the mob's AI. The mob does not and cannot move, to the extent of not falling when normally able.
** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''PersistenceRequired''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the mob must not despawn naturally.
** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''LeftHanded''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the mob renders the main hand as being left.
** <span title="TAG_String"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Team''': This tag is actually not part of the NBT data of a mob, but instead used when spawning it, so it cannot be tested for. It makes the mob instantly join the scoreboard team with that name.
** <span title="TAG_Compound"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Leash''': Either contains a UUID int array, if this leash connects to another entity, '''or''' an X, Y, Z int trio if this leash connects to a fencepost. Does not exist if the entity is not leashed.
*** <span title="TAG_Int_Array"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''UUID''': The Universally Unique IDentifier of the entity this leash connects to, stored as four ints.
*** <span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''X''': The X coordinate of the fence this leash connects to.
*** <span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Y''': The Y coordinate of the fence this leash connects to.
*** <span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''Z''': The Z coordinate of the fence this leash connects to.
** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''IsBaby''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if this zombie is a baby. May be absent.
** <span title="TAG_Byte"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''CanBreakDoors''': 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the zombie can break doors (default value is 0).
** <span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''DrownedConversionTime''': The number of ticks until this zombie converts to a drowned, or husk to zombie. (default value is -1, when no conversion is under way).
** <span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''InWaterTime''': The number of ticks this zombie or husk has been under water, used to start the drowning conversion. (default value is -1, when no conversion is under way).
** <span title="TAG_Int"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''AngerTime''': Ticks until the zombified piglin becomes neutral. -2,147,483,648 to 0 for neutral zombified piglins; 1 to 2,147,483,647 for angry zombified piglins. Value depletes by one every tick if value is greater than 0. When the value turns from 1 to 0, the zombified piglin does not stop tracking the player until the player has exited the zombified piglin's detection radius. When hit by a player or when another zombified piglin within 32 blocks is hit by a player, the value is set to a random number between 400 and 800.
** <span title="TAG_Int_Array"><span class="sprite nbt-sprite"></span></span> '''AngryAt''': The UUID of the last player that attacked the zombified piglin, stored as four ints.
== Progresos ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!In-game description
!Actual requirements (if different)
!Namespaced ID
|<span id="Adventure"></span>
|Adventure, exploration, and combat
|Kill any entity, or be killed by any entity.
|<span id="Monster_Hunter"></span>
|'''Monster Hunter'''
|Kill any hostile monster
|Kill ''one'' of these 33 mobs. Other mobs, if any, may be killed, but are ignored for this advancement.
|<span id="Monsters_Hunted"></span>
|'''Monsters Hunted'''
|Kill one of every hostile monster
|Monster Hunter
|Kill ''each'' of these 33 mobs. Other mobs, if any, may be killed, but are ignored for this advancement.
== Curiosidades ==
* The pre-Texture Update zombie pigman skin file has "THX XAPHOBIA" written on the unused section as a credit by Notch to the skin's original creator.
* Deaths of hostile zombified piglins always register as kills by the player they are targeting, regardless of whether that player ever touched that zombified piglin.‌<sup>[''''JE'' only'']</sup>
* The old zombie pigman was the only mob to have a "baby" variant that is texture is significantly different than its adult counterpart, with baby zombie pigmen missing the outer layer of their head and showing their skull. It instead appears inside of its head, which is a bug.
** This is actually the same case with baby zombies and their variants, which is visible only via Texture Packs.
** However, after the Nether Update, when the zombie pigmen became zombified piglins, and since they no longer have a different layer on their head, their head texture is now the same like their adult counterpart.
* El sonido de enfado del piglin zombificado se reproduce al doble de velocidad del archivo de sonido original.‌<sup>[''''JE'' only'']</sup>
* In some beta versions, when Texture or Behavior Packs are applied, the Zombified Piglin's texture would go back to the Zombie Pigman's.
* En Bedrock Edition, si se aplica el Classic Texture Pack (''paquete de texturas clásico''), se revertirá el modelo y texturas del piglin zombificado a su aspecto original.
== Historia ==
{{History||v1.2.0|snap=25 de octubre de 2010|slink={{tweet|notch|28689926226}}|[[Notch]] twittea que se está trabajando en un segundo monstruo del Nether, diciendo que será menos peligroso que los [[Ghast|Ghasts]] y "algo inútiles" (''"kind of pointless"'')}}
{{History|||snap=preview|[[File:Zombified Piglin JE1.png|x53px]] Los hombrecerdos zombis se presentan como criaturas neutrales desarmadas en una vista previa en la [[Versión de Halloween|versión de Halloween]].}}
{{History|||snap=release|[[File:Zombified Piglin JE2.png|x53px]] Los hombrecerdos zombis son añadidos al juego.
|El líquido verde de la piel de los hombrecerods zombis era originalmente de color rojo,<ref>http://pokeaddicted.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=48#/d31dd7q</ref> pero se cambió dado que [[Notch]] consideró que era demasiado gore, llegado a decir que "es más divertido si da miedo sin usar sangre" ("it's more fun to be scary without blood."<ref>{{tumblr|notch|1427565678}}</ref>
|Con este cambio, los hombrecerdos zombis permanecerán hostiles para siempre si el jugador golpea a uno de ellos.
|The [[drops]] of zombie pigmen are 0–2 {{ItemLink|cooked porkchop}}s.
|Zombie pigmen are referred to as a "Pig Zombie" in the language file.}}
{{History||1.5|[[Pig]]s struck by [[lightning]] in the [[Overworld]] now change into zombie pigmen.<ref>{{tweet|notch|57426954093211648}}</ref>}}
{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Zombie pigmen no longer drop [[cooked porkchop]]s and now drop 0-2 {{ItemLink|rotten flesh}} instead.}}
{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|Zombie pigmen now drop 0-1 {{ItemLink|gold nugget}}s and 0-1 [[rotten flesh]].
|[[File:Zombified Piglin JE3 BE2.png|x53px]] All humanoid mobs have the bottom texture of the face flipped, resulting in a change in the model.}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2<!-- may be 1 -->|Zombie pigmen now naturally have 2 [[armor]] points, as [[zombie]]s. The armor points prevent 8% of [[damage]] taken.}}
{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5|Zombie pigmen, along with other undead [[mob]]s, can now be damaged by [[splash potion]]s of healing, and can be healed by splash potions of harming.
|A [[sword]] enchanted with [[Smite]] now does extra [[damage]] to zombie pigmen.}}
{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w06a|Zombie pigmen now have a rare chance of dropping {{ItemLink|gold ingot}}s, golden [[helmet]]s, or their own {{ItemLink|golden sword}}s, which may be dropped with an enchantment. The sword is enchanted with the equivalent of roughly a level 5 [[Enchanting#Weapon Enchantments|enchantment]].}}
