Minecraft Wiki

Un Brotador de amatista es un bloque encontrado en las geodas de amatista.



Los brotadores de amatista no pueden obtenerse al minarse, ni con Toque de seda. Se romperá inmediatamente si es empujada por un pistón o pistón pegajoso, y no pueden ser retraídos por pistones pegajosos.

Generación natural[]

Se generan naturalmente en las geodas de amatistas como parte de la capa interior de bloques de amatista.


En un tiempo determinado, los brotadores de amatista generan cúmulos de amatistas en cualquiera de sus lados mientras estén cubiertos exclusivamente por aire o agua.


SonidoSubtítulosFuenteDescripciónUbicación de
Clave de
VolumenTonoDistancia de
None[sound 1]?A quiet overlay sound that plays when interacting with the amethyst blocks.block.amethyst_block.chimeNone[sound 1]???
Ninguno[sound 2]?Falling on the block with fall damageblock.amethyst_block.fallNinguna[sound 3]???
Block breaking?Mining the blockblock.amethyst_block.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit???
Footsteps?Walking on the blockblock.amethyst_block.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps???
Block placed?Placing the blockblock.amethyst_block.placesubtitles.block.generic.place???
Block broken?Breaking the blockblock.amethyst_block.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break???

Valores de datos[]


Java Edition:

Name Namespaced ID Block tags (JE) Item form? Translation key
Brotador de amatista budding_amethyst crystal_sound_blocks Yes block.minecraft.budding_amethyst


May 21, 2009Notch mentioned crystal blocks as a potential block type which can be found in the underground.
October 3, 2020Amethyst-related blocks are shown at Minecraft Live 2020. It was mentioned that, like with generadores de criaturas, blocks that generate amethysts would not be movable by survival means, forcing players to build farms in situ for these resources.
Java Edition
1.1720w45aBudding Amethyst JE1 Added budding amethyst.
20w46aBudding Amethyst JE2 The texture of budding amethyst has now been changed.
20w48aBudding Amethyst JE3 BE1 The texture of budding amethyst has now been changed again.