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{{version nav |title=1.9 |edition=java |image=Combat Update.png |name=[[Actualización e |download=1.9.1 |fecha=29 de febrero de 2016[1] |prevparent=1.8 |prev=1.8.9 |next=1.9.1 |nextparent=1.10 }} La 1.9 fue el primer lanzamiento de la Actualización de combate[2], una actualización importante de Minecraft, publicada el 29 de febrero de 2016.[3]

Elementos añadidos


  • generic.armor
    • Mide la cantidad de protección de la armadura.
    • Está limitado entre 0 y 30.
  • generic.attackSpeed
    • Mide los ataques completamente cargados por segundo.
    • El valor de la velocidad de ataque se muestra en su respectiva herramienta.
    • El valor base es 4,0, lo que indica que la barra se rellena cada 0,25 segundos.
      • Las espadas tienen un modificador de -2,4, dando como resultado un modificador por defecto de 1,6 (rellenándose en 0,63 segundos).
      • Los picos tienen un modificador de -2,8, dando como resultado un modificador por defecto de 1,2 (rellenándose en 0.83 segundos).
      • Las palas tienen un modificador de -3, dando como resultado un modificador por defecto de 1 (rellenándose en 1 segundo).
      • Las hachas tienen un modificador basado en su nivel.
        • Las hachas de madera y piedra tienen un modificador de -3,2, dando como resultado un modificador por defecto de 0,8 (rellenándose en 1,25 segundos).
        • Las hachas de hierro tienen un modificador de -3,1, dando como resultado un modificador por defecto de 0,9 (rellenándose en 1,11 segundos).
        • Las hachas de diamante tienen un modificador de -3, dando como resultado un modificador por defecto de 1 (rellenándose en 1 segundo).
      • Las azadas tienen un modificador basado en su nivel.
        • Las azadas de madera tienen un modificador de -3, dando como resultado un modificador por defecto de 1 (rellenándose en 1 segundo).
        • Las azadas de piedra tienen un modificador de -2, dando como resultado un modificador por defecto de 2 (rellenándose en 0,5 segundos).
        • Las azadas de hierro tienen un modificador de -1, dando como resultado un modificador por defecto de 3 (rellenándose en 0,33 segundos).
        • Las azadas de diamante tienen un modificador de 0, dando como resultado un modificador por defecto de 4 (rellenándose en 0,25 segundo).
      • El efecto "Prisa minera" aumenta la velocidad de ataque un 10% por nivel, mientras que "Fatiga al picar" la reduce un 10% por nivel.
  • generic.luck, que oscila entre -1024 y 1024.
    • Se utiliza al procesar tablas de botines con las etiquetas quality o bonus_rolls. Actualmente se puede utilizar para abrir cofres y vagonetas con cofre, pescar y recompensas soltadas por criaturas, pero por defecto solo afecta a la pesca si no se cambian.
  • El modificador de los atributos se puede modificar con las etiquetas NBT.
Opción de mano dominante
  • Ahora se puede elegir la mano dominante del jugador para el modelo del personaje.
    • Se encuentra en la parte inferior de "Personalizar aspecto".
    • También cambia la orientación de la otra mano en la barra.
      • Así como el indicador de carga de ataque, cuando aparece en la barra.
Compatibilidad con idiomas
  • Ahora es compatible con chino, japonés, coreano y probablemente otros idiomas IME introducidos.
  • El término "Air" ya se puede traducir a otros idiomas; se utiliza en el menú de personalización de mundo extraplano. En español corresponde a "Aire".
Tablas de botín
  • Ahora todos los botines (de criaturas, cofres, etc.) están basados en una tabla. Esto no incluye los bloques.
    • Se pueden modificar editando el mapa, añadiendo un archivo JSON en la carpeta "MUNDO/data/loot_tables".
    • Para información más específica sobre la personalización, véase el artículo.
  • Se ha añadido una nueva barra de volumen "Voz" en "Música y sonido"
    • Orientada a creadores de mapas; para mapas personalizados con voces [4]
  • sweepAttack
    • Utilizado para el "ataque defensivo" de la espada.
  • dragonBreath
  • endRod
  • damageIndicator
    • Producido por las criaturas cuando sufren daños.
Eventos de sonido
  • Se ha añadido un nuevo evento de sonido, pero aún no tiene uso en el juego.
    • entity.player.breath
Textos de inicio
  • "More Digital!"
  • "doot doot"
  • "Falling with style!"
  • "There's no stopping the Trollmaso"
  • "Throw yourself at the ground and miss"
  • sleepInBed: registra el número de veces que el jugador ha dormido en una cama.
  • sneakTime: registra el número de ticks que el jugador ha estado agachado, aunque haya estado quieto.
  • pickup: registra el número de objetos que el jugador ha recogido del suelo al inventario.
  • drop: registra el número de objetos que el jugador ha soltado del inventario al suelo.
  • aviateOneCm: registra la distancia que un jugador ha recorrido volando con los élitros.
Atajos de teclado
  • Ahora puedes acceder al modo espectador pulsando F3+N.
    • Es necesario tener la capacidad de usar el comando /gamemode para poder hacerlo.
  • Ahora se muestran subtítulos de todos los sonidos que se producen alrededor del jugador.
    • Las criaturas tienen subtítulos individuales, por ejemplo "Siseo de creeper".
    • Las indicaciones "<" o ">" junto al subtítulo indican de dónde proviene el sonido.
Pantalla de selección de mundo
  • Ahora se muestra junto a los mundo la última versión en la que se ejecutaron. Si son previos a la snapshot 15w32a se calificarán como "desconocido".
    • El número de la versión aparecerá en rojo si se ha jugado antes en una versión más nueva.
  • Ahora se muestra una miniatura del mundo. Se toma una captura de pantalla de la creación del mapa o cuando se abrió por primera vez en la snapshot 15w32b o superior).
    • Si el mundo no se ha abierto en la snapshot 15w32b o antes, o no se ha podido sacar una miniatura, aparecerá una imagen en escala de grises.
    • La miniatura se guardará en la carpeta del mundo, en .minecraft/saves, con el nombre "icon.png".
      • De esta forma puede ser editada fácilmente.
    • Aparecerá una exclamación sobre la miniatura, indicando que el mundo no se ha jugado todavía en esa snapshot.
      • Al pasar el ratón por encima se verá el siguiente mensaje: "Haz una copia de seguridad del mundo antes de cargarlo en esta versión."
      • También te avisará si el mundo se ha jugado en una versión de Minecraft superior, advirtiendo de que el mapa puede dañarse si lo juegas en una inferior.
  • Ahora se puede hacer clic en la flecha de "play" para abrir el mundo, como en los servidores.
  • Ahora hay dos opciones al pulsar el botón de editar el mundo:
    • Reiniciar icono: esto te permite restaurar el icono sin ir a la carpeta.
    • Abrir carpeta: esto abrirá la carpeta del mundo, en .minecraft.


  • Se ha añadido la nueva mecánica de combate "fuerza de ataque".
    • Se muestra un medidor tras cambiar de arma o atacar.
      • El daño causado depende de lo lleno que esté el medidor, con una reducción cuadrática (el ataque hace de un 20% a un 100% del daño normal en función de lo lleno que esté el medidor).
      • El medidor se llena a distinta velocidad dependiendo del atributo de cada ataque.
        • El efecto Plantilla:EffectLink hará que el medidor se rellene más rápido.
      • Se puede mostrar junto a la barra de bloques (dependiendo de la mano dominante del jugador), bajo la mirilla o desactivarlo.
        • Es similar al icono del efecto Plantilla:EffectLink junto a la barra de objetos o bajo la mirilla.
        • Esto se controla desde ajustes de vídeo.
    • Ahora se muestra una animación de recarga de la herramienta cuando se cambia a ella por primera vez, levantándola lentamente.
  • Ahora se emiten sonidos al atacar con fuerza, con debilidad o al bloquear.
Llevar dos armas
  • Ahora se pueden utilizar ambas manos para realizar distintas acciones con los clics izquierdo y derecho del ratón.
    • Por ejemplo, si un jugador tiene un pico en su mano principal y una antorcha en su otra mano, un clic derecho colocará la antorcha.
      • Esto ocurre porque el pico pierde la función al hacer clic con el botón derecho, por lo que el juego identifica el otro objeto como la función secundaria y, por lo tanto, lo usará al presionar dicho botón.
        • El jugador no puede presionar ambos botones a la vez.
    • Esto se consigue a través de un espacio adicional en el inventario, llamado "mano secundaria".
      • Ahora al pulsar
Esta página ha sido etiquetada como pendiente de borrado por petición de un usuario [borrar] [discutir, enlaces]
Esto puede ser debido a una violación de las normas o bien por petición del autor.

(por defecto) cambia cualquier objeto seleccionado en la barra con el objeto en la mano secundaria (aunque no tengas ninguno).