{{History|||snap=unknown|Zombie pigmen are now referred to as their real name, "Zombie Pigman," in the language file, rather than "Pig Zombie".}}
{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w22a|Zombie pigmen can now spawn in the Overworld from nether portals.}}
{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w32a|Zombie pigmen may spawn with [[enchanting|enchanted]] swords and have the capacity to wear any type of armor.
|The sword that a zombie pigmen is carrying now increases the damage it deals.
|Zombie pigmen may pick up dropped [[item]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=12w34b|Zombie pigmen now try to get back into the [[Nether portal]] they came from when in the [[Overworld]].}}
{{History|||snap=12w36a|The [[zombie]] and zombie pigman [[model]]s and textures now have an additional 32 pixels of empty space below the texture.}}
{{History|||snap=unknown|[[File:Zombified Piglin JE3 BE2 (with Carved Pumpkin).png|x53px]] On [[wikipedia:Halloween|Halloween]], zombie pigmen now have a chance of spawning with a [[pumpkin]] or [[jack o'lantern]] on its head.}}
{{History||1.6.2|snap=release|Baby zombie pigmen now spawn naturally.}}
{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|When struck by [[lightning]], zombie pigmen now spawn with golden [[sword]]s.}}
{{History||1.7.4|snap=13w49a|Added [[chicken jockey]]s. Since zombie pigmen share some of the [[zombie]] .class files, there are also now zombie pigman jockeys - a rare version of the baby zombie pigman.}}
{{History||unknown|[[File:Baby Zombified Piglin JE2 BE1.png|x32px]] Baby zombie pigmen with the "[[villager]]" [[tag]] now have skulls. Prior to this update, they looked like this: [[File:Baby pigman no skull.png|x32px]].}}
{{History||1.8|snap=14w03a|The only way to obtain [[gold nugget]]s and [[gold ingot]]s from zombie pigmen, is now for the [[player]] to kill them, whether through combat, [[potion]]s, or player-activated mechanisms such as manually lit [[TNT]].
|If killed without player intervention, zombie pigmen now drop only [[rotten flesh]], rendering fully-automatic [[gold]] farms impossible.}}
{{History|||snap=14w04a|The above change has been partially reverted; zombie pigmen now drop gold nuggets no matter how they are killed.}}
{{History|||snap=14w06a|Zombie pigmen now use a different AI.
|An aggravated zombie pigman now become passive after 20 to 39.95 seconds, although they continue to attack until the player gets outside their aggressive distance.|Zombie Pigmans now use their attack animation like they did in [[Survival Test]]. This shows only when a zombie pigmen is holding a [[weapon]]. When a zombie pigman holds a weapon the damage it does is equal to the damage the [[player]] would do with the weapon added to the normal [[damage]] of the zombie pigmen.
{{History|||snap=14w07a|Baby zombie pigmen are now always hostile to [[player]]s who have ever attacked them.}}
{{History|||snap=14w11a|Zombie pigmen now run away from [[creeper]]s that are about to explode.}}
{{History|||snap=14w30a|[[File:Zombified Piglin JE4.png|x53px]] [[File:Baby Zombified Piglin JE3.png|x32px]] The weapon holding position of zombie pigmen has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=pre1|Baby zombie pigmen, like adults, now become passive after 20 to 39.95 seconds.}}
{{History||1.8.1|snap=pre1|Zombie pigmen no longer run away from creepers that are about to explode.}}
{{History||1.9|snap=15w34a|Zombie pigmen now have an attack animation without [[weapon]]s.}}
{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The entity ID has been changed changed from <code>PigZombie</code> to <code>zombie_pigman</code>.
|The zombie pigmen's in-game name is now "Zombie Pigman" instead of "Zombie" in their name tag when they have <code>CustomNameVisible</code> enabled.}}
{{History||1.12|snap=17w06a|Non-hostile zombie pigmen no longer prevent a player from sleeping in a [[bed]].}}
{{History||1.13|snap=18w07a|Zombie pigmen now seek out [[turtle egg]]s and intentionally trample them.}}
{{History|||snap=18w19a|Zombie pigmen now sink in [[water]].
|Zombie pigmen no longer [[Damage#Drowning|drown]] in water.}}
{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Zombie Pigman.png|x53px]] [[File:Baby Zombie Pigman.png|x32px]] The textures of zombie pigmen and baby zombie pigmen have been changed.}}
{{History||September 28, 2019|link={{article|everything-we-announced-minecon-live-2019}}|At [[MINECON Live 2019]], it was announced that zombie pigmen are to be renamed to zombified piglins, as their unzombified counterpart, [[piglin]]s, were announced as a new [[mob]] to be added in the [[Nether Update]].}}
{{History||February 9, 2020|link={{tweet|Minecraft|1226566473788874752}}|[[File:Zombified Piglin preview.png|x53px]] A new design for zombie pigmen is revealed.}}
{{History||1.16|snap=20w07a|[[File:Unused Zombified Piglin Texture.png]] An unused {{cd|zombie_piglin.png}} texture file has been added to the [[client.jar]].
|Added [[piglin]]s, which can be converted into zombie pigmen in the [[Overworld]].}}
{{History|||snap=20w09a|"Zombie Pigman" has been renamed to "Zombified Piglin".
|[[File:Zombified Piglin JE6.png|x53px]] [[File:Baby Zombified Piglin JE5.png|x32px]] The textures and [[model]]s of zombified piglins and baby zombified piglins have been changed. Currently, however, the texture of their skirts is not displayed correctly.
|The ID of zombified piglins has been changed from {{cd|zombie_pigman|d=to|zombified_piglin}}.
|The texture of zombified piglins has been renamed from {{cd|zombie_piglin.png}} to {{cd|zombified_piglin.png}}.}}
{{History|||snap=20w13a|[[File:Zombified Piglin JE7.png|x53px]] [[File:Baby Zombified Piglin JE6.png|x32px]] The textures of zombified piglins and baby zombified piglins have been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=20w14a|[[File:Zombified Piglin JE8.png|x53px]] [[File:Baby Zombified Piglin JE7.png|x32px]] The textures and [[model]]s of zombified piglins and baby zombified piglins have been changed. The overlay textures on their skirts now displayed correctly. Also, baby zombified piglins are no longer armed. The texture size has been changed from 128x64 to 64x64, and the layout of the parts of the ears has been changed.}}
{{History|||snap=20w19a|[[Piglin]]s now become zombified piglins when in [[the End]].}}
{{History|||snap=20w22a|[[File:Zombified Piglin JE9.png|x53px]] [[File:Baby Zombified Piglin JE8.png|x32px]] The textures and [[model]]s of zombified piglins and baby zombified piglins have been changed. They have now both arms raised, and baby zombified piglins are armed again.}}
{{History|||snap=pre1|Zombified piglins no longer attack innocent bystanders unless {{cmd|gamerule universalAnger}} is set to <code>true</code>.
|Zombified piglins now stop being angry if the targeted player dies nearby unless {{cmd|/gamerule forgiveDeadPlayers}} is set to <code>false</code>.
|Zombified piglins will no longer drop experience orbs and rare drops when killed by something else than a player while in angered state.}}
{{History|||snap=pre3|Zombified piglins will again drop experience orbs and rare drops when killed by something else than a player while in angered state.}}
{{History|||snap=pre6|Changed the subtitle for zombified piglins angry grunts from "Zombified Piglin angers" to "Zombified Piglin grunts angrily".}}
{{History|pocket alpha}}
{{History||0.5.0|[[File:Zombified Piglin BE1.png|x53px]] Added zombie pigmen.
|Zombie pigmen spawn only in [[nether reactor]]s.
|Zombie pigmen are hostile to all [[player]]s, but have a shorter sight range.
|Zombie pigmen are missing their head layer.
|Zombie pigmen's [[drops]] are different than in [[Java Edition|Java]]: 0-1 [[feather]]s and/or a [[gold ingot]].}}
{{History||0.7.2|Added new [[sound]]s for the zombie pigmen.}}
{{History||0.8.1|Zombie pigmen no longer take [[damage]] when they are burning in the [[day]]light.}}
{{History||0.9.0|snap=build 1|Zombie pigmen can now be spawned using a [[spawn egg]].}}
{{History||0.9.2|Zombie pigmen now rarely drop [[carrot]]s and [[potato]]es.
|Zombie pigmen now have an attacking animation.}}
{{History||0.9.4|Zombie pigmen now have {{armor|2}} armor points, which reduces 8% of [[damage]].}}
{{History||0.11.0|snap=build 1|Zombie pigmen can now spawn with three at once instead of one in [[nether reactor]]s.
|[[File:Zombified Piglin JE3 BE2.png|x53px]] Zombie pigmen now have a head layer.
|Zombie pigmen now have their arms out like regular [[zombie]]s.
|Zombie pigmen no longer burn in [[sunlight]].
|Zombie pigmen now drop [[rotten flesh]], which was previously a [[feather]] and also now drop rarely a [[gold ingot]], instead of a [[carrot]] or [[potato]].}}
{{History|||snap=build 2|[[File:Baby Zombified Piglin JE2 BE1.png|x32px]] Zombie pigmen can now spawn as babies.|Added [[chicken jockey]]s}}
{{History||0.12.1|snap=build 1|Zombie pigmen now spawn in [[the Nether]].
|Zombie pigmen now use the new [[mob]] AI.
|Zombie pigmen are now neutral.
|Zombie pigmen can now wear [[armor]].
|[[Pig]]s struck by [[lightning]] now turn into zombie pigmen.
|Zombie pigmen can now drop [[gold nugget]]s.
|Zombie pigmen can now spawn from [[Nether portal]]s in the [[Overworld]].}}
{{History|||snap=build 11|Zombie pigmen now have a chance of spawning with [[enchanting|enchanted]] [[sword]]s.}}
{{History|||snap=?|Zombie pigman have a chance to spawn armored and with enchanted armor.}}
{{History|||snap=build 12|Zombie pigmen now attack [[iron golem]]s.}}
{{History||0.14.0|snap=build 1|Replaced [[chicken jockey]]s: baby zombie pigmen now have 15% chance of becoming a [[jockey]] when angered.
|Adult zombie pigmen can now be ridden by baby [[zombie]] variants.}}
{{History||0.15.0|snap=build 1|Zombie pigmen are now faster when angered.}}
{{History||0.16.0|snap=?|Baby zombie pigmen no longer can mount [[mob]]s.}}
{{History||?|Zombie pigmen no longer may spawn armored.}}
{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|The entity ID has been changed from <code>pig_zombie</code> to <code>zombie_pigman</code>.}}
{{History||?|Adult zombie pigmen are no longer rideable by their baby variants.}}
{{History||1.5.0|snap=beta|Zombie pigmen now sink underwater.
|Zombie pigmen no longer [[Damage#Drowning|drown]] in water.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Zombie pigmen now seek out [[turtle egg]]s and intentionally trample them.}}
{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Zombified Piglin BE3.png|x53px]] [[File:Baby Zombified Piglin BE2.png|x32px]] The textures of zombie pigmen and baby zombie pigmen have been changed.}}
{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Adult zombie pigmen can now be ridden again by baby [[zombie]], baby [[zombie villager]] and baby [[husk]] variants.}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Added [[piglin]]s, which can be converted into zombie pigmen in the [[Overworld]] or [[the End]].
|[[File:Zombified Piglin BE4.png|x53px]] [[File:Baby Zombified Piglin BE3.png|x32px]] The textures and [[model]]s of zombie pigman have been changed.
|"Zombie Pigman" has been renamed to "Zombified Piglin".
|Zombified piglins now sometimes pick up dropped [[armor]] pieces and [[sword]]s.
|Zombified piglins now burn in [[sunlight]] again.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-65381}}</ref>
|Zombified piglins now take [[damage]] from [[lava]] and [[fire]].}}
{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Zombified piglins once again no longer burn on [[sun|sunlight]].}}
{{History|||snap=beta|Zombified piglins are now immune to fire damage again.}}
{{History|||snap=beta|[[File:Zombified Piglin BE5.png|x53px]] [[File:Baby Zombified Piglin BE4.png|x32px]] The models of zombified piglins and baby zombified piglins have been changed. The head scale is now slightly smaller. The textures of zombified piglins have been changed to match as [[Java Edition 20w13a]]'s.}}
{{History|upcoming bedrock}}
{{History||1.16.20|snap=beta|Added [[piglin brute]]s, which can be converted into zombified piglin in the [[Overworld]] or [[the End]].}}
Si la entidad se mueve a una cierta distancia del grupo, espera un tiempo o entra y sale del Nether; volverán a ser pacíficos de nuevo.
{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Zombified Piglin JE3 BE2.png|x53px]] Added zombie pigmen.}}
{{History||xbox=TU12|Zombie pigmen now have a rare chance of dropping [[gold ingot]]s, golden [[helmet]]s, or their own golden [[sword]]s, which can be [[enchanting|enchanted]] with a random level 5 enchantment.}}
{{History||xbox=TU14|ps=1.04|Zombie pigmen can now spawn in the [[Overworld]] from [[Nether portal]]s.}}
{{History||xbox=TU19|xbone=CU7|ps=1.12|[[File:Baby Zombified Piglin CE1.png|x32px]] Added baby zombie pigmen.
|Zombie pigmen can now wear [[armor]] or [[weapon]]s.}}
{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Zombie pigmen now become neutral again toward the [[player]] in 20 to 39.95 seconds after provocation, although they continue to attack until the player gets outside their aggressive distance.}}
{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Zombie Pigman.png|x53px]] [[File:Baby Zombified Piglin CE2.png|x32px]] The textures of zombie pigmen and baby zombie pigmen have been changed.}}
{{History|New 3DS}}
Cambiando la dificultad a Pacífico, estos desaparecerán, incluso si no se les ha provocado, al ser considerado un monstruo.
{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Zombified Piglin JE3 BE2.png|x53px]] [[File:Baby Zombified Piglin JE2 BE1.png|x32px]] Added zombie pigmen and baby zombie pigmen.}}
== Historia e Información ==
*El Piglin zombificado es inmune a la lava, al fuego y al sol, pero si están en la lava por un tiempo, sufrirán daños. Sin embargo, son inmunes al sol en el mundo normal.
*A pesar de que llevan una espada de oro, causan daño 3 (Modo de dificultad normal) en vez de el daño normal que es 2.
*Antes de la actualización del 10 de Noviembre del 2010, los puercolín zombificado no dejaban de ser hostiles al jugador si éstos atacaban.
*Un golpe directo por una [[Carga ígnea|bola de fuego]] de un [[Ghast]] causara que el puercolín zombificado corra directamente hacia este e intente atacarlo. Este comportamiento sólo se ha presenciado si el Ghast está tocando el suelo (lo cual suele ocurre cuando el Ghast aparece debajo de un techo bajo o cueva).
*Los Hombre-cerdo zombi pueden viajar al [[Mundo real|mundo normal]] usando portales.
*A pesar de ser la versión muerta de un [[piglin]], el piglin zombificado no se parece en casi nada a su contra parte viva (sus dientes son de colores distintos, no usan el miso tipo de ropa y su piel tampoco es del mismo color de piel)
== Ahogamiento ==
A diferencia de zombies como los [[Zombi momificado (Husk)|Husk]] (que se transforma en un [[Zombi|zombie normal]]) o los [[Zombi|zombies normales]] (que se transforma en un [[ahogado]]), pero igual que los [[Aldeanos zombi|aldeanos zombi]], estos no sufrirán ninguna transformación si se hunden en el agua, aunque tampoco sufrirán algún tipo de sofocación.
==Recompensas ==
*0-2 [[carne podrida]]
*0-1 [[pepita de oro]]
*0-1 [[Espada|espada de oro]]
*0-1 [[Lingote de oro]]
*0-1 [[Calabaza]] (si la lleva puesta)
*0-1 [[Calabaza de halloween]] (si la lleva puesta)
== Galería ==
Archivo:Comparaciones de conceptos de piglins1.png
Archivo:Comparaciones de conceptos de piglins zombificados2.png
</gallery>Algunas imágenes de las ideas de como debería ser la texturas de los piglins zombificados, hechas por fans{{Mobs}}
[[de:Zombifizierter Piglin]]
[[en:Zombie Pigman]]
[[en:Zombified Piglin]]
[[fr:Cochon zombie]]
[[fr:Piglin zombifié]]
[[hu:Zombi Malacember]]
[[it:Zombi suino]]
[[it:Zombi suino]]
[[ko:좀비 피그맨]]
[[ko:좀비화 피글린]]
[[pl:Zombie pigman]]
[[pl:Zombifikowany piglin]]
[[pt:Homem-porco Zumbi]]
[[ru:Зомбифицированный пиглин]]
[[uk:Зомбований піґлін]]
[[Categoría:Criaturas neutrales]]
[[Categoría:Criaturas neutrales]]