      • El espacio de la mano secundaria se muestra cerca de la barra cuando no está vacío (a la izquierda para jugadores diestros y viceversa).
      • Se encuentra disponible en todas las interacciones de la pantalla del inventario.
        • Se distingue por tener representado el símbolo de un escudo cuando no se está usando.
      • Puedes escuchar el sonido que emiten otros jugadores al cambiar los objetos, no el de los tuyos propios.
  • Solo se pueden realizar ataques físicos con la mano principal.
  • Ahora los arcos escogen los tipos de flecha basándose en la mano secundaria, dando prioridad a las flechas que se encuentren en este espacio sobre las que se encuentren en el inventario.
    • Si hay varios tipos de flecha y ninguna en la mano secundaria o seleccionada en la barra rápida, la flecha arrojada será aquella de la que menos unidades queden.
  • Mientras la mano secundaria esté vacía, será invisible en la vista de primera persona.
  • Algunos atributos y encantamientos se aplicarán al objeto de la mano secundaria se se especifica a través de una nueva etiqueta.
  • Encantamientos de "tesoros"
    • Solo se pueden obtener mediante botines de cofres, pesca o comercio con libros encantados.
  • Nuevo encantamiento de "tesoro": Paso helado
    • Convierte el agua en hielo que se descompone pasado un tiempo.
      • No funciona con las corrientes de agua.
    • Distintos niveles:
      • El nivel I crea un círculo de hielo alrededor del jugador en un radio de 2 bloques.
      • Cada nivel más añade un bloque al tamaño del radio.
        • El radio máximo es de 16 bloques.
          • A partir del nivel 14 no se aumenta el radio.
    • No convierte el agua en hielo y hay una entidad en esa porción de espacio.
    • El agua debe tener un bloque de aire por encima para poder convertirse en hielo.
    • Funciona siempre y cuando el jugador se encuentre un bloque por encima del agua.
    • No se puede combinar con el encantamiento "Agilidad acuática".
  • Nuevo encantamiento de "tesoro": Reparación
    • Toda la experiencia obtenida con el objeto en las manos se invertirá en repararlo en lugar de añadirse a la barra de experiencia.
      • Los espacios de mano principal, mano secundaria y armadura cuentan como objeto en las manos.
      • Si hay varios objetos con el encantamiento se elegirá uno al azar para cada orbe de experiencia obtenido.
      • Se repara a una velocidad de 2 por punto de experiencia.
      • Si la cantidad necesaria para reparar el objeto es inferior al valor de un orbe de experiencia, la experiencia restante irá destinada a la barra de nivel.
Efectos de estado
  • Plantilla:EffectLink:
    • Se obtiene al ser alcanzado por una flecha espectral.
    • Hace brillar el contorno del jugador, incluso a través de los bloques que no sean transparentes.
    • Se clasifica como efecto negativo, porque impide esconderse de otros jugadores.
    • Si el jugador pertenece a algún equipo, el color del brillo del contorno será distinto, equiparado al del equipo.
  • Plantilla:EffectLink:
    • Se obtiene al ser alcanzado por un proyectil de shulker.
    • Hace flotar de forma involuntaria al jugador.
      • Se puede aprovechar para alcanzar superficies altas.
    • Se clasifica como efecto negativo, ya que puede causar daño por caída.
    • Cuanto mayor sea el nivel, con mayor velocidad ascenderás.
      • El efecto entre los niveles 128 y 254 causará flotar en dirección contraria a velocidad constante, siendo el 128 la velocidad más rápida y 254 la más lenta (un bloque por segundo).
      • El efecto a nivel 255 desactiva la caída y el salto, similar pero no igual a la habilidad de volar en modo creativo. Es imposible ascender o descender sin el uso de pistones.
  • Plantilla:EffectLink y Plantilla:EffectLink
    • Aumenta y desciende el atributo de suerte en ±1 por nivel.
  • Ahora se puede volar utilizando los élitros
  • Ahora se puede utilizar la opción "Control de élitros".

Formato de comandos

  • /time
    • /time query ahora acepta el valor day, que devuelve el número del día.
  • /gamerule
    • disableElytraMovementCheck
      • Al establecerse en true el servidor omitirá la comprobación de trampas por velocidad en jugadores que lleven los élitros.
      • Por defecto es false
    • spectatorsGenerateChunks
      • Determina si los jugadores en modo espectador deben generar mapa.
      • Por defecto es true.
    • spawnRadius
      • Controla a qué distancia desde la zona de aparición pueden generarse jugadores.
      • Por defecto es 10.
Etiquetas NBT
  • Todas las entidades
    • Glowing (byte): Controla si una entidad o no sufre los efectos de luminiscencia.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~ {Glowing:1} generará un creeper luminiscente.
      • Esto no funciona con todas las entidades.
      • Los soportes para armaduras con la etiqueta Marker no mostrarán el contorno del soporte, únicamente la armadura.
    • Tags (lista): Contiene una lista de valores que pueden utilizarse con el parámetro "tag".
      • El comando /scoreboard puede asignar etiquetas sobre sí mismo.
      • /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~ {Tags:["tag1","tag2"]}
    • Passengers (lista): Replaces the original "Riding" compound tag. Tiene la capacidad de especificar varios pasajeros a distintas profundidades, a diferencia de "Riding". Instead of the deepest-nested "Riding" entity being the bottom-most in the stack of riding entities, the entity at the root of the data is at the bottom of the stack.
      • Por ejemplo, el soporte para armaduras con el siguiente combate se encuentra al fondo de la pila, mientras que la vaca y el cerdo están a la misma profundidad:
        • /summon ArmorStand ~ ~1 ~ {Passengers:[{id:"Cow"},{id:"Pig"}]}
      • También puede generar entidades apiladas, en vez de a la misma altura y con etiquetas NBT específicas:
        • /summon Sheep ~ ~1 ~ {Passengers:[{id:"Sheep",Color:5,Passengers:[{id:"Sheep",CustomName:"test",CustomNameVisible:1}]}]}
  • Todas las criaturas
    • HandItems (listas): Define qué objetos están en la mano derecha y cuáles en la izquierda.
      • Funciona con 2 registros, uno para la mano dominante y otro para la secundaria, por ese orden.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {HandItems:[{id:"minecraft:stone"},{id:"minecraft:cobblestone"}]}
    • ArmorItems (listas): Se utiliza para especificar la armadura que lleva la criatura.
      • Funciona con 4 registros: pies, piernas, pecho y cabeza, por ese orden.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {ArmorItems:[{id:"minecraft:leather_boots"},{id:"minecraft:leather_leggings"},{id:"minecraft:leather_chestplate"},{id:"minecraft:leather_helmet"}]}
    • LeftHanded (byte): Define cuál es la mano dominante de las criaturas.
      • Establecer en 1 para que sea la izquierda o en 0 para que sea la derecha.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {LeftHanded:1,HandItems:[{id:"minecraft:stone"}]}
    • ArmorDropChances y HandDropChances (lists): Define la probabilidad de soltar una armadura u objeto que tenga una criatura.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {HandDropChances:[1.0f,1.0f],HandItems:[{id:"minecraft:stone"},{id:"minecraft:cobblestone"}]}
      • Por ejemplo: /summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {ArmorDropChances:[2.0f,2.0f,2.0f,2.0f],ArmorItems:[{id:"minecraft:leather_boots"},{id:"minecraft:leather_leggings"},{id:"minecraft:leather_chestplate"},{id:"minecraft:leather_helmet"}]}
    • DeathLootTable (string): Define qué tabla de botín se empleará al matar a la criatura.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~ {DeathLootTable:"minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon"}
    • DeathLootTableSeed (long): The deterministic seed for grabbing data from the loot table. Used in vanilla survival to replicate chest content in new worlds with same seeds. Must not be 0.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~ {DeathLootTable:"minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon",DeathLootTableSeed:123l}
  • Todos los objetos
    • La cadena Slot en la etiqueta AttributeModifiers (cadena): Define qué espacio ocupa el objeto a la hora de aplicar el modificador.
      • Los espacios disponibles son: "mainhand" (mano principal), "offhand" (mano secundaria), "feet" (pies), "legs" (piernas), "chest" (pecho), "head" (cabeza).
      • Por ejemplo: /give @p minecraft:leather_chestplate 1 0 {AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.maxHealth",Name:"Test",Amount:10.0,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:1l,UUIDMost:1l,Slot:"chest"}]}
  • Jugadores
    • DataVersion (integer): Define el valor numérica de la versión que se está jugando.
      • No se puede modificar.
      • /scoreboard players set @a OBJ 1 {DataVersion:104}
    • RootVehicle
      • Con la introducción de la etiqueta "Passengers", this new compound holds a copy of the entity the player is currently riding. "AttachLeast" y "AttachMost" son los UUIDLeast y UUIDMost de la entidad, mientras que "Entity" mantiene sus datos originales.
      • /testfor @a {RootVehicle:{AttachLeast:1l,AttachMost:1l,Entity:{id:"Boat",CustomName:"Test"}}}
  • Objetos: poción
    • Potion (cadena)
      • Used to determine the type of potion it is using new name IDs.
      • Por ejemplo: /give @p minecraft:lingering_potion 1 0 {Potion:"minecraft:long_invisibility"}
  • Entity: ThrownPotion
    • Potion (compound)
      • Holds the item data for the potion thrown.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon ThrownPotion ~ ~1 ~ {Lingering:1,Potion:{id:"minecraft:lingering_potion",Count:1,tag:{Potion:"minecraft:long_invisibility"}}}
  • Entity: Arrow
    • Potion (cadena): States the default potion ID of the arrow, same values as when used with potion items. See the potion article for a list of default IDs.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon Arrow ~ ~1 ~ {Potion:"minecraft:long_swiftness"}
    • CustomPotionEffects (list): Multiple effects using global effect IDs, same structure as when used with potion items. See the status effect article for a list of global IDs.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon Arrow ~ ~1 ~ {CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:14,Duration:100}]}
  • Entity: SpectralArrow
    • Duration (integer): Specifies how long the effect will last when the arrow strikes the target.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon SpectralArrow ~ ~5 ~ {Duration:200}
  • Entidad: shulker
    • Peek (byte): Percentage to indicate the progress of its idle and attacking animations, so the height of its shell is correctly updated.
    • AttachFace (byte): Determines the direction the shulker has attached to a block face.
      • Summoning shulkers will make them attach to the ground by default.
    • APX, APY, APZ (int): Set of integer coordinates that the shulker should be located at.
      • These coordinates will be obtained from the coordinates entered by a /summon command through a truncation function.
  • Entity: ShulkerBullet
    • Used to track the target location of shulker projectiles.
    • Relevant NBT structure: {Steps:1,TXD:0.0,TYD:0.0,TZD:0.0,Dir:0,Owner:{X:0,Y:0,Z:0,L:1L,M:1L},Target:{X:0,Y:0,Z:0,L:1L,M:1L}}
  • Tile: Chest / Tile: Hopper / Entity: MinecartChest / Entity: MinecartHopper
    • LootTable (string): Loot table to be used to fill the chest when it is next opened or destroyed. When the chest is part of a double chest, only the half corresponding to the tagged single-chest will be affected.
      • Por ejemplo: /setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:chest 0 replace {LootTable:"minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon"}
    • LootTableSeed (long): Seed for generating the loot table. Used in vanilla survival to replicate chest content in new worlds with same seeds. 0 or omitted will use a random seed.
      • Plantilla:Command
  • Entity: MinecartHopper
    • Enabled (byte): Determines whether or not the minecart hopper will pick up items into its inventory.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon MinecartHopper ~ ~1 ~ {Enabled:1b}
  • Entity: EnderCrystal
    • BeamTarget (compound): Used to assign a custom target to the beam.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon EnderCrystal ~ ~1 ~ {BeamTarget:{X:1,Y:2,Z:3}}
    • ShowBottom (byte): Boolean tag that, when applied, hides the small bedrock slate appearing below the ender crystal.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon EnderCrystal ~ ~1 ~ {ShowBottom:1b}
  • Entity: EnderDragon
    • DragonPhase (integer): determines the current action the dragon will complete.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon EnderDragon ~ ~1 ~ {DragonPhase:7}
  • Entity: EntityHorse
    • SkeletonTrap (byte): Indicates whether the horse is a skeleton trap.
      • If it is, the horse will spawn 4 skeleton horses, ridden by skeletons and a lightning bolt in its place when a player gets within 10 blocks of it.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon EntityHorse ~ ~1 ~10 {SkeletonTrap:1b}
    • SkeletonTrapTime (integer), incremented each tick when SkeletonTrap is set to 1. The mob automatically despawns when it reaches 18000 (15 minutes). This will prevent the hostile horses from overflowing the world, similar to chicken jockeys.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon EntityHorse ~ ~1 ~10 {SkeletonTrap:1b,SkeletonTrapTime:17980}
  • Entidad: barca
    • Type (string): Determines the wood material of the boat that is displayed. Values are: oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark_oak.
    • Por ejemplo: /summon Boat ~ ~1 ~ {Type:"acacia"}
  • Entidad: AreaEffectCloud
    • New entity that is the result of lingering potions, applying an effect to entities that step within its radius. It has the following tags
    • Particle (string): The name of what particle they play. Defaults to "mobspell".
    • ReapplicationDelay (integer): Every this number of ticks, a person standing in the radius gets the effect applied to them. Defaults to 20.
    • Radius (float): Specifies the radius in meters that the effect applies in. Changes over time.
    • RadiusPerTick (float): How much the radius increases/decreases each tick. Can also be made positive to have the effect grow. Defaults to -0.005f.
    • RadiusOnUse (float): How much the radius increase/decreases when applied to an entity. Defaults to -0.5f.
    • Duration (integer): How long the linger effect lasts in ticks. When the entity's age exceeds this number, it is removed.
    • DurationOnUse (float): How much the duration increase/decreases when applied to an entity. Defaults to 0.0f.
    • Effects (list): Potion effects that the AreaEffectCloud applies.
    • Potion (string): States the default potion ID of the AreaEffectCloud, same values as when used with potion items.
    • Color (integer): Integer representing the color of potion effect particles. Uses Red<<16 + Green<<8 + Blue, so the number from leather armor color code calculators will work.
    • Age (integer): Number of ticks the entity has been alive. Defaults to 0.
    • WaitTime (integer): Until the potion AreaEffectCloud's Age hits this number, it is small and does not apply potion effects. Likely used so you can throw a lingering potion and get a small distance away before the effects start. Por defecto es 10.
    • OwnerUUIDLeast (long): UUIDLeast of the thrower.
    • OwnerUUIDMost (long): UUIDMost of the thrower.
      • Por ejemplo: a deadly smoke that grows with each sacrifice: /summon AreaEffectCloud ~ ~ ~ {Particle:"largesmoke",ReapplicationDelay:20,Radius:2f,RadiusPerTick:-0.002f,RadiusOnUse:0.5f,Duration:600000,DurationOnUse:0.0f,Effects:[{Id:7b,Duration:2400,Amplifier:10b}]}
  • Entity: Zombie
    • VillagerProfession (integer): tag for zombie villagers is used to determine what profession the zombie is represented as, as well as what profession it will become when cured.
    • The appearance of the zombie will match the assigned profession.
    • This tag is preserved during the villager's transformation to a zombie and vice versa.
      • Por ejemplo: /summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {IsVillager:1b,VillagerProfession:3}
  • Tile: Bloque de comandos
    • auto (byte): When set to 1, the command block will no longer require a redstone signal in order to activate.
      • When applied to an impulse mode block, its command will activate only once right after finishing writing the command.
      • When applied to a repeat mode block, it will constantly activate every tick.
      • When applied to a chain mode block, it will always be available to activate its signal when called.
      • Por ejemplo: /blockdata X Y Z {auto:1b}
    • ConditionMet (byte): States whether or not the command block behind the conditional command block was successful in output. Will be 1 if that block is successful and 0 if unsuccessful.
      • Non-conditional command blocks will always be 1.
      • Por ejemplo: /testforblock X Y Z minecraft:command_block -1 {conditionMet:1b}
  • Tile: Bloques de comandos y bloques musicales
    • powered (byte): now have the "powered" tag associated with them, stating whether or not the block is currently receiving a redstone signal.
      • They can be edited through block data so the block are activating even though no redstone is adjacent.
        • Changing a command block through the "always active" toggle, effectively makes that command block to always have a 1 powered state, even when the block is updated.
      • Por ejemplo: /blockdata X Y Z {powered:1b}
  • Tile: Brewing stands
    • Fuel (byte): Stores how much fuel is remaining in a brewing stand
      • Por ejemplo: /setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:brewing_stand 0 replace {Fuel:127b}
  • Tile: End gateway portal (minecraft:end_gateway)
    • ExitPortal (compound): Holds a set of X/Y/Z coordinates to determine the general location the player will be "safely" teleported to when entering.
    • ExactTeleport (byte): When set to 1, it will teleport entities to the specified coordinates exactly instead of at a safer location around those coordinates.
    • Age (long): Determines how long the end gateway has existed.
      • When lower than 200, the block will emit a purple beam.
        • This is to easily locate the gateway when it first spawns.
      • Por ejemplo: /setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:end_gateway 0 replace {Age:180,ExactTeleport:1,ExitPortal:{X:1,Y:2,Z:3}}
  • Added /scoreboard players tag ...
    • The player can add and remove tags for any entity based on NBT tags of that entity/player.
      • Por ejemplo: /scoreboard players tag @a test {OnGround:0b} will add the tag "test" to all players that are in the air.
    • Tags can be accessed by using the parameters after the selector.
      • Por ejemplo: /give @a[tag=test] stone 1 will give 1 stone to all players that have the tag "test".
    • The player can use /scoreboard players tag <player> list to see what tags are on an entity.
    • Tags are stored in the playerdata file as strings, not in the archivos de marcadores.
      • This means that any tag the player binds has to be bound to an existing online player or an existing entity.
      • Unlike objectives, tags cannot be displayed anywhere on the HUD or inventario.
        • Only via the list sub-command can the player see which tags an entity has on the chat.
        • A través del comando CommandStats se puede obtener el número de etiquetas del marcador que tiene una entidad mediante QueryResult.
  • Added five new objective types: EXP, hambre, oxígeno, armadura y nivel.
    • "xp" can be used to track the players exact amount of XP points.
    • "food" can be used to track the hunger level of the player (ranges from 0 to 20).
    • "air" can be used to see how long the player has been underwater.
      • Starts at 300 (out of water) and then decreases 1 per tick as long as the player´s head is underwater (resets when the player gets out of the water).
      • The water breathing status effect freezes the timer and the respiration enchantment slows down the countdown from 300, each time more with each level.
    • "armor" can be used to track the armor bar, which in turn tracks the total amount of protection of all currently worn armor pieces.
    • "level" can be used to track the player's level directly, which is the number displayed above the experience bar.
      • It is not directly correlated to the experience points, since increasing levels each time takes more xp than before.
      • This could be tracked before, but it required some intermediate steps.
  • Added collisionRule to the team options.
    • It controls whether or not players can push other players and whether or not is team dependent.
    • Los modos son: always, never, pushOtherTeam, pushOwnTeam
  • Ahora el selector de modos de juego m es compatible con la negación y valores de modos de juego literales.
    • Por ejemplo: @p[m=!1], @p[m=creative], @p[m=c] y @p[m=!spectator]