Revisión del 17:39 19 nov 2020

Book and Quill JE2 BE2
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Este artículo trata sobre el mob que habita el Nether y es el resultado de la zombificación de los piglins. Para ver a la versión viva, véase Piglin. Para ver a la versión viva encontrada en los bastiones, véase Piglin bruto. Para ver a la criatura de la superficie, véase Cerdo.

Los piglins zombificados son entidades que habitan en el Nether. Plantilla:Entity


Un piglin zombificado tiene la misma apariencia que un piglin común, con la diferencia de que partes de su cuerpo son de color verde, simulando carne putrefacta. Además llevan un taparrabos marrón como vestimenta y portan una espada de oro. También existe probabilidad de que lleven piezas de armadura de cualquier material.


Los piglins zombificados aparecen en el Nether, cerca a los portales del Nether, o cuando a un cerdo le cae un rayo. Los piglins zombificados tienen una probabilidad del 5% de aparecer como piglins zombificados bebés. Los bebés tienen además una probablilidad el 5% de aparecer como jinetes avícolas[solo Edición Java].

Todos los piglins zombificados aparecen con una espada de oro, las cuales tienen probabilidad de estar encantadas en las dificultades Normal y Difícil, con una probabilidad máxima del 25%. Esto varía dependiendo de la dificultad regional dado al valor de encantabilidad de la espada que sube de 5 a 23 niveles.

Cada Halloween (31 de Octubre), los piglins zombificados tienen una probabilidad del 22.5% de aparecer con una calabaza tallada y una probabilidad del 2.5% de aparecer con una calabaza iluminada como equipo de cabeza[solo Edición Java].


Aparecen en grupos de 4 a cualquier nivel de luz. Aparecen normalmente en las ruinas del Nether y raramente en los bosques carmesís. Además, en los océanos de lava pueden aparecer montando un lavagante.

Portales del Nether

Cuando un bloque de portal del Nether recibe un tick de bloque, hay una probabilidad del 12000 (0.05%) en Fácil, 22000 (0.1%) en Normal y 32000 (0.15%) en Difícil de que haga aparecer un piglin zombificado.

En la Edición Java, aparecen dentro de uno de los bloques del portal en la parte inferior.

En la Edición Bedrock, se generan un bloque al este o al sur del portal (dependiendo de la dirección que esté mirando el portal) y ni las losas ni la iluminación lo impiden.

Si aparece de esta forma, pero no sale del portal, hay una probabilidad de que se teletransporte al Nether.


También se puede aparecer uno cuando a un cerdo le cae un rayo y no lo mata, o si cae un rayo 4 bloques cerca de uno. Si el cerdo es bebé, entonces el piglin zombificado aparecerá como un piglin zombificado bebé.


Un piglin o piglin bruto[futuras ediciones Java 1.16.x y Bedrock 1.16.x.x] que entra a la Superficie o al End se transforma en un piglin zombificado después de 15 segundos. Cuando los piglins bebés se transforman en zombis, no tienen armas, a diferencia de los piglins zombificados bebés que aparecen naturalmente.

Un piglin zombificado mantiene cualquier armadura, herramienta o arma recolectada antes de ser zombificado, incluso si era bebé[Solo Edición Java].

Los piglins zombificados bebés además tienen un 5% de posibilidades de convertirse en un jinete avícola[Solo para JE].


Los piglins zombis se mueven a 2.2843 m/s y son inmunes al fuego y a la lava. Cuando se les provoca, su velocidad aumenta a 3.3845 m/s o más rápido si son bebés.

Al igual que los zombis, los piglins zombificados golpean puertas de madera y pueden romperlas en la dificultad Difícil.

En las dificultades Normal y Difícil, hasta el 55% de los piglins zombificados recogen piezas de armadura y espadas que sean mejores que las suya, la que luego arrojan con la misma probabilidad que si fueran asesinados con Saqueo I, 9.5%.

Los piglins zombificados intentan destruir cualquier huevo de tortuga que vean a 23 bloques de distancia horizontalmente y a 3 bloques de distancia verticalmente (10 bloques horizontalmente y 2 bloques verticalmente en la Edición Bedrock), sin contar el bloque en el que se encuentren. Cuando se genera, siempre detecta los huevos de tortuga cercanos después de exactamente 2 segundos. Sin embargo, si el huevo de tortuga se coloca después de la generación del piglin zombificado, el piglin zombificado tarda un tiempo en notar el huevo de tortuga e intentar romperlo.

Aunque los piglins zombificados son inmunes a los bloques de magma, evitan caminar sobre ellos. Sin embargo, si son generados o empujados a bloques de magma, entonces encontrarían el camino normalmente en ellos.

Tipo de mob

No muerto, ellos son:

  • Dañados por el efecto de estado Salud instantánea y curado por el efecto de estado Daño instantáneo.
  • No se ve afectado por los efectos de estado Regeneración ni Veneno.
  • Ignorado por el Wither y afectado por el encantamiento Castigo.


Los piglins zombificados no son inicialmente hostiles, pero todos los piglins zombificados dentro de un área de 67×21×67 a 111×21×111 centrada en el piglin zombificado atacado se vuelven agresivos y atacan al atacante (otro mob o al jugador) si un individuo es atacado, a menos que el piglin zombificado atacado sea asesinado de un solo golpe[solo Edición Java]. Además, algunos piglins zombificados tienen la capacidad de generar refuerzos cuando son atacados (similar a los zombis, y que rara vez pueden incluir de hecho zombis). Esto se aplica a cualquier golpe registrado como proveniente del jugador u otros mobs, incluidas bolas de fuego de un ghast desviadas, ataques de barrido, bolas de nieve y huevos, o una flecha de esqueleto. Esto no incluye fuegos artificiales disparados desde ballestas o flechas disparadas por un dispensador.

Los piglins zombificados permanecen hostiles de 20 segundos a 27 minutos (limitado por el tipo de etiqueta Anger NBT). Acercarse dentro del rango de seguimiento del jugador (35 bloques +/- 5%) de un piglin zombificado ya hostil hace que alarme y enoje a todos los piglins zombificados cercanos en un radio de 40 bloques. Tener una línea de visión constante con un piglin zombificado hostil hace que alarme a los piglins zombificados neutrales (dentro de un radio de 40 bloques) cada 100 tics de juego, o 5 segundos solo si está fuera del rango de seguimiento de su jugador. Un piglin zombificado permanece hostil indefinidamente si está dentro de las áreas de procesamiento de la entidad y tiene una línea de visión directa con el jugador. Romper la línea de visión directa hace que un piglin zombificado hostil se vuelva neutral si su temporizador de perdón (de 20 segundos a 27 minutos) expira. El temporizador de perdón no avanza para piglins zombificados en chunks descargados. Por lo tanto, si el jugador ingresa a un portal del Nether y regresa, cualquier piglin zombificado provocado en el área permanece agresivo a menos que otro jugador esté cerca para mantener cargados los chunks. Morir hará que los piglins zombificados se vuelvan neutrales hacia el jugador si la regla de juego ForgiveDeadPlayers está activada. Persiguen a los jugadores incluso si tienen el efecto Invisibilidad.

Los piglins zombificados neutrales no previenen que un jugador duerma[solo Edición Java].

Los piglins zombificados hostiles tienen un hallazgo de ruta ligeramente diferente al de cuando son neutrales. Por ejemplo, se caerían de los bordes que les causarían daños por caída en un intento de alcanzar al atacante donde la mayoría de los otros mobs no lo harían.