Generación del mundo

Árbol coral
  • Generate on the outer islands of the End.
  • Tree-like arrangements of the new chorus plant and chorus flower blocks.
  • The whole structure is destroyed when the bottom-most block is destroyed, like cacti.
  • Can be farmed by planting the chorus fruit flowers that come from the top of the plants, on top of endstone.
    • Unlike cacti, chorus plants do not require the supporting block to be below it, but rather adjacent.
      • This allows the structure to grow around obstacles, like other chorus trees.
El End
  • Generates many islands in every direction from the main island, though separated by a gap of about 1,025 blocks.
    • Mini islands generate between the center and main islands.
    • End islands and mini end islands (except for the main one) will have chorus trees spread throughout them, as well as end cities with end ships.
Ciudad del End
  • Generates on the new outer end islands.
  • Dungeon-type structure fashioned like a branching tower made of endstone and many of the new blocks.
    • Resembles a tree house.
  • Contains loot inside of chests.
  • Generates with shulkers in it.
End gateway
  • It is generated in a radius around the main portal each time the dragon is killed.
    • Up to 20 gateways can be generated this way.
    • It is the usual way of traveling to the outer end islands, without having to build or fly all the way over there.
    • It consists of the gateway block in the middle and two little bulbs of bedrock on the top and bottom.
      • Since the bulbs of bedrock only leave a one block slit on the horizontal plane, it is only accessible by throwing ender pearls at it, or by riding pigs, boats or minecarts.
      • When used, it generates another gateway at the player's destination.
        • The gateways are linked so the player has a way back.
Barco del End
  • Sometimes generates up in the air next to the end city dungeon.
    • Always appears to sail away from what appears to be a pier.
    • Composed of many of the same materials as the End City.
  • Generates with shulkers in it.
  • Has a dragon head, a brewing stand with potions of healing, a pair of elytra within an item frame, and other various loot.
  • Spawn randomly in Ice Plains and Cold Taiga (but not the Hills variant).
    • Spawning parameters are shared with desert temples, jungle temples, and witch huts: the fact of a structure spawn is decided, then the biome determines which structure (if any) is spawned.
  • An igloo contains: 9 white carpets, 3 light gray carpets, 2 blocks of ice, a redstone torch, furnace, bed and a crafting table.
  • Some igloos have a stone brick basement, with a cauldron, 2 red carpets, a brewing stand, 3 spruce stairs, a cobweb and loot chest, along with a villager priest and zombie villager priest in iron bars. A trapdoor with ladders leads down, into the mossy brick basement, cracked and stone brick also available, with 2 torches.
    • In the loot chest there is a golden apple, hinting that the player needs to cure the Zombie.
    • Always spawns with a splash potion of weakness hinting the player to use these on the zombie to turn him into the villager next to him.
    • The zombie has the PersistenceRequired tag which makes it not despawn.
    • Silverfish spawn in some stone brick blocks.
  • New preset: The Void
    • Spawns the player on a stone platform. No other terrain generates.
    • The Void is now a biome with an ID of 127.


Flor coral
  • Se generan sobre los tallos de las plantas de coral.
  • Breaks if the supporting block below is broken.
    • It only drops when mined directly.
  • puede ser plantada sobre una end stone en cualquier dimensión.
  • Cambia su textura cuando dejan de crecer.
Planta coral
  • Se generan en el End.
  • Se pueden hacer crecer usando flores coral.
  • Breaks in quick succession if the supporting chorus plant below is broken.
  • Al ser destruida da fruta coral.
Cabeza de Enderdragón
  • Cuando el jugador la lleva y camina, abre la boca y la cierra.
  • Si está expuesto a corrientes de redstone abrirá y cerrará su boca.
    • Mantendrá la boca en el lugar donde quedó después de desactivar la corriente de redstone a la que estaba expuesta.
  • Se genera en los Barcos del End
End gateway
  • Es un portal que sirve para llegar al end infinito.
    • El destino al que quieres ir lo puedes cambiar usando etiquetas NBT.
  • El jugador no puede usar
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o /give para poder obtenerlo.

    • It can only be set by using /setblock.
  • Se genera en la estructura del end gateway después de matar al dragón y se utiliza una perla del end para poder pasar al end infinito.
    • cuando aparece se pueden ver los mismos rayos de luz que el faro, pero morados. Al usarlo aparecerán esos mismos rayos, pero amarillos.
  • Its texture does not get deformed due to perspective, but rather it displays the same texture as the end portal block on all its footprint, independent of angle.
Vara del End
  • Se generan en las Ciudades del End.
  • Se puede craftear con una Fruta de coral cocida abajo, y un blaze rod on top, yielding four end rods.
  • Se pueden poner verticalmente u horizontalmente.
    • The model has a little base that is oriented against the block it was placed.
      • Si es colocado sobre otra vara del end, aparecerá en la dirección opuesta.
  • Produce partículas blancas.
  • Se puede usar como una fuente de luz, con la misma luminosidad que la antorcha.
  • Unlike torches, they are tangible.
Ladrillos de piedra del End
  • Se generan en las Ciudades del End.
  • Puede ser crafteada con 4 bloques de end stone.
Frosted Ice
  • Created when using "Frost Walker" enchantment.
  • Cannot be obtained in inventory, neither with silk touch nor with commands. (Can only be placed using /setblock)
  • Breaks after a few seconds when in sufficient light (including daylight).
    • Breaking takes place in four breaking stages (blockstates: age:0, age:1, age:2, age:3). Still decay with randomTickSpeed set to 0, but a higher number will make them decay faster.
  • Son de 15 píxeles de alto.
    • Su textura es parecida al pasto.
  • Puede ser obtenido haciendo clic derecho a un pasto y sosteniendo una pala.
    • Esto disminuye la durabilidad de la pala.
  • Dará tierra al ser destruida, pero se puede obtener como objeto usando el Encantamiento Toque de seda.
  • No aparece en el menú del modo creativo.
    • Pick block funciona normalmente con él. Aunque también se puede obtener con el comando /give <Nombre del Jugador> grass_path
Bloque de púrpur

Se generan en las Ciudades del End.

  • Se pueden craftear con frutas de coral cocidas.
Pilar de púrpur

Se generan en las Ciudades del End.

  • Se pueden craftear con púrpur.
Escaleras de púrpur

Se generan en las Ciudades del End.

  • Se puede craftear con púrpur.
Losa de púrpur

Se generan en las Ciudades del End..

  • Se pueden craftear con púrpur.
Bloque de estructuras
  • Se puede colocar solamente con /setblock, pero no se generará ninguna estrucura.
    • Su ID es minecraft:structure_block
      • No puede ser empujado por un pistón ni destruido
  • Tiene 4 modos: save, load, corner y data.
  • Tiene una "S" en la textura del modo save, una "L" en el modo load, una "C" en el modo corner y "D" en el modo data.


Estofado de remolacha
Semillas de remolacha
  • Sirve para plantar remolachas.
  • Drop chances for beetroot seeds average 2 per crop harvested.
  • Used to be a pocket edition exclusive.
Fruta coral
  • Obtained from chorus plants.
  • Can be eaten even if the player is not hungry, similar to golden apples.
    • Teleports the player to a random nearby location when eaten (like an enderman).
    • Does not heal hunger points if the hunger bar is full.
      • Otherwise it will heal Plantilla:Hunger.
  • Can be cooked in the furnace to obtain Popped Chorus Fruits.
  • It has a cool down time every time they are eaten, like ender pearls.
    • It is visible in the item icon through a "rolling curtain" animation.
  • Stacks to 64.
Dragon's breath
  • Shot by the ender dragon at the player as an attack.
    • Leaves a patch of purple particles that deal damage when stood on top.
      • Also spawn upon impact of an "ender acid" charge.
    • Can only be collected by right clicking an empty bottle in the middle of the cloud.
  • Found in the brewery section of the creative inventory.
  • Can be used to brew lingering potions with dragon's breath as the ingredient and a splash potion.
  • Stacks to 64.
  • Function according to hang glider aerodynamics.
    • You don't receive fall damage if you fall from a small height while flying slowly (not nose-diving).
    • Still receive fall damage if you nose-dive directly into the ground.
    • Receive damage from horizontal collisions, new death message: "Player experienced kinetic energy".
  • Have to be equipped in the “chestplate” slot in order to work.
  • Will activate when the
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key is pressed when in mid-air.

  • Have 431 uses (over 7 minutes of flying) and can be repaired on an anvil, using 4 leather to repair it totally.
  • Can be given the Unbreaking enchantment using an anvil or commands.
  • Legs will make a “walking movement” animation when you are stalling in the air.
  • Similar to the Wing Cap item from Super Mario 64.
  • Found on End Ships within an item frame
  • Wings fold while not gliding
  • The elytra texture defaults to the cape texture if the player owns a cape.
    • The cape does not display while wearing
    • The Cape option in the Skin Customization menu will synchronize with the Elytra texture.
  • Takes damage at a rate of 1/s
Cristal del End
  • Can be crafted using an eye of ender in the middle, a ghast tear on the bottom and 7 glass blocks on the remaining squares.
  • Can only be placed on obsidian and bedrock blocks.
    • Can not be placed in adventure mode.
  • Has no bottom plate like "normal" end crystals.
  • Used on the exit portal in the end to respawn the dragon.
  • The end crystal can't be destroyed by explosions (except Wither)
Lingering potion
  • Thrown like a splash potion.
    • Leaves a patch of the potion particle effect on impact.
      • Entities that walk into it get the effect.
  • Has all the potion types, and works with potions whose effect are instant.
  • Brewed with dragon's breath and a splash potion.
  • Cloud duration can be controlled through a data tag.
  • Does not stack, just like other potions.
  • Travels with the same speed as splash potions when shot through dispensers.
Water splash potion
  • It extinguishes any fire block that it's thrown at, as well as a maximum of five of them in the vicinity.
Popped chorus fruit
  • Obtained from cooking chorus fruit.
  • Used to craft purpur blocks.
  • Cannot be eaten.
Potion of Luck
  • Gives the Luck effect for 5 minutes
  • Also comes in splash and lingering potion forms as well as for tipped arrows ("Arrow of Luck").
  • Crafted using 6 planks and one iron ingot.
    • The default texture looks like wood.
  • New tool used for blocking incoming attacks.
    • If the player holds right click while being attacked, the damage inflicted is reduced, and the shield loses durability.
      • This works when the shield is either in the main hand or in the offhand.
        • The player can hold 2 shields at once, but it does not affect the damage taken.
    • When an attack is blocked by a shield, the attacker may be knocked back.
  • The player cannot attack while blocking.
  • Can be combined with banners to transfer its pattern to it.
    • The banner is consumed on use.
    • Can only be combined with banners if no pattern was previously applied.
  • Can only be repaired on the anvil.
    • Requires planks to repair it.
  • They cannot be enchanted directly.
    • Can receive the Unbreaking enchantment through an enchanted book
      • Some other enchantments applied via commands will still function, such as Thorns or Protection.
  • Arrows can ricochet off a shield to hit other entities.
  • Hitting a shield with an axe has a chance to disable the shield for 5 seconds.
    • It is shown in the item icon as a "rolling curtain" animation.
    • 25% base chance, plus 5 percentage points for each level of Efficiency on the axe, plus 75 percentage points if sprinting.
Shulker spawn egg
  • Usado para generar un shulker.
  • De color morado con puntos morados más oscuros.
Spectral Arrow
  • A new type of Arrow
  • The tip is gold colored in both the item and the entity model.
  • Shows mob and player outlines in their respective team color when hit (even when invisible).
  • NBT tags can be used to both disable and force outlines.
    • The glowing is a status effect.
  • Crafted by surrounding an arrow with 4 glowstone dust.
    • Yields 2 spectral arrows.
  • The duration of the effect when the arrow strikes its target can be customized using NBT data.
Tipped Arrow
  • A new type of arrow that can be tipped with potions.
  • 15 new arrow types in total.
  • Each differently tipped arrow is available in the creative menu, just like enchanted books or potions.
    • Except for the "splashing arrow" that corresponds to the new water splash potion.
  • Corresponding status effect is applied upon impact to mobs and players.
  • Tipped arrows can be customized with commands.
  • Exist for empty bottles, water bottles, mundane potions, thick potions and awkward potions
  • Crafted by 8 arrows surrounding a lingering potion of that type, yielding 8 of them.
  • For effects with duration, the duration is 18 that of the corresponding potion.
Uncraftable potion
  • Has no effect, unknown use.
  • Cannot be obtained in survival.
  • Has tag Potion:"minecraft:empty".


  • Abreviatura de "Shell Lurker".
  • A hostile mob with the appearance and some behavior of a solid purple block.
    • Only spawns on the ground or at the walls of end cities when they first generate.
    • Does not despawn in Peaceful, but will not attack or target players.
  • When attacking, it opens its shell on a spinning animation revealing the creature inhabiting.
    • The creature looks a like a little white cube with big eyes.
    • Its attack consists of shooting projectiles with the appearance of white sea urchins.
      • The projectiles chase the player until he/she is out of range.
        • It won't chase a spectator.
      • They can only move along one of the three grid axes at a time and on integer steps.
      • They can be knocked away by attacking them.
      • Getting hit by a projectile causes 2♥ of damage and inflicts the Plantilla:EffectLink status effect.
      • Shulkers take more damage if they are attacked while their shell is open.
  • It has an idle animation where it opens its shells a little to peek through.
  • It can be pushed by pistons and resists being placed on any position that isn't 3 integers (except if they are riding minecarts).
  • It has a chance of teleporting like an enderman or dragon egg while being attacked.
    • It always teleports on the following circumstances:
      • Removing its support block.
      • Pushing it into a non-air block (except piston heads).
      • Pushing a non-air block into its position (except piston heads).
  • It's one of the few entities (apart from boats and minecarts) that can be stood on.
    • It even displaces the player properly during its attacking and idle animations.
  • Has various NBT tags associated with it, which can control its animation, block attached, location and target location of projectile.