Cuando un piglin zombificado es atacado, los piglins normales no se enojan y viceversa.


Al morir un Piglin zombificado puede soltar los siguientes objetos:

  • 0-1 de carne podrida. La cantidad máxima aumenta en 1 por nivel de Saqueo, hasta un máximo de 0-4 con Saqueo III.
  • 0-1 pepitas de oro. La cantidad máxima aumenta en 1 por nivel de Saqueo, hasta un máximo de 0-4 con Saqueo III.
  • Hay un 2,5% de probabilidad de dejar caer un lingote de oro si lo mata un jugador o un lobo domesticado. La probabilidad aumenta en un 1% por nivel de Saqueo, hasta un máximo de 5,5% con Saqueo III.
  • Hay un 8.5% de probabilidad de dejar caer su Espada de oro si la mata un jugador o un lobo domesticado. La probabilidad aumenta en un 1% por nivel de Saqueo, hasta un máximo de 11,5% con Saqueo III.
  • Los Piglins zombificados tienen un 8.5% de probabilidad de soltar sus hongo deformado en un palo si se genera en un Plantilla:EntityLink y asesinado por un jugador o un lobo domesticado. Esta probabilidad aumenta en un 1% por nivel de Saqueo, hasta un máximo de 11,5% con Saqueo III.
  • Los Piglins zombificados tienen un 8.5% de probabilidad de soltar su hacha de oro si es zombificado un Plantilla:EntityLink y asesinado por un jugador o un lobo domesticado. Esta probabilidad aumenta en un 1% por nivel de Saqueo, hasta un máximo de 11,5% con Saqueo III.
  • Los Piglins zombificados tienen un 8.5% de soltar su Ballesta si se zombificada un Plantilla:EntityLink con ballesta y es asesinado por un jugador o un lobo domesticado. Esta probabilidad aumenta en un 1% por nivel de Saqueo, hasta un máximo de 11,5% con Saqueo III.
  • Después de que un Piglin se transforma en un Piglin zombificado, al morir, deja caer cualquier armadura adquirida y armas.
  • Plantilla:Xp para adultos o Plantilla:Xp para bebés si los mata un jugador o un lobo domesticado.

Las espadas doradas que se dejan caer tienen entre uno y total durabilidad .


SonidoSubtítulosFuenteDescripciónUbicación de
Clave de
VolumenTonoDistancia de
Gruñidos de Piglin zombificado??entity.zombified_piglin.ambientsubtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.ambient??16
Gruñidos enojados de Piglin zombificado??entity.zombified_piglin.angrysubtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.angry??16
Rompiendo puerta??entity.zombie.attack_wooden_doorsubtitles.block.generic.break??16
Intentando romper puerta de hierro??entity.zombie.attack_iron_doorsubtitles.block.generic.break??16
Puerta rota??entity.zombie.break_wooden_doorsubtitles.block.generic.break??16
Muerte de Piglin zombificado??entity.zombified_piglin.deathsubtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.death??16
Piglin zombificado herido??entity.zombified_piglin.hurtsubtitles.entity.zombified_piglin.hurt??16

Valores de datos

Los piglins zombificados tienen una entidad de datos asociada con ellos y que contienen varias propiedades del mob.