Otras entidades

  • Aplica los efectos de una poción a las criaturas y jugadores que se encuentren a su alcance durante el periodo especificado.
  • Esta característica se emplea en las pociones persistentes y el aliento de dragón.
  • Se pueden configurar varios atributos con etiquetas NBT (véase más arriba).



  • Proper support for multiple bosses’ health bars, so they can show at the same time without obstructing each other.
  • Thomas Guimbretière is now credited, under "Game design, programming and graphics".
  • Samuel Åberg is now credited, under "Music and sound".
  • Erik Broes is now credited under "Game design, programming and graphics", rather than "Programming".
  • Leonard Gram is now credited under his current name, changed from Leonard Axelsson.
  • A "Realms Development Team" section is added, now including Daniel Frisk, Leonard Gram, David Marby and Philip Vieira.
  • A "Realms Content Manager" section is added, now including Marc Watson.
  • No longer shows the crosshair in 3rd person view.
Damage tooltips
  • Now read "When in main hand:" for all tools by default.
  • Now show absolute damage instead of damage increase.
Death messages
  • Will now be displayed on the player's death screen in gray as well as in the chat.
Debug screen
  • Now indicates whether the current version is a snapshot in the top left.
    • e.g. Minecraft 16w05b (16w05b/vanilla/snapshot)
  • Now shows more information.
    • Plantilla:Keys gives help and shows all
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+ key combinations.

    • Plantilla:Keys now increases render distance by 1 (Minimum and Maximum are 2-32).
    • Plantilla:Keys now decreases render distance by 1 (Min and Max are 2-32).
    • Shows if the pie chart and FPS chart are shown on screen.
    • Shows text in chat when you reload chunks, sounds, etc.
    • Does not open the debug screen when you use a specific key combination like Plantilla:Keys, Plantilla:Keys, etc.
    • Removed Plantilla:Keys, which previously reloaded sounds.
    • Plantilla:Keys now reloads all resource pack content, including sounds
  • The debug screen now shows when your finger is released from
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, rather than when pushed.

  • Rearranged the survival inventory and the creative "survival tab" to accommodate for the new offhand slot.
  • Unified the orientation of many items in the inventory.
Menu Screen
  • Now indicates whether the current version is a snapshot in the bottom left.
    • e.g. Minecraft 16w05b/snapshot
  • Different models/textures can be used for each different damage value, item states, and whether the item is held in a different hand.
    • This works on compasses, clocks, and anything that can have a durability bar.
    • It also contains additional tags for bows and fishing rods.
  • Models can be put together based on block state attributes, such as fences.
    • As a result, the vanilla set of block models has been reduced by almost 300.
  • Block model JSON is now strict, meaning that comments and quote-less identifiers are not allowed.
  • display tag defaults have changed, and the thirdperson and firstperson tags were replaced with thirdperson_righthand, thirdperson_lefthand, firstperson_righthand, and firstperson_lefthand.
  • parent and elements tags can coexist now, but the top level elements tag overwrites all former ones.
  • Removed the Super Secret Settings button and the Alternate Blocks toggle from video settings.
  • Twitch integration (along with the Broadcast Settings section in video settings) is removed.
  • Optimized memory usage when connected to servers.
  • Optimized mob AI (specially pathfinding).
  • Optimized block ticking.
  • Improved chunk generation, loading and sending.
    • Improved rendering "by building a chunk only once where it was rebuilt up to 5 times in worst case".
  • Particles are no longer entities, reducing memory usage.
    • Throwing an egg or a snowball at an entity, produces particles.
  • Redstone and piston contraptions visibly update much faster.
  • Better performance on older computers.
  • Riding entities such as boats, horses, minecarts and saddled pigs, are now run by the client instead by the server.
Pick block
  • In survival, it now works on items outside the hotbar but inside the player's inventory.
  • In creative, it respects the tags of items in item frames while holding
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  • When crouching, players are 1.65 blocks tall (versus 1.8 blocks normally).
  • When flying with elytra, players are now only 0.6 blocks tall.
Resource packs
  • The required pack version number was changed to "2" in pack.mcmeta.
  • Overlay layers (hat, jacket, sleeves, and pantsVerificar) correctly render semitransparent pixels, instead of only fully opaque and fully transparent pixels.
Eventos de sonido
  • Sound events were renamed.
Modo espectador
  • A spectator is no longer able to open a chest where the loot has not been generated yet.
    • They are given the message: "Unable to open. Loot not generated yet."
Texto de inicio
  • Changed "0% sugar" to "1% sugar".
  • Removed "SOPA means LOSER in Swedish!".
  • New column on the statistics items screen to accommodate for the new pickup and drop statistics.
Structure data
  • Now comes from /assets/structures.


  • Overpowered
    • Description changed from "Build" to "Eat" an enchanted golden apple.
  • Added sound when critical hitting a player or mob.
  • Now controls the chance of a "skeleton trap" spawning on natural lightning strikes.
    • Chance is calculated from the regional difficulty score: 5% * raw regional difficulty score
      • 3.75–7.5% chance on Easy, 7.5–20% chance on Normal, 11.25–33.75% chance on hard.
  • Most entities (except for items, ender crystals,paintings and xp orbs) can now be pushed by other entities.
    • The same class of entities are now "magnetic" to the bobber of the fishing rod and won't suffer knockback or take pseudo-damage from it.
    • Entities bunched up in a 1x1 hole together no longer push away entities touching adjacent corners
  • Sharpness and Protection enchantments have been nerfed.
    • Each sharpness level now adds Plantilla:Health damage to the base damage at level I and an additional 0.5 (Plantilla:Health × 0.25) for each additional level, down from a flat Plantilla:Health per level.
    • Protection enchantment bonuses are now linear instead of quadratic.
  • Enchantments with max 1 level will no longer display the level, e.g. "Infinity" rather than "Infinity I".
  • When multiple pieces of Thorns armor are worn, one will now be chosen at random instead of always using the "bottommost" piece.
  • Silk Touch can no longer be applied to shears in survival mode.
  • Added sound when damaging players or mobs with Thorns.
  • Added sound when knockback hitting a player or mob.
  • Now is collected at the middle rather than at the head
    • This means that if a large amount of experience is collected, it will no longer block the player's view.
  • Blocks no longer drop XP when the doTileDrops gamerule is set to false.
  • The Lure enchantment no longer affects the chances of catching things, only the delay.
  • Fished junk will be less damaged (0%–90% durability remaining) while treasure will be more damaged (0%–25% durability remaining).
  • Ink sacs will now be caught singly with weight 10 (formerly a stack of 10 with weight 1).
  • Luck of the Sea and the new Luck effect affect fishing again, and effects stack. Each point increases the weight of treasure by 2, decreases the weight of fish by 1, and decreases the weight of junk by 2.
  • Upon death the player can now choose to respawn in spectator mode rather than the world being deleted.
  • Health regenerates faster when saturation is not empty and the player is not hungry: 1♥ per half-second versus 1♥ per 4 seconds.
  • Health regeneration increases exhaustion faster: now 4 exhaustion points (1 food point) per 1♥ instead of 3 (34 food points).
  • Sneaking now increases exhaustion by half as much as walking.
  • Player's jump height is increased from 1 316 blocks to 1 416 blocks.
Mob spawning
  • Mobs can no longer spawn inside transparent full solid blocks containing glass and leaves.
  • Mobs can no longer spawn inside non-solid blocks containing rails, powered rails, detector rails, or activator rails, buttons, tripwire hooks, pressure plates, levers, redstone torches, redstone repeaters, redstone comparators, and redstone dust.
  • Pack spawning is less likely to spawn the full pack, and less likely to spread them out.
    • Previously, spawning a pack would start from the center three times and cumulatively adjust the coordinates four times by up to ±5 in X and Z, trying to spawn a mob each time, for a total of twelve spawn attempts (although it stops early if a full pack has spawned). Now that "four times" is a random number 1–4, meaning fewer total spawn attempts and less chance for the attempt coordinates to get far from the pack center.
  • Damage done by tools has been rebalanced:
    • Axes are much stronger but slower, swords and pickaxes are slightly weaker, but swords are faster than axes, shovels are slightly stronger, hoes are the fastest but also the weakest and now take durability damage when attacking.

Error en la secuencia de órdenes: no existe el módulo «Weapon info».

Efectos de estado
  • Status effect icons are now displayed on the HUD on the right hand corner instead of just in the inventory (similar to the pocket edition).
    • They are ordered by the time of infliction from right to left.
    • Positive effects are on the top row and negative effects on the bottom row.
    • Effects that are about to run out blink.
      • They blink faster when they are closer to running out and start fading away.
  • Health Boost effect now shows multiple red hearts instead of the one similar to Regeneration.
  • Absorption effect now shows a single red heart with a yellow outline around it.
  • Nausea effect will now stop instantly when cleared using Milk or with commands.
  • Clerics now sell ender pearls (for 4–7 emeralds) instead of Eyes of Ender.
  • Librarians charge double for books with "treasure" enchantments.
  • Sonido añadido para el viaje del Nether al mundo principal.
  • Los jugadores son invulnerables durante viajes interdimensionales.
  • Cambiado sonido de lluvia.

Formato de comandos

  • /enchant
    • Can now be used on all entities.
  • /gamemode
    • Now displays in chat the gamemode the player switched to.
  • Tab-completed coordinate arguments now become tildes if no block is in focus.
  • /gamerule
    • doMobLoot now drops player's XP when set to false.
    • Setting a gamerule will now report the change: “Game rule <gamerule> has been updated to <value>.”
  • /help
    • Now randomly shows some texts which starts from "Searge says:", when run in a command block. Full list:
      • "Searge says: Ask for help on twitter"
      • "Searge says: Contack helpdesk for help"
      • "Searge says: Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
      • "Searge says: Oh my god, it's full of stats"
      • "Searge says: Scoreboard deleted, commands blocked"
      • "Searge says: Sorry, no help today"
      • "Searge says: Yolo"
      • "Searge says: /achievement take achievement.understandCommands @p"
      • "Searge says: /deop @p"
      • "Searge says: /kill @p[name=!Searge]"
      • "Searge says: /testfornoob @p"
      • "Searge says: /trigger warning"
  • /particle
    • Now has a player parameter to specify which players will see the particleVerificar.
    • Now has a params parameter to specify particle parameters (for iconcrack_, …).
      • params is can used to specify blocks and items for blockdust, iconcrack, and blockcrack.
      • For blockdust and blockcrack, params parameter means (id+(data*4096)).
        • For example, to specify pink wool for these particles, we need to add 24611 at the end of command as a params.
      • For iconcrack, params has two values(id data).
        • For example, /particle iconcrack ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 0.5 100 force @a 35 6 shows iconcrack particles of pink wool.
  • /playsound
    • Now auto-completes itself when pressing TAB.
    • Now has a <source> parameter to specify which sound source to be played as.
Etiquetas NBT
  • All entities
    • Introduced a 1024 tag limit on the amount of strings an entity can have within the Tags tag.
      • If it's surpassed, then it displays an error message saying: "Cannot add more than 1024 tags to an entity."
    • Riding (compound): The "Riding" tag has been removed in favor of the new "Passengers" tag.
  • All items
    • id tag used to convert numerical IDs to name IDs has been removed.
    • /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~ {Team:"RED"} will summon a creeper that is in the red team.
  • CustomNameVisible:true will make the name tag on mobs show in the same way as on players.
  • All mobs
    • HealF tag was replaced by the Health tag, replacing the short-valued tag of that name.
      • e.g. /summon Creeper ~ ~1 ~ {Health:1.0f}
    • Team (string): Applied to mobs to make them be part of teams.
    • DropChances and Equipment (list) tags are no longer used and are replaced with ArmorItems, HandItems, ArmorDropChances and HandDropChances.
  • BlockEntityTag (compound): Now works on shields in addition to banners, to allow for customization.
    • /give @p minecraft:shield 1 0 {BlockEntityTag:{Base:15,Patterns:[{Color:0,Pattern:moj}]}}
    • If you use the /give command to give yourself a shield but don't specify the BlockEntityTag the shield will start with the default texture, but may change colors on entity updates to it if it has other tags.
  • EntityTag (compound) and id (string): Can now be applied to spawn eggs.
    • The resulting mob will spawn with all of the tags.
      • e.g. /give @p minecraft:spawn_egg 1 0 {EntityTag:{id:"Creeper",Fuse:0}}
  • Entity: ThrownPotion
    • The potion will be a lingering potion if the stored item has an ID of minecraft:lingering_potion.
      • e.g. /summon ThrownPotion ~ ~1 ~ {Potion:{id:"minecraft:lingering_potion",tag:{Potion:"minecraft:swiftness"}}}
  • Tile: Mob spawners
    • id (string): Placed directly within the old SpawnData compound.
      • It's essentially the same as EntityId except at a different depth.
      • /setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {SpawnData:{id:"Creeper"}}
    • Entity (compound): The original Properties tag has been replaced by the Entity tag. As well, to define which entity is used, the id tag within "Entity" states the ID.
      • /setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {SpawnPotentials:[{Weight:1,Entity:{id:"Skeleton"}}]}
    • Removed the Type and Properties tags, deprecated the EntityId tag
  • Tile: Sign
    • In order for a sign to accept text, all 4 tags ("Text1", "Text2", "Text3", and "Text4") must exist.
      • e.g. /setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:standing_sign 0 replace {Text1:"[\"1\"]",Text2:"[\"2\"]",Text3:"[\"3\"]",Text4:"[\"4\"]"}
  • CommandStats can be used to obtain the number of "scoreboard tags" an entity has via QueryResult
    • e.g. /scoreboard will return the number of scoreboard tags applied to the target.
      • If the target previously had 3 tags added, a score of "3" is returned upon running this command.
  • Fireball, DragonFireball, SmallFireball and WitherSkull entities
    • direction (list/double): Now requires exactly 3 internal Doubles to be listed in order for the entity to be summoned.
    • power (list): New list of 3 Doubles that determine which direction to shoot in. Unlike "direction" however, the motion does not consider air resistance, causing the fireball to endlessly move in that specified direction. direction is still required, but can be set to 0.
      • /summon Fireball ~ ~1 ~ {power:[0.0,-0.01,0.0],direction:[0.0,0.0,0.0]}
  • Entity: ArmorStand
    • DisabledSlots (integer): Original values have changed in nature
      • 1 << slot = disables all interaction
      • 1 << (slot + 8) = disables removing
      • 1 << (slot + 16) = disables placing
  • The radius selector r now detects based on the position of the entity.
    • This means that r=0 only selects entities at the exact same position.

Generación del mundo

Bonus Chest
  • Now pull loot from multiple pools, and their items were heavily rebalanced.
    • Added raw salmon.
    • Now always contain one wooden or stone axe, one wooden or stone pickaxe, some food, and some wood.
      • Wood can now contain any type of it, rather than just acacia and oak.
    • Now contains more sticks and wood planks.
      • Wood planks can now contain any type of it, rather than just oak.
Desert Temple
  • Desert temple chests now pull loot from multiple pools, and their items were heavily rebalanced.
    • Added spider eyes, gunpowder, string, sand and golden apples.
  • Dungeon chests now pull loot from multiple pools, and their items were heavily rebalanced.
El End
  • A set amount of differently-sized obsidian pillars are arranged in a circular fashion.
    • The second and third shortest pillars have iron bars around their ender crystal to deflect projectiles.
  • The exit portal is pre-generated at the center of the main island, but without the dragon egg and portal blocks.
Portal del End
  • In the 0.0000000001% chance that all 12 frame blocks generate with eyes already present, the portal will now be active.
Jungle bush trees
  • Leaves will no longer replace blocks other than air or leaves when generating the tree.
  • Mineshaft chests now pull loot from multiple pools, and their items were heavily rebalanced.
    • Added name tags, golden apples, torches and powered rails, detector rails and activator rails.
    • Removed saddles and iron horse armor.
Nether Fortress
  • Reduced nether fortress chest loot from 2–5 stacks to 2–4.
Monumentos oceánicos
  • Now require a 16 block square radius of deep ocean, not just a single deep ocean block at the center.
  • Increased number of strongholds to 128 per world, rather than 3.
    • Strongholds will be generated in a ring form.
      • The 1st ring has 3 strongholds within 1408–2688 of the origin
      • The 2nd ring has 6 strongholds within 4480–5760 of the origin
      • The 3rd ring has 10 strongholds within 7552–8832 of the origin
      • The 4th ring has 15 strongholds within 10624–11904 of the origin
      • The 5th ring has 21 strongholds within 13696–14976 of the origin
      • The 6th ring has 28 strongholds within 16768–18048 of the origin
      • The 7th ring has 36 strongholds within 19840–21120 of the origin
      • The 8th ring has 9 strongholds within 22912–24192 of the origin
  • Increased stronghold library chests loot from 1–4 stacks to 2–10.
  • Changed enchanted books rate in stronghold library chests, from groups of 1–5 with weight 2, to single books with weight 10.
  • Large oak trees now generate naturally in forest biomes again.
  • Farms now include beetroot crops.
Witch huts
  • Now always spawn with a witch.


  • Renaming an item does not increase the repair cost for a future repair/rename any more.
Estandartes y carteles
  • Now replace replaceable blocks, instead of trying (and failing) to be placed on them.
Faro mágico
  • Will now drop the items placed in them and will keep the item in the beacon after reloading the world.
  • It will drop any contained item when exiting the GUI.
  • Effect duration depends on pyramid levels, 9 seconds plus 2 seconds per level (formerly a constant 9 seconds).
  • Now immediately activates when placed on valid pyramids.
  • Added sound when placed.
  • The player's body, hand and held item now shows while sleeping.
  • Can no longer drop itself as an item.
Brewing stand
  • Requires blaze powder to be able to use
    • One piece of blaze powder allows for 20 ingredients to be brewed in the brewing stand (tag: Fuel:20b).
      • It removes 1 from fuel (1 blaze powder = 20 fuel) everytime you put an ingredient in. (If you take it out and put it back in, it takes another fuel)
    • Can be automated by putting a hopper feeding in the side of the block like water bottles.
  • Added sound when the brewing finishes.
  • Changed sound when the wooden variant activates.
  • The stone variant now breaks faster with pickaxes.
  • The wooden variant now breaks faster with axes.
  • Will break if lava is adjacent.
  • Cactus on sand will break if water or lava is in the block above.
  • Buckets can now be filled from a full cauldron.
  • Changed sounds when opened and closed.
  • Will now drop itself when cut with shears, enchanted or not.
Command blocks
  • New "repeat" and "chain" variants of command blocks.
    • Have a blue and green texture respectively.
    • The old orange variant is now called "impulse" (see the below section on changes to command blocks, for more info).
  • New textures that now vary depending on what direction they are placed from, similar to dispensers and pistons.
    • It consists of a front, a back and a side texture (looks like arrows), so the orientation can be easily determined.
    • The texture is animated - the colored "buttons" in the middle change color.
    • The middle panel texture has a black outline.
    • Impulse mode (orange): Command is run once on rising edge.
      • Same behavior and color as previous versions.
    • Repeat mode (blue): Command is run every game tick while powered.
      • Like a minecart with command block but faster.
    • Chain mode (green): Command is run whenever another command block pointing into it executes, and the chain command block itself is powered.
      • The chain signal is forwarded until the blocks get out of loaded chunks.
      • The signal is independent of the powered state of any block in the chain, as well as the command (or lack thereof) inside.
    • Each new mode has its own block id and is obtainable with /give and pick block.
  • Power received is now a data tag, allowing command blocks to have such a state under control, independent of any nearby redstone signal.
  • "Unconditional" and "Conditional" toggle.
    • Defaults to unconditional (previous behavior).
    • The back of the arrow texture is curved when the command block is set to conditional.
    • When conditional is set, the command block will only run if the command in the block of the "back" side was successful.
  • "Needs Redstone" and "Always Active" toggle.
    • Needs redstone is the previous behavior (default).
    • Always active causes the command block to behave as if it was powered, even if it is updated.
  • Supports tab auto-completion.
  • Command block contraptions from earlier versions will still work.
  • The "Done" button is now always available to press, even when the command line is empty.
  • Slightly improved drop chances for seeds (average 1 57 per crop harvested instead of 1 35).
  • Slightly improved drop chances for potatoes and carrots (average 2 57 per crop harvested instead of 2 35).
  • Hitbox now changes as the plant grows.
Daylight sensor
  • No longer emits a signal at night when sufficiently shaded.
Dead bushes
  • Now drop 0–2 sticks.
  • Now equip pumpkins on the heads of players, mobs and armor stands.
  • Changed the shading on acacia, birch, dark oak and jungle doors.
  • Are now placed facing left/right depending on which half of the block you click on, unless neighboring doors cause them to place a certain way.
  • Added sounds when placed.
    • Has a different sound between Wooden and Iron.
  • Changed sounds when opened and closed.
    • Has a different sound between Wooden and Iron.
End portal block
  • Hitbox height changed to 0.75 (was 0.0625).
  • Now has an inventory icon.
  • Mobs smaller than 0.512 cubic blocks can no longer turn farmland to dirt by jumping or falling on it.
  • Changed sound when tilled with a hoe.
Fence Gate
  • Changed sounds when opened and closed.
  • The block states flip and alt were removed, and the integer state upper was re-implemented as the byte state up.
    • This reduced the number of states representing fire from 3072 to 512.
  • Fire goes out less often under the rain.
    • The chance of going out each fire tick is reduced from 100% to 20–65%, depending on the age property.
  • Added sound when smelting items.
Glass pane
  • Glass panes without any connecting blocks are now 2x2 pixels in footprint.
    • This is compared to the big cross configuration that was default.
Bala de heno
  • Falling onto a hay bale does only 20% of normal fall damage.
    • The furthest the player can fall, and live, without armor, is 100.27 blocks.
    • The furthest the player can fall with feather falling is 169.19 blocks.
  • Water produced by melting ice now flows.
  • Glass panes/iron bars without any connecting blocks are now 2x2 pixels in footprint.
  • Texture of a side-ways oriented bar now includes an edge texture.
  • Can be placed on ice and frosted ice.
  • Collision box was raised from 14 of a pixel to 1 pixel in height.
  • Added sound when placed.
Verruga del Nether
  • Hitbox now changes as the plant grows.
Note block
  • Their powered state is now controlled through the powered tag (like command blocks), so it can now be activated independent of any nearby redstone signal.
  • Unextended pistons, downwards-facing pistons, and upwards-facing piston extensions are now considered to have a solid top surface, like upside-down stairs and top-half slabs.
    • Among other things, this means mobs can now spawn on them.
Cross shaped plants
  • UV flips on the back side
Pressure plates
  • Now have a slightly thinner item model.
  • Changed sounds for the iron, gold and wooden variants when activated.
  • Hitbox for redstone is now smaller based on the connections, similarly to fences
Bloque de redstone
  • Will now update adjacent blocks' power state correctly.
Comparador de redstone
  • Side inputs now take power from redstone blocks.
  • Are now rotated 90° in the inventory.
Caña de azúcar
  • No longer breaks if water adjacent to it is turned into frosted ice.
  • The texture is no longer randomly rotated.
  • Explosion damage decreased to (impact×impact+impact)×7×power+1.
  • No longer require supporting blocks.
    • Therefore they can be moved by pistons freely.
  • An open trapdoor may be climbed like a ladder if it is directly above a ladder and on the same side of the block.
  • Changed sounds when opened and closed.
    • Has a different sound per material.
Trapped chest
  • Now appears in the Redstone tab of the Creative inventory instead of Decoration Blocks.
  • Changed sounds when opened and closed.
  • Crafting recipe is now shapeless.
Tripwire and tripwire hooks
  • Removed the distinction between "suspended" and "non-suspended": formerly, tripwire would only work if the whole stretch and both hooks were all above solid blocks or all not above solid blocks.
  • No longer shows the flowing animation when directly adjacent to glass.