  • Entidad de datos
    • Tags comunes para toda entidad [esconder]
    • id (Identificación): Representación de string de la entidad. No existe para la entidad del jugador.
    • Pos: 3 TAG_Doubles (Doble_Tag) describiendo la posición actual X, Y y Z.
    • Movimiento: 3 TAG_Doubles (Doble_Tag) describiendo la velocidad en dX, dY y dZ de la entidad en ticks por segundo.
    • Rotación: Dos TAG_Floats (Tag_Flotantes) representa rotación en grados.
      • La rotación de la entidad a la dirección de las manecillas del reloj alrededor del eje Y (llamado Yaw). Sur es 0. No excede los 360 grados.
      • La declinación de la entidad desde el horizonte (llamado Pitch). Horizontal es 0. Valores positivos hacia abajo. No excede los 90 grados positivos y/o negativos.
    • FallDistance (Distancia de caída): Distance the entity has fallen. Larger values cause more damage when the entity lands.
    • Fire: Number of ticks until the fire is put out. Negative values reflect how long the entity can stand in fire before burning. Default -20 when not on fire.
    • Air: How much air the entity has, in ticks. Fills to a maximum of 300 in air, giving 15 seconds submerged before the entity starts to drown, and a total of up to 35 seconds before the entity dies (if it has 20 health). Decreases while underwater. If 0 while underwater, the entity loses 1 health per second.
    • OnGround: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the entity is touching the ground.
    • NoGravity: 1 or 0 (true/false) - if true, the entity does not fall down naturally. Set to true by striders in lava.
    • Invulnerable: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the entity should not take damage. This applies to living and nonliving entities alike: mobs should not take damage from any source (including potion effects), and cannot be moved by fishing rods, attacks, explosions, or projectiles, and objects such as vehicles and item frames cannot be destroyed unless their supports are removed. Invulnerable player entities are also ignored by any hostile mobs. Note that these entities can be damaged by players in Creative mode.
    • PortalCooldown: The number of ticks before which the entity may be teleported back through a nether portal. Initially starts at 300 ticks (15 seconds) after teleportation and counts down to 0.
    • UUID: This entity's Universally Unique IDentifier. The 128-bit UUID is stored as four 32-bit integers, ordered from most to least significant.
    • CustomName: The custom name JSON text component of this entity. Appears in player death messages and villager trading interfaces, as well as above the entity when the player's cursor is over it. May not exist, or may exist and be empty.
    • CustomNameVisible: 1 or 0 (true/false) - if true, and this entity has a custom name, the name always appears above the entity, regardless of where the cursor points. If the entity hasn't a custom name, a default name is shown. May not exist.
    • Silent: 1 or 0 (true/false) - if true, this entity is silenced. May not exist.
    • Passengers: The data of the entity that is riding this entity. Note that both entities control movement and the topmost entity controls spawning conditions when created by a mob spawner.
      • See this format (recursive).
    • Glowing: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the entity has a glowing outline.
    • Tags: List of scoreboard tags of this entity.
    • Tags common to all mobs [hide]
    • Health: Amount of health the entity has.
    • AbsorptionAmount: Amount of extra health added by Absorption effect.
    • HurtTime: Number of ticks the mob turns red for after being hit. 0 when not recently hit.
    • HurtByTimestamp: The last time the mob was damaged, measured in the number of ticks since the mob's creation. Updates to a new value whenever the mob is damaged, then updates again 101 ticks later for reasons unknown. Can be changed with commands, but the specified value does not affect natural updates in any way, and is overwritten if the mob receives damage.
    • DeathTime: Number of ticks the mob has been dead for. Controls death animations. 0 when alive.
    • FallFlying: Setting to 1 for non-player entities causes the entity to glide as long as they are wearing elytra in the chest slot. Can be used to detect when the player is gliding without using scoreboard statistics.
    • SleepingX: The X coordinate of where the entity is sleeping, absent if not sleeping.
    • SleepingY: The Y coordinate of where the entity is sleeping, absent if not sleeping.
    • SleepingZ: The Z coordinate of where the entity is sleeping, absent if not sleeping.
    • Brain: Everything this entity has to keep in mind.
      • memories: Empty for all but villagers.
        • minecraft:meeting_point: Where this villager's meeting point is.
          • value: El valor de esta memoria.
            • pos: The X Y and Z values of the meeting point.
            • dimension: The dimension ID of the meeting point.
        • minecraft:home: Where this villager's bed is.
          • value: El valor de esta memoria.
            • pos: The X Y and Z values of the bed.
            • dimension: The dimension ID of the bed.
        • minecraft:job_site: Where this villager's job site block is.
          • value: El valor de esta memoria.
            • pos: The X Y and Z values of the job site block.
            • dimension: The dimension ID of the job site block.
        • minecraft:last_slept: The tick that the villager last slept in a bed.
          • value: El valor de esta memoria.
        • minecraft:last_woken: The tick that the villager last woke up from a bed.
          • value: El valor de esta memoria.
        • minecraft:last_worked_at_poi: The tick that the villager last worked at their job site.
          • value: El valor de esta memoria.
        • minecraft:angry_at: El objetivo de este piglin.
          • value: Universally Unique IDentifier of the entity that the piglin targets, stored as four ints.
          • ttl: The amount of ticks before this memory is removed.
        • minecraft:admiring_item: If the piglin is admiring an item.
          • value: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if admiring an item.
          • ttl: The amount of ticks before this memory is removed, the piglin throws back another item when this reaches 0, if it held a gold ingot.
        • minecraft:admiring_disabled: If the piglin can admire an item at this moment, set when being converting, when hurt or after just admiring an item.
          • value: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if admiring is disabled.
          • ttl: The amount of ticks before this memory is removed.
        • minecraft:hunted_recently: If the piglin just hunted, and as such, won't for a while. Set after hunting or spawning in a bastion remnant.
          • value: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the piglin just hunted and cannot hunt.
          • ttl: The amount of ticks before this memory is removed.
    • Attributes: A list of Attributes for this mob. These are used for many purposes in internal calculations, and can be considered a mob's "statistics". Valid Attributes for a given mob are listed in the main article.
      • An individual Attribute.
        • Name: The name of this Attribute.
        • Base: The base value of this Attribute.
        • Modifiers: A list of Modifiers acting on this Attribute. Modifiers alter the Base value in internal calculations, without changing the original copy. Note that a Modifier never modifies Base to be higher than its maximum or lower than its minimum for a given Attribute.
          • An individual Modifier.
            • Name: The Modifier's name.
            • Amount: The amount by which this Modifier modifies the Base value in calculations.
            • Operation: 0, 1, or 2. Defines the operation this Modifier executes on the Attribute's Base value. 0: Increment X by Amount, 1: Increment Y by X * Amount, 2: Y = Y * (1 + Amount) (equivalent to Increment Y by Y * Amount). The game first sets X = Base, then executes all Operation 0 modifiers, then sets Y = X, then executes all Operation 1 modifiers, and finally executes all Operation 2 modifiers.
            • UUID: This modifier's Universally Unique IDentifier, stored as four ints. Used to identify the modifier so that the correct modifier can be added or removed.
    • ActiveEffects: The list of potion effects on this mob. May not exist.
      • Un efecto de poción
        • Id: The numerical effect ID.
        • Amplifier: The potion effect level. 0 is level 1.
        • Duration: The number of ticks before the effect wears off.
        • Ambient: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if this effect is provided by a Beacon and therefore should be less intrusive on screen.
        • ShowParticles: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if particles are shown (affected by "Ambient"). false if no particles are shown.
        • ShowIcon: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if effect icon is shown. false if no icon is shown.
        • HiddenEffect: Lower amplifier effect of the same type, this replaces the above effect when it expires. (The duration of the effect still decreases in here too)
          • HiddenEffect: The same as the above compound, recursively.
          • Amplifier: The potion effect level. 0 is level 1.
          • Duration: The number of ticks before the effect wears off.
          • Ambient: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if this effect is provided by a Beacon and therefore should be less intrusive on screen.
          • ShowParticles: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if particles are shown (affected by "Ambient"). false if no particles are shown.
          • ShowIcon: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if effect icon is shown. false if no icon is shown.
    • HandItems: The list of items the mob is holding, in the following order: Main hand, Off hand.
      • : The item being held in the mob's main hand.
        • Tags common to all items [hide]
        • Count: Number of items stacked in this inventory slot. Any item can be stacked, including tools, armor, and vehicles. Range is -128 to 127. Values of 1 are not displayed in-game. Values below 1 are displayed in red.
        • id: Item/Block ID. If not specified, Minecraft changes the item to stone when loading the chunk or summoning the item.
        • tag: Additional information about the item, discussed more in the subsections of the item structure section. This tag is optional for most items.
      • : The item being held in the mob's off hand.
        • Tags common to all items [hide]
        • Count: Number of items stacked in this inventory slot. Any item can be stacked, including tools, armor, and vehicles. Range is -128 to 127. Values of 1 are not displayed in-game. Values below 1 are displayed in red.
        • id: Item/Block ID. If not specified, Minecraft changes the item to stone when loading the chunk or summoning the item.
        • tag: Additional information about the item, discussed more in the subsections of the item structure section. This tag is optional for most items.
    • ArmorItems: The list of items the mob is wearing as armor, in the following order: feet, legs, chest, head.
      • : The item in the feet armor slot.
        • Tags common to all items [hide]
        • Count: Number of items stacked in this inventory slot. Any item can be stacked, including tools, armor, and vehicles. Range is -128 to 127. Values of 1 are not displayed in-game. Values below 1 are displayed in red.
        • id: Item/Block ID. If not specified, Minecraft changes the item to stone when loading the chunk or summoning the item.
        • tag: Additional information about the item, discussed more in the subsections of the item structure section. This tag is optional for most items.
      • : El objeto en la ranura de armadura para piernas.
        • Tags common to all items [hide]
        • Count: Number of items stacked in this inventory slot. Any item can be stacked, including tools, armor, and vehicles. Range is -128 to 127. Values of 1 are not displayed in-game. Values below 1 are displayed in red.
        • id: Item/Block ID. If not specified, Minecraft changes the item to stone when loading the chunk or summoning the item.
        • tag: Additional information about the item, discussed more in the subsections of the item structure section. This tag is optional for most items.
      • : The item in the chest armor slot.
        • Tags common to all items [hide]
        • Count: Number of items stacked in this inventory slot. Any item can be stacked, including tools, armor, and vehicles. Range is -128 to 127. Values of 1 are not displayed in-game. Values below 1 are displayed in red.
        • id: Item/Block ID. If not specified, Minecraft changes the item to stone when loading the chunk or summoning the item.
        • tag: Additional information about the item, discussed more in the subsections of the item structure section. This tag is optional for most items.
      • : The item in the head armor slot.
        • Tags common to all items [hide]
        • Count: Number of items stacked in this inventory slot. Any item can be stacked, including tools, armor, and vehicles. Range is -128 to 127. Values of 1 are not displayed in-game. Values below 1 are displayed in red.
        • id: Item/Block ID. If not specified, Minecraft changes the item to stone when loading the chunk or summoning the item.
        • tag: Additional information about the item, discussed more in the subsections of the item structure section. This tag is optional for most items.
    • HandDropChances: List of float values representing the chance for a handheld item to drop.
      • : Chance to drop the item being carried in the main hand.
      • : Chance to drop the item being carried in the off hand.
    • ArmorDropChances: List of float values representing the chance for a worn armor item to drop.
      • : Chance to drop the item being worn in the feet slot.
      • : Chance to drop the item being worn in the legs slot.
      • : Chance to drop the item being worn in the chest slot.
      • : Chance to drop the item being worn in the head slot.
    • DeathLootTable: Optional. Loot table to be used for the items that drop when the entity is killed.
    • DeathLootTableSeed: Opcional. Plántala para generar una mesa de botín. Si tiene valor 0 o no se escribe, se usará una semilla aleatoria.
    • CanPickUpLoot: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the mob can pick up loot (wear armor it picks up, use weapons it picks up).
    • NoAI: 1 or 0 (true/false) - Setting to true disables the mob's AI. The mob does not and cannot move, to the extent of not falling when normally able.
    • PersistenceRequired: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the mob must not despawn naturally.
    • LeftHanded: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the mob renders the main hand as being left.
    • Team: This tag is actually not part of the NBT data of a mob, but instead used when spawning it, so it cannot be tested for. It makes the mob instantly join the scoreboard team with that name.
    • Leash: Either contains a UUID int array, if this leash connects to another entity, or an X, Y, Z int trio if this leash connects to a fencepost. Does not exist if the entity is not leashed.
      • UUID: The Universally Unique IDentifier of the entity this leash connects to, stored as four ints.
      • X: The X coordinate of the fence this leash connects to.
      • Y: The Y coordinate of the fence this leash connects to.
      • Z: The Z coordinate of the fence this leash connects to.
    • IsBaby: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if this zombie is a baby. May be absent.
    • CanBreakDoors: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the zombie can break doors (default value is 0).
    • DrownedConversionTime: The number of ticks until this zombie converts to a drowned, or husk to zombie. (default value is -1, when no conversion is under way).
    • InWaterTime: The number of ticks this zombie or husk has been under water, used to start the drowning conversion. (default value is -1, when no conversion is under way).
    • AngerTime: Ticks until the zombified piglin becomes neutral. -2,147,483,648 to 0 for neutral zombified piglins; 1 to 2,147,483,647 for angry zombified piglins. Value depletes by one every tick if value is greater than 0. When the value turns from 1 to 0, the zombified piglin does not stop tracking the player until the player has exited the zombified piglin's detection radius. When hit by a player or when another zombified piglin within 32 blocks is hit by a player, the value is set to a random number between 400 and 800.
    • AngryAt: The UUID of the last player that attacked the zombified piglin, stored as four ints.