  • Now show armor points in tooltips.
    • Can be edited using generic.armor attribute.
  • Armor protects less overall:
    • Armor points count for less as the attack strength increases: each Plantilla:Health done by the attack reduces the effective defense points by Plantilla:Armor, but not below 20% of the armor points.
  • Added sound when equipped.
    • Has a different sound per material.
  • New offensive axe attack:
    • Hitting another player who is blocking with a shield has a chance to disable the player's shield for 5 seconds.
      • 25% base chance, plus 5 percentage points for each level of Efficiency on the axe, plus 75 percentage points if sprinting.
  • Added Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak variants.
    • The previous "Boat" is now called "Oak Boat".
      • Has a new texture, with a paddle on it.
    • Crafted from 5 same variant wood planks, with the shape just as it was before.
  • Añadido sonido al llenarse con agua.
  • Ahora muestra una animación de como se prepara la flecha en la hotbar/inventory.
  • Arrows in the off hand are prioritized over arrows in the rest of the inventory slots.
  • Filled buckets now replace single snow layers when used on the top, instead of placing the water or lava in the air above the snow layer.
  • Added sounds when filling and emptying water and lava.
Enchanted golden apple
  • Ahora tienesPlantilla:EffectLink II por 20 segundos (heal Plantilla:Health in total) y Plantilla:EffectLink IV por 2 minutos (providing 16♥ × 8 points of absorption health).
  • Ahora no son fabricables.
Perla de ender
  • Ahora se pueden lanzar en modo creativo.
  • Tiene un cooldown (tiempo de recarga) cada vez que se usa.
  • Esto es visible en la ranura del objeto, se muestra una especie de "mancha blanca" que va descendiendo. (Similar a la de un escudo golpeado o una fruta de coral).
Caña de pescar
  • Casting fishing rods now has an animation in the hotbar/inventory.
  • Can now hook on entities without causing knockback or pseudo-damage.
  • Now take damage while attacking with them.
  • Ahora aparece pequeño al colocarse en la mano secundaria, o si esta está sosteniendo otro objeto.
    • The (old) large version is only visible when held in the dominant hand with both hands free.
  • Added sound when made.
  • Mixed potions' colors now blend.
  • An NBT Potion tag is used instead of numeric metadata to differentiate the types of potions.
    • e.g. /give <target> minecraft:potion 1 0 {Potion:"minecraft:swiftness"}.
  • Added Mundane, Thick and Awkward potions to the creative inventory.
  • Glowstone dust or redstone can no longer be added to extended or tier-II potions respectively.
  • Most recipes for the potion of Plantilla:EffectLink were removed (see: brewing for all the removed recipes).
  • Extended potion of Plantilla:EffectLink, extended potion of Plantilla:EffectLink and potion of Plantilla:EffectLink II had their durations reduced.
  • Potion of Plantilla:EffectLink changed from 130% bonus damage to 3♥♥, i.e. an absolute bonus rather than a relative one.
  • Potion of Plantilla:EffectLink changed from 0.5 (♥ × 14) reduction to damage to 4♥♥.
  • Now travel much faster (like other projectiles) when being shot from dispensers.
  • Now have a separate data value and ID name from regular potions.
  • Are no longer be able to be enchanted with Silk Touch.[5]
  • Now lose durability when used to break any block (formerly only lost durability on leaves, web, grass, vines, tripwire, and wool).
  • Now cutting a cobweb block will always drop a cobweb rather than string.
  • Can no longer be used for blocking.
    • Function replaced by shields.
  • New defensive sword "sweep" attack when swinging the sword while crouching or standing.
    • Mobs near the one hit (bounding box expanded by 1 block horizontally and 0.25 vertically) and within 3 blocks of the attacker are knocked back and receive 1♥ damage.
    • The knockback inflicted is 80% of that done by the knockback I enchantment.
      • Using the knockback enchantment only affects the mobs/players that were hit.
    • Creates a sweep attack particle.
    • Plays sound when sweeped.


Todas las criaturas
  • Have a 5% chance to spawn left-handed.
    • Mobs able to hold items will hold them according to their dominant hand.
    • Mobs have both main hand and offhand slots, both of which can be edited independently.
  • Give off brown heart particles when hurt.
    • The amount of particles depends on the damage dealt.
  • Mobs no longer reset their AI when hit.
  • Mobs now avoid cacti and fire (except blazes which do not avoid fire).
  • Entities bunched up in a 1x1 hole together no longer push away entities touching adjacent corners
  • Improved path finding
  • Most mobs (zombies, zombie pigmen, slimes, magma cubes, wither skeletons, spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites) now fight back when hit by other mobs.
  • Knockback no longer changes the Y-axis speed of flying and falling mobs.
Criaturas pasivas
  • When following a player holding food, will now path around water if possible.
  • When panicking and on fire, will try to get to a water block within ±5 blocks horizontally and ±4 blocks vertically.
Vacas y champiñacas
  • Are slightly taller (1.4 blocks tall rather than 1.3).
Creepers, esqueletos y zombis
  • Must be closer to notice players wearing the corresponding mob head.
    • Specifically, their detection range is reduced to be half of the normal range.
      • This reduction stacks with the reductions from sneaking and invisibility.
Ocelotes y lobos domesticados
  • Deaths (and killers) are now announced to their owners in chat, even if unnamed.
  • No longer fly away from creative gamemode players.
  • Can be led and bred with melon, pumpkin, and beetroot seeds, in addition to regular seeds.
  • Added sound when milked.
  • Are slightly shorter (1.7 blocks tall rather than 1.8).
  • No longer drop music discs if the game rule doMobLoot is false.
  • Explosion damage decreased to (impact×impact+impact)×7×power+1.
Elder guardian
  • Drop chances for raw fish and prismarine crystals changed again. Now it's a 50% chance of fish and a 33% chance of crystals with the amount increased by Looting. Formerly it was a 33% chance of raw fish with a 33% chance of crystals only if the raw fish drop failed, with Looting increasing the chances but not the amount.
  • Can be respawned by placing one End Crystal on each side of the exit portal at any one of the three blocks of that side.
    • While respawning, beams shoot out of these crystals, that will reset all the pillars and when done they blow up and spawn the dragon.
    • Subsequent dragons will spawn new gateways up to a total of 20, but won't create new dragon eggs and will only drop 500 experience.
    • When the dragon is respawned, the circle of pillars and the crystals reappear.
      • Explosion particles appear on the tops of the pillars as they are being rebuilt.
  • The fight has been changed to be more similar to the one on the console edition.
  • No longer take damage from snowballs, eggs or fishing rods.
  • Its attacks have been changed:
    • The "charge" attack has been given a great amount of knockback.
    • Breathes fire/purple particles (called "dragon breath") while on top of the portal.
      • During the attack, it knockbacks and damages all players on all angles in the vicinity (as if hitting with other body parts).
        • Immediately charges the player right after.
      • Right clicking the dragon's breath cloud with an empty bottle will turn in into dragon breath.
        • It is used to transform splash potions into lingering potions
    • Shoots special projectiles at the player called "ender acid".
      • These produce a dragon breath cloud on impact and light the ground on fire.
    • While on top of the portal arrows will bounce back and be set on fire.
  • NBT tags can determine the dragon's phase.
  • Its AI was changed:
    • It sometimes returns to the center of the island to "perch" on top of the portal and shoot dragon breath.
      • It charges right after.
    • Defends the obsidian pillars more, the further the fight progresses.
    • Flies back to the portal once it gets killed, to complete its animation.
  • No longer teleports through Nether portals or End portals.
  • Can no longer ride anything.
  • Can no longer have status effects.
  • Summoning it with /summon will now stay in the same position no matter what.
    • Unlike summoning a dragon with {NoAI:1b}, it will still flap its wings.
    • These dragons do not show their boss health bar, nor do they take damage from any attack other than /kill
  • Remain aggravated towards the player despite being in contact with water.
  • Drop the block they were holding when killed.
  • Can no longer pick blocks from behind walls.
  • Avoids water
  • Have a punch animation identical to the Pocket Edition
  • Drop chances for raw fish and prismarine crystals changed. Now it's a 40% chance of fish and a 40% chance of crystals, with the amount increased by Looting. Formerly it was a 33% chance of raw fish with a 33% chance of crystals only if the raw fish drop failed, with Looting increasing the chances but not the amount.
  • Added sound when attacked with the thorns.
  • Added "skeleton trap" horses. When a player approaches to within 10 blocks, the following will happen:
    • The SkeletonTrap flag is cleared.
    • Lightning strikes the horse.
    • The horse will become skeletal if it isn't already.
    • The horse becomes tame.
    • The horse becomes fully grown (if a baby) and the breeding cooldown is reset.
    • A skeleton is spawned riding the horse.
      • The skeleton has damage immunity for 3 seconds.
      • The skeleton will not despawn (PersistenceRequired is set).
      • The skeleton will be wearing an iron helmet, unless it randomly spawned with some other headgear.
      • The skeleton's bow and helmet will be enchanted as if on an enchantment table at level 5–22.
        • The level is higher depending on regional difficulty; on Easy it will always be a level-5 enchantment.
    • Three additional skeletal horses with riders will be spawned in the vicinity.
  • Now rotates with the player.
  • Added sound when fed.
  • Added sound when donkeys are chested.
  • Are less wide (now 1.3964844 blocks instead of 1.4)
Gólem de hierro
  • Are slightly shorter (2.7 blocks tall rather than 2.9).
  • All newly spawned iron golems have 100% knockback resistance.
Conejito asesino
  • Se ha añadido un sonido para cuando ataca.
Magma Cube
  • Changed sound when jumping
  • No longer run away from creative gamemode players.
  • Can be led and bred with potatoes and beetroots, in addition to carrots.
  • Smaller than before.
  • Chance to drop the rare drop, rabbit's foot, is 4× what it was before.
  • Now only spawn in deserts, flower forests, taiga, mega taiga, cold taiga, ice plains, ice mountains, ice plains spikes, and "hills" and "M" variants of these biomes. Even in these biomes, spawn chance is somewhat reduced (weight 4 out of 44–52 rather than 10 out of 50–58).
    • Can now spawn on sand.
  • Rabbits are faster when panicking.
  • Rabbits no longer prefer begging for food to mating.
  • Non-killer rabbits now avoid players within 8 blocks and most hostile mobs within 4 blocks (except slimes, magma cubes, and ghasts), and move faster when doing so. Also, avoidance range for wolves was reduced from 16 to 10 blocks.
    • No longer run away from creative gamemode players.
  • Health reduced to Plantilla:Health.
  • Naturally-spawned rabbit's skin depends on the biome. When breeding rabbits, there is a 5% chance the baby will match the biome rather than either parent.
    • In a snowy biome, 80% white and 20% black & white.
    • In a desert or desert hills, 100% gold.
    • Otherwise, 50% brown, 40% salt & pepper, 10% black.
  • MoreCarrotTicks no longer has any effect.
    • When destroying crops, MoreCarrotTicks is set to 40 rather than 100.
  • Destroying carrot crops now reduces the growth stage by 1 level, only removing the crop block entirely if the growth stage was 0.
  • No longer enter into blocks if the game rule mobGriefing is false.
  • Added more sounds when idling.
  • Have an animation for lifting up and drawing back their bow when becoming hostile.
  • Skeletons can now walk, strafe and shoot at the same time.
    • They walk away from players that are too close and towards players that are too far.
      • They will also sprint towards the player when very far away.
  • Now can spawn riding "skeletal horses" through the new "skeleton trap" horse.
  • Are slightly taller (1.99 blocks tall rather than 1.95).
  • No longer find shade to hide under if equipped with a helmet.
  • Added sound when attacking.
Gólem de nieve
  • No longer leave a trail of snow if the game rule mobGriefing is false.
  • Added sounds when they die, and get damaged.
  • Pocket Edition derpy version dubbed "derp mode".
    • Using shears on a snow golem will remove the pumpkin head.
    • Takes 1 durability of the shear.
    • The pumpkin is not dropped.
  • Are slightly smaller (0.8 blocks square rather than 0.95).
  • Added sounds when they idle, die, and get damaged.
  • Farmer villagers now harvest beetroot.
  • Are slightly taller (1.95 blocks tall rather than 1.8).
  • Added sounds when they idle, die, drink potions, get damaged and throw potions.
  • No longer teleports through Nether portals or End portals.
Esqueleto Wither
  • Are slightly smaller (2.4 blocks tall and 0.7 blocks wide rather than 2.535 blocks tall and 0.72 blocks wide).
  • Are slightly taller (0.85 blocks tall rather than 0.8).
  • Collar when tamed is now red, as it had been in releases before 1.8, rather than orange.
  • Now lift their arms slightly when becoming hostile.
  • Zombie villagers now have different textures based on the profession and career of the original villager.
    • The profession is restored once cured but not its trades.
Hombrecerdo zombi
  • Now lift their arms slightly when becoming hostile, like regular zombies.
  • Now attack in groups when fighting other mobs.

Otras entidades

Soporte para armaduras
  • Ahora se pueden generar para las dos manos con comandos.
  • Ahora se tambalea ligeramente al ser golpeado.
  • Se han añadido sonidos para cuando se coloque, se golpee, se rompa o caiga.
  • Ahora rebotan en los jugadores en modo creativo, antes los atravesaban.
  • Ahora se ven influenciadas por el movimiento de quien la lanza. Por ejemplo, si un jugador en una vagoneta lanza una flecha, esta irá más rápido en relación al suelo y más lenta si lo hace hacia atrás. Si se dispara hacia un lateral le velocidad será la misma que la de la vagoneta.
  • Ahora las flechas que reboten (por ejemplo, contra un escudo) pueden recuperarse ya que se convertirán en objetos como recursos.
Vagonetas con bloques de comandos
  • Ahora tienen la nueva textura del bloque de comandos.
  • Ahora se puede pulsar el botón de aceptar aunque no haya ningún comando.
  • Se han añadido barcas para todos los tipos de madera: roble, abeto, abedul, de jungla, acacia y roble oscuro.
    • Se pueden fabricar de la misma forma, pero deben coincidir los tipos de madera.
    • Cuando se destruye suelta madera del tipo correspondiente.
  • Se ha cambiado el método en el que se envía el movimiento y este se procesa por el servidor, reduciendo la desincronización entre cliente y servidor.
  • Ahora va más rápido por el agua y no se destruye al llegar a la orilla.
  • Ahora los remos van añadidos a la barca
  • Ahora se puede girar con izquierda y derecha.
    • Ya no funciona el ratón.
    • Ahora al utilizar el ratón se puede mirar 90 grados a derecha e izquierda, pero no hacia atrás.
    • Ahora no pasa nada al pulsar la tecla de correr.
  • El jugador no puede utilizar ni atacar con objetos mientras está en movimiento en la barca.
    • La mano del jugador (y sus objetos) no se verán mientras está navegando.
  • El jugador bajará sobre tierra si es posible.
  • Ahora se pueden incluir criaturas (excepto el Enderdragón) y soportes para armaduras en las barcas; hasta un máximo de dos (incluyendo al jugador).
  • Ahora, cuando cae agua sobre la barca, esta se hundirá en lugar de flotar como hacía antes.
  • Ahora no sufren daños las criaturas sensibles al agua en una barca, ni protege a las que sufren por los rayos del sol.
  • Ya no se ve agua en el interior de la barca.
  • Se han añadido sonidos que se reproducen al colocarlos.
  • Se han añadido sonidos que se reproducen al colocar y destruir un marco o al añadir, quitar o rotar un objeto de su interior.
  • Se han añadido sonidos que se reproducen al usar la rienda y atarla a una valla.
  • Los rayos que impacten pueden generar una "skeleton trap" style skeletal horses.
    • La probabilidad se calcula a partir de la dificultad regional: 5% * la dificultad regional básica.
      • Una probabilidad de entre el 3,75 y el 7,5% en fácil, 7,5 y 20% en normal y 11,25 y 33,75% en difícil.
  • Ahora no destruyen marcos, riendas, cuadros ni soportes para armaduras.
  • Se han añadido sonidos que se reproducen al colocar y destruir un cuadro.
  • Se ha alterado la ruta de los proyectiles.[6]
  • Ahora se ven influenciadas por el movimiento de quien la lanza. Por ejemplo, si un jugador en una vagoneta lanza una flecha, esta irá más rápido en relación al suelo y más lenta si lo hace hacia atrás. Si se dispara hacia un lateral le velocidad será la misma que la de la vagoneta.
Bola de fuego pequeña
  • Ya no daña las entidades inmunes.



  • Esta ha sido la actualización que más tiempo ha tenido a la comunidad en espera, 545 días desde el lanzamiento de la 1.8 el 2 de septiembre de 2014.
    • Hasta la fecha, las que más tiempo tardaron fueron de la 1.7.2 a la 1.8 (con 312 días) y de la 1.2.1 a la 1.3.1 (con 153 días).
    • 2015 fue el primer año en el que no se publicó ninguna actualización importante para Minecraft.
  • Esta ha sido la actualización importante que mayor desarrollo ha conllevado, comenzando desde antes de la Bountiful Update y durando 576 días.
  • This was also the longest span of time between the release of a major update to Minecraft and a snapshot for the next major update, with 330 days having elapsed between the release of 1.8 on September 2, 2014, and 15w31a on July 29, 2015.
  • Esta ha sido la actualización con más snapshots, un total de 56.
    • Hasta la fecha, la que más snapshots tuvieron fueron la 1.8 (52 snapshots) y la 1.3.1 (19 snapshots).