Icono Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Namespaced ID
Adventure Adventure, exploration, and combat Kill any entity, or be killed by any entity. adventure/root
Monster Hunter Kill any hostile monster Adventure Kill one of these 33 mobs. Other mobs, if any, may be killed, but are ignored for this advancement. adventure/kill_a_mob
Monsters Hunted Kill one of every hostile monster Monster Hunter Kill each of these 33 mobs. Other mobs, if any, may be killed, but are ignored for this advancement. adventure/kill_all_mobs


  • The pre-Texture Update zombie pigman skin file has "THX XAPHOBIA" written on the unused section as a credit by Notch to the skin's original creator.
  • Deaths of hostile zombified piglins always register as kills by the player they are targeting, regardless of whether that player ever touched that zombified piglin.‌['JE only]
  • The old zombie pigman was the only mob to have a "baby" variant that is texture is significantly different than its adult counterpart, with baby zombie pigmen missing the outer layer of their head and showing their skull. It instead appears inside of its head, which is a bug.
    • This is actually the same case with baby zombies and their variants, which is visible only via Texture Packs.
    • However, after the Nether Update, when the zombie pigmen became zombified piglins, and since they no longer have a different layer on their head, their head texture is now the same like their adult counterpart.
  • El sonido de enfado del piglin zombificado se reproduce al doble de velocidad del archivo de sonido original.‌['JE only]
  • In some beta versions, when Texture or Behavior Packs are applied, the Zombified Piglin's texture would go back to the Zombie Pigman's.
  • En Bedrock Edition, si se aplica el Classic Texture Pack (paquete de texturas clásico), se revertirá el modelo y texturas del piglin zombificado a su aspecto original.


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